首页 > 解决方案 > 满足特定条件时 JavsScript 上的音频




//adding the cards together, with parameter passing
function cardNumber(one, two) {
    var cardTotal = one + two;
    alert(`Your card numbers are ${one} and ${two}!`);
    return cardTotal;

var cardRange = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
var cardOne = cardRange[Math.floor(Math.random() * cardRange.length)];
var cardTwo = cardRange[Math.floor(Math.random() * cardRange.length)];
//calling the cardNumber function (parameter passing shown)
var cardSum = cardNumber(cardOne, cardTwo);

//adding the cards together if the user wants an extra card, with parameter passing
function moreCards(nextCard, total) {
    alert(`Your extra card is ${nextCard}!`);
    var cardTotal = nextCard + total;
    return cardTotal;

function inputValidation() {
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < 3;) {
        //Asks the user if they want another card, they can do this up to three times, depending on their choice and card sum.
        var input = prompt(`Which makes your card total ${cardSum}. Would you like to draw another card? (Type in 1 for yes, 0 for no, or select cancel to return to home.)`);
        if (input === null) {
            //takes you back to pontoonhome.html
            window.location.replace("pontoonhome.html").src = "homepage";
            i += 3;
        //Random number doesn't change
        else if (input === "1") {
            var extraCard = cardRange[Math.floor(Math.random() * cardRange.length)];
            //calling the moreCards function
            cardSum = moreCards(extraCard, cardSum);
        else if (input === "0") {
            //If the user declines to another card
            i += 3;
        else {
            //If the user puts in an invalid input
            alert("Wrong input, enter 1 or 0 on your keyboard!");
        if (cardSum >= 22) {
            //If the user gets above 22 (bust)
            i += 3;

function pontoonDecision() {
    var comScore = 18;

    if (cardSum >= 22) {
        document.write(`You got ${cardSum}, which is above 21, that means you got a bust! Therefore, you lose!`);
        document.getElementById("loss").src = "images/dislike-157252_640.png";
    else if (cardSum > comScore && cardSum < 22) {
        document.write(`You got ${cardSum}, and the AI player got ${comScore}, which means you win! <br>`);
        document.getElementById("victory").src = "images/hand-157251_640.png";
        //where I want the audio to play.
        let audio = document.getElementById("winner").src = "audio/winner.wav";
        //not sure how to do it right
    else if (cardSum === comScore) {
        document.write(`You got ${cardSum}, and the AI player got ${comScore}. Which means it is a tie!`);
        document.getElementById("draw").src = "images/questions-3409194_640.png"
    else {
        document.write(`You got ${cardSum}, and the AI player got ${comScore}. You got a value lower than the computer's score, meaning you lose!`);
        document.getElementById("loss").src = "images/dislike-157252_640.png";

这是我的 HTML 代码:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "css/styles.css"> 
        <div class ="title">
        <div class ="hyperlinks">
            <a href="pontoonhome.html" class="button2">Home</a>
            <a href="pontoonrules.html" class="button2">Rules</a>
            <a href="pontoonstart.html" class="button2">Start</a>
            <a href="pontooncontact.html" class="button2">Contact Us</a>
        <div class="header">
        <img id = "victory"></img>
        <img id = "loss"></img>
        <img id = "draw"></img>
        <audio controls autoplay>
        <audio id = "winner"></audio>
        <!--The audio I want to play^^^-->
        <a href id = "homepage"></a>
        <script src = "js/pontoonGame3.js">
        <div class = "wrapper">
        <a href="pontoonhome.html" class="button">Exit</a>
        <a href="pontoonstart.html" class="button">Play Again</a>

标签: javascripthtmlfunctionaudio



在您的 HTML 中,<audio>为每个音频文件使用标签,确保为它们提供唯一的 ID 以便稍后查询:

<audio src="link-to-your-audio.mp3" id="your-audio"></audio>


const yourAudio = document.getElementById('your-audio');


