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I've been stuck on this problem for a day now and was wondering if there's a way I could go about this.

client side

Client side is going to be dynamic since it's an app type plugin. The client side will open up a popup for oAuth purposes. Let's say its domain is www.google.com I have the popup written like window.open('www.backend.com/api') in ReactJS.

The client button is something like this:

<button onClick={() => iveBeenClicked()}> sync up </button>

and then it runs this function

const iveBeenClicked = (e) => {
const popupWindow = window.open('www.backend.com/api', "_blank")


oAuth and backend with ExpressJS

This is the backend which we'll say is www.backend.com/api

router.use("/api", (req, res) => {

  if (req.query.code) {
  } else {

Well I have the code I want, but how can I send that to the client from a different domain? If there's an alternative to window.open() where a user could press accept, please let me know.

So the big question is, how can client receive data from window.open's popup?

Thank you in advance!


So I finally got it thanks to @vishal-bartakke 's suggestion which I realized I implemented it wrong. I'm going to supply it here just in case it will help anyone that comes across this post.

for the ivebeenclicked() function in client side:

const iveBeenClicked = (e) => {
const popupWindow = window.open('www.backend.com/api', "_blank")

//this is the part that was needed to receive the information of success
window.addEventListener('message', (e) => {
if (e.data) {
//do what you need to do with that key

in my expressjs's file:

router.use(['/api/', '/api/page?'], (req, res) => {

  if (req.query.token) {
    res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname +'/thatHTMLpage.html'))
  } else {
    res.redirect(`that route that does the oauth`)

In that html created upon success, I added this code to send in the data

      window.onload = function () {
        let urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
        window.opener.postMessage(urlParams.get("code"), "*");

It is quite a messy setup but it works how I want it. Thanks!

标签: node.jsreactjsexpressoauthwindow.open


您可以使用 postMessage (在此处查看)在窗口之间进行通信。在子窗口中,您可以参考父窗口window.opener来发布消息,在父窗口中您可以发布popupWindow消息
