首页 > 解决方案 > 实现散列 ADT 时发生读取访问冲突



在 Dictionary.exe 中的 0x006BEE72 处引发异常:0xC0000005:访问冲突读取位置 0xCDCDCE7D。抛出未处理的异常:读取访问冲突。 endEntry为 0xCDCDCDCD。

HashedEntry.h 的第 41 行出现错误,如下所示:

   while (endEntry->nextPtr != nullptr) // <---- error gets triggered here
       endEntry = endEntry->nextPtr;


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cassert>
#include "HashedDictionary.h"

using namespace std;

struct FamousPerson {
    string id;
    char taxStatus;
    string lastname;
    string firstname;
    int age;
    string street;
    string zip;

void readOnePerson(istream& infile, FamousPerson& readMe);

// the insertion operator overload is just here so that the HashedDictionary
// display function can use it to print FamousPerson objects.
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const FamousPerson& printMe);

int main() {
    HashedDictionary<string, FamousPerson> h;
    FamousPerson tempPerson;
    ifstream infile("famous.txt");

    readOnePerson(infile, tempPerson);
    while (infile) {
        h.add(tempPerson.lastname, tempPerson);
        cout << tempPerson << endl;
        readOnePerson(infile, tempPerson);


ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const FamousPerson& printMe) {
    out << printMe.id << " ";
    out << printMe.taxStatus << " ";
    out << printMe.lastname << " ";
    out << printMe.firstname << " ";
    out << printMe.age << " ";
    out << printMe.street << " ";
    out << printMe.zip;
    return out;

void readOnePerson(istream& infile, FamousPerson& readMe) {
    infile >> readMe.id;
    infile >> readMe.taxStatus;
    infile >> readMe.lastname;
    infile >> readMe.firstname;
    infile >> readMe.age;
    infile >> readMe.street;
    infile >> readMe.zip;


/** A class of entry objects for a hashing implementation of the
    ADT dictionary.
 @file HashedEntry.h */


#include "Entry.h"

template<class KeyType, class ItemType>
class HashedEntry : public Entry<KeyType, ItemType>
   HashedEntry<KeyType, ItemType>* nextPtr;

        nextPtr = nullptr;
   HashedEntry(ItemType newEntry, KeyType itemKey):Entry<KeyType,ItemType>(newEntry, itemKey)
       nextPtr = nullptr;
   HashedEntry(ItemType newEntry, KeyType itemKey, HashedEntry<KeyType, ItemType>* nextEntryPtr) :Entry<KeyType, ItemType>(newEntry, itemKey)
       nextPtr = nextEntryPtr;
   void setNext(HashedEntry<KeyType, ItemType>* nextEntryPtr)
       HashedEntry<KeyType, ItemType>* newEntry = nextPtr;
       HashedEntry<KeyType, ItemType>* endEntry = nextEntryPtr;

       while (endEntry->nextPtr != nullptr)
           endEntry = endEntry->nextPtr;
       endEntry->nextPtr = nextEntryPtr;
       endEntry = nullptr;
       nextPtr = nextEntryPtr;
   HashedEntry<KeyType, ItemType>* getNext() const
       return nextPtr;
}; // end HashedEntry

//#include "HashedEntry.cpp"


#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>

#include "DictionaryInterface.h"
#include "HashedEntry.h"


using namespace std;

template< class KeyType, class ItemType>
class HashedDictionary : public DictionaryInterface<KeyType, ItemType>
    HashedEntry<KeyType, ItemType>** hashTable;
    int itemCount; // Count of dictionary entries
    int hashTableSize; // Table size must be prime
    static const int DEFAULT_SIZE = 101;

    int hFunction(const KeyType& x) const
        int num = Hrule(x) % hashTableSize;
        return num;

    int Hrule(const KeyType& ph) const
        int numForm = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < ph.length(); i++)
            numForm = numForm * 128 + ph[i];

        return numForm;

        itemCount = 0;
        hashTableSize = DEFAULT_SIZE;
        hashTable = new HashedEntry<KeyType, ItemType> * [DEFAULT_SIZE];

    HashedDictionary(int newHTableSize)
        hashTableSize = newHTableSize;
        itemCount = 0;
        hashTable = new HashedEntry<KeyType, ItemType> * [newHTableSize];

    bool isEmpty() const
        return itemCount == 0;

    int getNumberOfItems() const
        return itemCount;

    bool add(const KeyType& searchKey, const ItemType& newItem)
        // Create entry to add to dictionary
        HashedEntry<KeyType, ItemType>* entryToAddPtr =
            new HashedEntry<KeyType, ItemType>(newItem, searchKey);

        // Compute the hashed index into the array
        int itemHashIndex = getHashIndex(searchKey);

        // Add the entry to the chain at itemHashIndex
        if (hashTable[itemHashIndex] == nullptr)
            hashTable[itemHashIndex] = entryToAddPtr;
            hashTable[itemHashIndex] = entryToAddPtr;

        return true;

    bool remove(const KeyType& searchKey)
        bool itemFound = false;

