首页 > 解决方案 > MySQL 连接抛出“给 mysql_stmt_precheck 的未知准备语句处理程序 (0)”错误


我创建了一个 macOS 应用程序来学习和测试本地 MySQL 连接。

我通过 Homebrew 安装了 MySQL。


我尝试使用不存在的数据库名称连接服务器,MySQL 抛出Unknown database 'test'


Unknown prepared statement handler (0) given to mysql_stmt_precheck


import PerfectHTTP
import PerfectHTTPServer
import PerfectMySQL
import Foundation

public class DB {

    let host = ""
    let user = "root"
    let password = "12345678"
    let database = "pets"
    func databaseConnect(host: String, user: String, password: String, db: String) -> MySQL {
        let mysql = MySQL() // Create an instance of MySQL to work with
        let connected = mysql.connect(host: host, user: user, password: password, db: db)
        guard connected else {
            // verify that we have connected successfully
            return mysql
        return mysql
    public func insertGame(title: String, description: String, createdDate: String){
        // Connect to our database
        var db = databaseConnect(host: host, user: user, password: password, db: database)
        defer {
            db.close() //This defer block makes sure we terminate the connection once finished, regardless of the result
        // Create the statement we wish to execute
        let statement = MySQLStmt(db)
        let insert = "INSERT INTO game(id, title, description, release_date) VALUES (\(statement.insertId()), '\(title)', '\(description)', '\(createdDate)');"
        _ = statement.prepare(statement: insert)
        // Run the query
        let querySuccess = statement.execute()
        // Check that our query was successfuly, otherwise return out
        guard querySuccess else {
        print("Insert successful!");

标签: mysqlswift


您不应该在语句本身中使用insertId(这只是调用mysql_insert_id) 。INSERT该函数获取先前执行的INSERT语句的 id,并且由于没有先前的语句,它将失败。

您应该简单地从语句中省略AUTO_INCREMENTINSERT,让 MySQL 自己设置自动递增值。这显然假设您将其定义为自动递增列,例如


现在,如果在 之后INSERT如果您需要自动递增键使用的值,那么您可以调用insertId. 例如,

func databaseConnect(host: String, user: String, password: String, db: String) -> MySQL? {
    let mysql = MySQL() // Create an instance of MySQL to work with

    let connected = mysql.connect(host: host, user: user, password: password, db: db)

    // verify that we have connected successfully
    guard connected else {
        print(mysql.errorCode(), mysql.errorMessage())
        return nil

    return mysql

public func insertGame(title: String, description: String, createdDate: String) -> UInt? {
    // Connect to our database
    guard let db = databaseConnect(host: host, user: user, password: password, db: database) else {
        return nil

    // Create the statement we wish to execute
    let statement = MySQLStmt(db)
    let insert = "INSERT INTO game (title, description, release_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?);"
    guard statement.prepare(statement: insert) else {
        return nil

    // bind values to the ? in the prepared SQL

    // Check that our query was successfuly, otherwise return out
    guard statement.execute() else {
        return nil

    // if you really need the ID, this is where you'd call `insertId`, perhaps returning it in case the caller would need it
    let id = statement.insertId()
    return id


  • 我建议不要使用字符串插值来构建 SQL。如果标题是“Finnegan's Wake”,名称中的撇号会弄乱 SQL,过早终止该字符串值。理想情况下,您会将值绑定到上面的占位符,或者至少使用一些转义逻辑。您问题中的 SQL 将容易受到 SQL 注入攻击和/或需要转义的字符串的语法错误。

  • 我不会建议这种_ = statement.prepare(...)模式。返回值的全部意义在于告诉你它是否成功。如果prepare失败,您将在此处检查错误消息并退出该功能。

  • 我建议仅在与服务器连接成功的情况下继续。在您之前的问题中,您报告了第二条“MySQL 服务器已消失”消息。这仅仅是因为您在连接失败时尝试与 MySQL 进行交互,并且无论如何您都在继续。
