首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用 Google Calendar API 和 Apps 脚本找到与多个参与者开会的时间?


我正在使用 Dialogflow API、Apps Script、Calendar API 开发一个聊天机器人项目。聊天机器人应该能够直接从聊天中组织两个或更多参与者之间的会议。例如,用户说“与 john.smith@mail.com 组织明天下午 5 点的会议”,聊天机器人应该去我和 John 的日历,检查这个时间范围的可用性并预订会议。到目前为止,一切都很好。我已经有了这个阶段的解决方案(检查下面的代码片段)。我的问题是如果用户在这个时间范围内很忙,我怎样才能得到所有参与者都空闲的建议时间。我正在使用空闲/忙碌呼叫,但它仅在用户忙碌时返回。

//the function search in spreadshet containing all timezones and selects the corresponding offset
function setCorrectTimeZone(rawTime,rawDate){
  var spreadSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("10tJCi5bRHs3Cl8Gvw8NGMeHhfRBDnvPD338peH2MWyg"); //the timezones sheed ID stored in CEE Google Assistant shared drive
  var sheet = spreadSheet.getSheetByName("timezones");
  var timezoneRange = sheet.getRange(2, 1, 513, 2).getValues();
  //getting the user's timezone
  var userTimeZone = CalendarApp.getDefaultCalendar().getTimeZone();
  Logger.log("User time zone: " + userTimeZone);
  var userTimeZoneOffset = "";
  var correctDateTimeAndZone = "";

  //iterating over the timezones from the sheet and comparing with user's to find the correct offset
  for(var i = 0; i<timezoneRange.length; i++){
    if(timezoneRange[i][1] == userTimeZone){
      userTimeZoneOffset = timezoneRange[i][0];
  //taking the date only
  var date = rawDate.split('T')[0];
  //taking the time only
   var timeNoTimeZone = rawTime.split('+')[0].split('T')[1];
  //concatenating the date, time and the correct timezone together
  correctDateTimeAndZone = date + 'T' + timeNoTimeZone + userTimeZoneOffset;
  return correctDateTimeAndZone;

function organizeMeeting(dialogflowRawResponse, email) {  
  var guestEmail = dialogflowRawResponse.queryResult.parameters.email; //the list of all guests
  var rawDate = dialogflowRawResponse.queryResult.parameters.date; 
  var rawTime = dialogflowRawResponse.queryResult.parameters.time;
  var eventTitle = dialogflowRawResponse.queryResult.parameters.meetingName;
  var hasAllParams = dialogflowRawResponse.queryResult.hasOwnProperty('allRequiredParamsPresent'); //checker for all parameters
  var correctedTimezone = setCorrectTimeZone(rawTime,rawDate);
  Logger.log("Has all required parameters? " + hasAllParams);
  //check if all parameters are passed
  while(hasAllParams == false){
    Logger.log("Parameters are missing");
    return { text: dialogflowRawResponse.queryResult.fulfillmentText };
  Logger.log("Guests email list detected: " + JSON.stringify(guestEmail) + "\nDate-time detected: " + rawTime + "\nCorrect date-time timezone: " + correctedTimezone +"\nTitle detected: " + eventTitle);

  //setting the date-time for the start and the end of the event
  var dateTimeStart = new Date(correctedTimezone);
  var dateTimeEnd = new Date(correctedTimezone);
  dateTimeEnd.setHours(dateTimeEnd.getHours() + 1);
  dateTimeStart = dateTimeStart.toISOString();
  dateTimeEnd = dateTimeEnd.toISOString();
  Logger.log("ISO dateTimeStart: " + dateTimeStart);
  Logger.log("ISO dateTimeEnd: " + dateTimeEnd);
  var participants = [{"id": email}]; //array of objects. Each object is a particpant for the event
  for(var i = 0; i < guestEmail.length; i++){
    participants.push({"id": guestEmail[i]}); //filling the participant array
  //preparing the body for the Calendar API free-busy request
  var requestBody = {
    "timeMin": dateTimeStart,
    "timeMax": dateTimeEnd,
    "items": participants
  //Calendar freebusy request to check if the slot is available for all particiaptns
  var response = Calendar.Freebusy.query(requestBody);
  for(var i = 0; i < participants.length; i++){
    var calendarId = participants[i].id;
    if(response.calendars[calendarId]['busy'].length != 0){
      Logger.log(calendarId + " is busy at this time");
      return { text: calendarId + " is busy at this time" };
  //guest array of objects for each participant
  var guestsArr = [{"email":email}];
  for(var i = 0; i < guestEmail.length; i++){
    guestsArr.push({"email": guestEmail[i]});
  //preparing the event details for the Calendar API call
  var event = {
    "summary": eventTitle,
    "end": {
      "dateTime": dateTimeEnd
    "start": {
      "dateTime": dateTimeStart
    "attendees": guestsArr
  //preapring the event options for the Calendar API call
  var eventOptions = {
    "sendNotifications": true,
    "sendUpdates": "all"
  //Calendar API call
  var calendarEventRequest = Calendar.Events.insert(event, "primary",eventOptions);
  //logs the Calendar API response to the logs
  return { text: "Done! Check you calendar." };

上面的代码从 Dialogflow API 获取参数 - 日期、时间、会议标题和参与者,并使用这些信息进行忙/闲呼叫,然后最终调用日历 API。它还使用电子表格数据库根据用户位置查找正确的用户时区。


标签: google-apps-scriptgoogle-calendar-apidialogflow-es




    var dateTimeStart = new Date(correctedTimezone);
    var dateTimeEnd = new Date(correctedTimezone);

do {

    dateTimeEnd.setHours(dateTimeStart.getHours() + 1);
    dateTimeStart = dateTimeStart.toISOString();
    dateTimeEnd = dateTimeEnd.toISOString();
    Logger.log("ISO dateTimeStart: " + dateTimeStart);
    Logger.log("ISO dateTimeEnd: " + dateTimeEnd);
    var participants = [{"id": email}]; //array of objects. Each object is a particpant for the event
    for(var i = 0; i < guestEmail.length; i++){
        participants.push({"id": guestEmail[i]}); //filling the participant array
  //preparing the body for the Calendar API free-busy request
    var requestBody = {
        "timeMin": dateTimeStart,
        "timeMax": dateTimeEnd,
        "items": participants
  //Calendar freebusy request to check if the slot is available for all particiaptns
    var response = Calendar.Freebusy.query(requestBody);
    for(var i = 0; i < participants.length; i++){
        var calendarId = participants[i].id;
        if(response.calendars[calendarId]['busy'].length != 0){
           dateTimeStart.setHours(dateTimeStart.getHours() + 1);
           Logger.log(calendarId + " is busy at this time");
           //return { text: calendarId + " is busy at this time" };

while (response.calendars[calendarId]['busy'].length != 0);
