首页 > 解决方案 > Microsoft Word:选择并转到 InlineShape


我的 Word 文档中的宏遍历所有图形(内联形状)并更新链接和值。目前,文档在“请稍候”表单对话框后面的整个过程中冻结。理想情况下,我会让代码在整个文档中移动,以向用户展示实际正在发生的事情。


Private Sub UpdateFields()

PleaseWait.bar.Width = 0

' This routine sets the new path for external links, pointing them to the current folder.
Dim Rng As Range, Fld As Field, Shp As Shape, iShp As InlineShape, i As Long

Dim no_of_steps As Integer
Dim single_step_width As Integer
no_of_steps = 0

With ThisDocument
    ' Create progress bar
    ' a) Count total number of steps
    For Each Rng In .StoryRanges
        For Each iShp In Rng.InlineShapes
            no_of_steps = no_of_steps + 1
        Next iShp
    Next Rng

    ' b) Divide full width of progress frame by number of steps
    single_step_width = PleaseWait.frame.Width \ no_of_steps

    ' Go through all story ranges in the document.
    For Each Rng In .StoryRanges
        ' Go through the inlineshapes in the story range.
        For Each iShp In Rng.InlineShapes
            With iShp
                ' Skip over inlineshapes that don't have links to external files.
                If Not .LinkFormat Is Nothing Then
                    With .LinkFormat
                        ' Skip links already set to current folder
                        If Not .SourceFullName = ThisDocument.Path & "\datagrunnlag.xlsm" Then
                            ' Replace the link to the external file
                            .SourceFullName = ThisDocument.Path & "\datagrunnlag.xlsm"
                            On Error Resume Next
                            .AutoUpdate = False
                            On Error GoTo 0
                        End If
                    End With
                End If
                ' Update progress bar with completed step
                PleaseWait.bar.Width = PleaseWait.bar.Width + single_step_width
                End With
        Next iShp
    Next Rng

End With
End Sub

编辑 05.12.2020:在子目录中添加了所有代码。ScreenUpdating = False 和 True 由 MacroEntry 和 MacroExit 的单独子设置。

标签: vbams-word


那将是一个非常糟糕的主意。使用 Selection 对象只会进一步减慢操作,并让用户诅咒你。


