首页 > 解决方案 > Haskell NB:'Edge' 是一个非内射类型族


我正在尝试在 Haskell 中编写自己的图形库,以便在代码出现时使用。我正在尝试使用一个用于图形的类和一个使用Data.Map. 我正在尝试编写 Dijkstra 的算法,但在类型族方面遇到了一些麻烦。我有以下typeclass具体实现:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, AllowAmbiguousTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilyDependencies #-}

class Graph g where
  type Node g
  type Edge g
  nodeSet :: g -> S.Set (Node g)
  neighbours :: g -> (Node g) -> Maybe [(Edge g, Node g)]

data MapGraph e n = MapGraph {mGraph :: M.Map n [(e,n)]} deriving Show
instance (Num e,Ord e,Ord n) => Graph (MapGraph e n) where
  type Node (MapGraph e n) = n
  type Edge (MapGraph e n) = e
  nodeSet mapGraph = S.fromList $ M.keys $ mGraph mapGraph
  neighbours mapGraph node = M.lookup node (mGraph mapGraph)

为了表示InfinityDijkstra 算法中未访问节点的值,我创建了一个 sum 数据类型:

data MaxBoundedNum a = Inf | Num a deriving Show


go :: (Graph g) =>
  g -> (Node g) -> (Node g) ->
  S.Set (Node g) ->
  M.Map (Node g) (MaxBoundedNum (Edge g)) ->
  Maybe (M.Map (Node g) (MaxBoundedNum (Edge g)))
go graph curr dest uset vals = do
  currNeighbours <- neighbours graph curr

这似乎适用于graph gwheregraph :: MapGraph Int String

go graph
  :: [Char]
     -> [Char]
     -> S.Set [Char]
     -> M.Map [Char] (MaxBoundedNum Int)
     -> Maybe (M.Map [Char] (MaxBoundedNum Int))


currDist <- M.lookup curr vals


currDist = M.lookup current vals

*Main> :t currDist
currDist :: Maybe (MaxBoundedNum Integer)


Could not deduce (Ord (Node g)) arising from a use of ‘M.lookup’
      from the context: Graph g
        bound by the type signature for:
                   go :: forall g.
                         Graph g =>
                         -> Node g
                         -> Node g
                         -> S.Set (Node g)
                         -> M.Map (Node g) (MaxBoundedNum (Edge g))
                         -> Maybe (M.Map (Node g) (MaxBoundedNum (Edge g)))
        at WithClass.hs:(96,1)-(100,49)
    • In a stmt of a 'do' block: currDist <- M.lookup curr vals

这部分Could not deduce让我觉得我需要给它一个类型注释,所以我这样做了:

currDist <- M.lookup curr vals :: Maybe (MaxBoundedNum (Edge g))


WithClass.hs:102:15: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘Edge g’ with ‘Edge g1’
      Expected type: Maybe (MaxBoundedNum (Edge g1))
        Actual type: Maybe (MaxBoundedNum (Edge g))
      NB: ‘Edge’ is a non-injective type family
    • In a stmt of a 'do' block:
        currDist <- M.lookup curr vals :: Maybe (MaxBoundedNum (Edge g))
      In the expression:
        do currDist <- M.lookup curr vals :: Maybe (MaxBoundedNum (Edge g))
           currNeighbours <- neighbours graph curr
      In an equation for ‘go’:
          go graph curr dest uset vals
            = do currDist <- M.lookup curr vals ::
                               Maybe (MaxBoundedNum (Edge g))
                 currNeighbours <- neighbours graph curr
    • Relevant bindings include
        vals :: M.Map (Node g) (MaxBoundedNum (Edge g))
          (bound at WithClass.hs:101:25)
        uset :: S.Set (Node g) (bound at WithClass.hs:101:20)
        dest :: Node g (bound at WithClass.hs:101:15)
        curr :: Node g (bound at WithClass.hs:101:10)
        graph :: g (bound at WithClass.hs:101:4)
        go :: g
              -> Node g
              -> Node g
              -> S.Set (Node g)
              -> M.Map (Node g) (MaxBoundedNum (Edge g))
              -> Maybe (M.Map (Node g) (MaxBoundedNum (Edge g)))
          (bound at WithClass.hs:101:1)


标签: algorithmhaskelltypeclassdijkstratype-families


操作Set (Node g)Map (Node g)要求您能够比较节点。这就是Ord (Node g)约束所代表的。您给出的类型go表示它适用于 的任何定义Node g,即使是那些无法比较的定义。该错误告诉您,当您使用M.lookup时,需要一个Ord (Node g)约束,但没有办法满足它。


{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleConstraints #-}  -- Also enable this extension

go :: (Graph g, Ord (Node g)) => ...