        // Compute the hashed index into the array
        int itemHashIndex = getHashIndex(searchKey);
        if (hashTable[itemHashIndex] != nullptr)
            // Special case - first node has target
            if (searchKey == hashTable[itemHashIndex]->getKey())
                HashedEntry<KeyType, ItemType>* entryToRemovePtr =
                hashTable[itemHashIndex] = hashTable[itemHashIndex]->getNext();
                delete entryToRemovePtr;
                entryToRemovePtr = nullptr; // For safety
                itemFound = true;
            else // Search the rest of the chain
                HashedEntry<KeyType, ItemType>* prevPtr = hashTable[itemHashIndex];
                HashedEntry<KeyType, ItemType>* curPtr = prevPtr->getNext();
                while ((curPtr != nullptr) && !itemFound)
                    // Found item in chain so remove that node
                    if (searchKey == curPtr->getKey())
                        delete curPtr;
                        curPtr = nullptr; // For safety
                        itemFound = true;
                    else // Look at next entry in chain
                        prevPtr = curPtr;
                        curPtr = curPtr->getNext();

        return itemFound;

    void clear()
        for (int i = 0; i < hashTableSize; i++)
            while (hashTable[i] != nullptr)
                HashedEntry<KeyType,ItemType>* delPtr = hashTable[i];
                hashTable[i] = hashTable[i]->getNext();
                delete delPtr;
                delPtr= nullptr;
        itemCount = 0;

    ItemType getItem(const KeyType& itemKey) const
        int itemHashIndex = getHashIndex(itemKey);
        HashedEntry<KeyType,ItemType>* chainPtr = hashTable[itemHashIndex];
        while((chainPtr != nullptr) && itemKey != chainPtr->getKey())
            chainPtr = chainPtr->getNext();
        if (chainPtr == nullptr)
            return chainPtr->getItem();

    bool contains(const KeyType& searchKey) const
        int ItemHashIndex = getHashIndex(searchKey);
        HashedEntry<KeyType, ItemType>* chainPtr = hashTable[ItemHashIndex];
        while ((chainPtr != nullptr) && (searchKey != chainPtr->getKey()))
            chainPtr = chainPtr->getNext();
        return (chainPtr != nullptr);

    //Working on getHashIndex and display

    int getHashIndex(const KeyType& itemKey) const

        return hFunction(itemKey);
        int i = 0;
        int key = itemKey[i] * 32;

        while (isalpha(itemKey[i]))
            key = (key + itemKey[i]) & DEFAULT_SIZE;
            key *= 32;

        return key % DEFAULT_SIZE;*/

    void display()
        int i = 0;
        while (i < hashTableSize)
            if (hashTable[i] != nullptr)
                HashedEntry<KeyType, ItemType>* nextEntry = hashTable[i];

                while (nextEntry != nullptr)
                    cout << nextEntry->getItem() << " ";
                    nextEntry = nextEntry->getNext();

                cout << endl;
                nextEntry = nullptr;
                delete nextEntry;



/** A class of entry objects for an array-based implementation of the ADT dictionary.
    Listing 18-2.
 @file Entry.h */

#ifndef _ENTRY
#define _ENTRY

template <class KeyType, class ItemType>
class Entry
   ItemType item;
   KeyType searchKey;

    void setKey(const KeyType& itemKey)
        searchKey = itemKey;

        item = ItemType();
        searchKey = KeyType();
   Entry(ItemType newEntry, KeyType itemKey)
       item = newEntry;
       searchKey = itemKey;
   ItemType getItem() const
       return item;
   KeyType getKey() const
       return searchKey;
   void setItem(const ItemType& newEntry)
       item = newEntry;
}; // end Entry

//#include "Entry.cpp"



template<class KeyType, class ItemType>
class DictionaryInterface 

   /** Sees whether this dictionary is empty.
    @return True if the dictionary is empty;
       otherwise returns false. */
   virtual bool isEmpty() const = 0;

   /** Gets the number of items in this dictionary.
    @return The number of items in the dictionary. */
   virtual int getNumberOfItems() const = 0;

   /** Inserts an item into this dictionary according to the item’s search key.
    @pre  The search key of the new item differs from all search
       keys presently in the dictionary.
    @post  If the insertion is successful, newItem is in its
       proper position within the dictionary.
    @param searchKey  The search key associated with the item to be inserted.
    @param newItem  The item to add to the dictionary.
    @return  True if item was successfully added, or false if not. */
   virtual bool add(const KeyType& searchKey, const ItemType& newItem) = 0;

   /** Removes an item with the given search key from this dictionary.
    @post  If the item whose search key equals searchKey existed in the dictionary, 
       the item was removed.
    @param searchKey  The search key of the item to be removed.
    @return  True if the item was successfully removed, or false if not. */
   virtual bool remove(const KeyType& searchKey) = 0;

   /** Removes all entries from this dictionary. */
   virtual void clear() = 0;

   /** Retrieves an item with a given search key from a dictionary.
    @post  If the retrieval is successful, the item is returned.
    @param searchKey  The search key of the item to be retrieved.
    @return  The item associated with the search key.
    @throw  NotFoundException if the item does not exist. */
   virtual ItemType getItem(const KeyType& searchKey) const = 0;

   /** Sees whether this dictionary contains an item with a given
       search key.
    @post  The dictionary is unchanged.
    @param searchKey  The search key of the item to be retrieved.
    @return  True if an item with the given search key exists in the dictionary. */
   virtual bool contains(const KeyType& searchKey) const = 0;

   /** Traverses this dictionary and calls a given client function once for each item.
    @post  The given function’s action occurs once for each item in the
       dictionary and possibly alters the item.
    @param visit A client function. */
   //virtual void traverse(void visit(ItemType&)) const = 0;
}; // end DictionaryInterface


标签: c++classpointershashadt

