首页 > 解决方案 > 仅根据字段名称对类数组进行排序


我有一个应用程序,其中用户向我提供了一个字段的名称,例如nameor costInCents,我必须按该字段排序。我有办法保证字段名称是正确的。此应用程序导致我根本无法创建我的类Comparable并实现特定的复杂性compareTo(),因为通过自定义实现,compareTo()我需要知道在实现时要使用哪些字段/方法。


ClassProduct是一个简单的 POJO 类,我想对其实例进行成对比较:

public class Product

    final String name;
    final Integer quantity;
    final Long costInCents;

    public Product(final String name, final Integer quantity, final Long costInCents)
        this.name = name;
        this.quantity = quantity;
        this.costInCents = costInCents;

    public String getName()
        return name;
    public Integer getQuantity()
        return quantity;
    public Long getCostInCents()
        return costInCents;


public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final Product[] productArray =
                    new Product("Clorox wipes", 50, 700L),
                    new Product("Desk chair", 10, 12000L),
                    new Product("TV", 5, 30000L),
                    new Product("Bookcase", 5, 12000L),
                    new Product("Water bottle", 20, 700L),

        // The following void methods are supposed to sort in-place with something like Arrays.sort() or Collections.sort(),
        // but I am also open to solutions involving stuff like Stream::sorted() or similar ones, which return a sorted array.
        sortByField(productArray, "costInCents");
        sortByField(productArray, "name");

    private void sortByField(final Product[] productArray, final String sorterFieldName)
        final Field sorterField = getSorterField(sorterFieldName, LiteProduct.class); // Gets the Field somehow
        final Method sorterAccessor = getSorterAccessor(sorterField, LiteProduct.class);    // Given the Field, this is easy
        Arrays.sort((Product p1, Product p2)->((Comparable<?>)sorterAccessor.invoke(p1)).compareTo(sorterAccessor.invoke(p2)) > 0); // Capture of ? instead of Object

不幸的是,该Arrays.sort()行导致带有 message 的编译时错误Capture of ? instead of Object。我尝试将第二个参数转换为Comparable<?>,Comparable<? super sorterField.getType()等,但没有成功。想法?

标签: javasortingreflection


可能是最好的方法 - 使用排序策略。无需反射,兼容更复杂的排序逻辑:

Map<String, Comparator<Product>> sortingStrategies = new HashMap<>(){
        put("costInCents", Comparator.comparingLong(p->p.costInCents));
        put("quantity", Comparator.comparingLong(p->p.quantity));
        put("name", Comparator.comparing(p->p.name));

private void sortByField(final Product[] productArray, final String sorterFieldName)
    Arrays.sort(productArray, sortingStrategies.get(sorterFieldName));
