首页 > 解决方案 > Circular dependency - when does it terminate?


I am having trouble understanding how python manages imports.

Let's say I have the following application structure:

- application.py
- model/
-- __init__.py
-- user.py

Let's say that the application.py file imports the model module after creating the db like so:

db = SQLAlchemy(application) 
import model

Let's also say the the model module imports the user.py file like so:

import user

Finally, let's say that the user.py file imports the db instance from the application.py file like so:

from application import db

This seems like a circular dependency to me as the application.py file indirectly requires the user.py file but the user.py file requires the db instance from the application.py file.

I know that this code does work as I tested it but can someone explain exactly how Python handles this, and when it terminates the cyclical cycle.

To summarize the problem, when user.py file imports db from the application.py file it seems to me like it would also call the import model module which creates an infinite loop.

标签: pythonpython-3.ximport




import sys
print("1. from mymod1:", [x for x in sys.modules if x.startswith("mymod")])
import mymod2
print("2. from mymod1:", [x for x in sys.modules if x.startswith("mymod")])


import sys
print("1. from mymod2:", [x for x in sys.modules if x.startswith("mymod")])
import mymod3
print("2. from mymod2:", [x for x in sys.modules if x.startswith("mymod")])


import sys
print("1. from mymod3:", [x for x in sys.modules if x.startswith("mymod")])
import mymod1
print("2. from mymod3:", [x for x in sys.modules if x.startswith("mymod")])

现在我们有一个循环mymod1 -> mymod2 -> mymod3 -> mymod1。输入 REPL 并观察会发生什么:

>>> import mymod1
1. from mymod1: ['mymod1']  # before mymod1 imported mymod2. note mymod1 is already there!
1. from mymod2: ['mymod1', 'mymod2']  # in mymod2 now, before importing mymod3
1. from mymod3: ['mymod1', 'mymod2', 'mymod3']  # before mymod3 imports mymod1
2. from mymod3: ['mymod1', 'mymod2', 'mymod3']  # mymod3 exit
2. from mymod2: ['mymod1', 'mymod2', 'mymod3']  # mymod2 exit
2. from mymod1: ['mymod1', 'mymod3', 'mymod2']  # mymod1 exit




# mymod.py
import sys
print("var" in vars(sys.modules["mymod"]))
var = "I'm a name in mymod namespace"
print("var" in vars(sys.modules["mymod"]))



2. from mymod2: ['mymod1', 'mymod2', 'mymod3']
2. from mymod1: ['mymod1', 'mymod3', 'mymod2']
                           |_____ wtf? _____|

这其实绝非偶然!作为加载模块的最后一步,导入机制将实际模块从sys.modules. 如果您在 REPL 内再次检查,mymod1现在将是最后一个。

>>> import mymod1
>>> [x for x in sys.modules if x.startswith("mymod")]
['mymod3', 'mymod2', 'mymod1']

我不会描述导入系统为什么这样做,因为它与问题并不真正相关,但有兴趣了解原因的用户应该查看Guido 的这个邮件列表帖子
