首页 > 解决方案 > 防止 Angular 应用程序在首次启动时重新路由到 root


我的应用程序使用 Apache (2.4) 提供服务,并且没有专用的虚拟主机(根据要求)。


const appRoutes = [
    { path: 'a/:id', component: AComponent }, // Use this route to set some query params
    { path: 'b/:id', component: AComponent }, // Use this route to set some query params
    { path: '', component: AComponent, pathMatch: 'full' }, // Use this route as default query params
    { path: '**', component: DefaultComponent } // Reject everything else
const routing = RouterModule.forRoot(appRoutes, {
    useHash: true,

在第一次重新路由到 之后/,我可以导航到我想要的任何路线,但我需要它留在我打开应用程序的路线上。


或者,如果路由是一种混乱的处理方式,我可以使用 URL 的 queryParams 部分(如myapp/?a=123)。那行得通吗?



request www.myapp.xyz/a/123
  |_ detect angular route 'a/123'
    |_ re-route to ''
      |_ Load AComponent with parameters for route ''


request www.myapp.xyz/a/123
  |_ detect angular route 'a/123'
    |_ Load AComponent with parameters for route 'a/123'


Router Event: t
    main.js:1 NavigationStart(id: 1, url: '/a/123')
main.js:1 Router Event: t
    main.js:1 RoutesRecognized(id: 1, url: '/a/123', urlAfterRedirects: '/a/123', state: Route(url:'', path:'') { Route(url:'a/123', path:'a/:id') } )
main.js:1 Router Event: t
    main.js:1 GuardsCheckStart(id: 1, url: '/a/123', urlAfterRedirects: '/a/123', state: Route(url:'', path:'') { Route(url:'a/123', path:'a/:id') } )
main.js:1 Router Event: e
    main.js:1 ChildActivationStart(path: '')
main.js:1 Router Event: e
    main.js:1 ActivationStart(path: 'a/:id')
main.js:1 Router Event: t
    main.js:1 GuardsCheckEnd(id: 1, url: '/a/123', urlAfterRedirects: '/a/123', state: Route(url:'', path:'') { Route(url:'a/123', path:'a/:id') } , shouldActivate: true)
main.js:1 Router Event: t
    main.js:1 ResolveStart(id: 1, url: '/a/123', urlAfterRedirects: '/a/123', state: Route(url:'', path:'') { Route(url:'a/123', path:'a/:id') } )
main.js:1 Router Event: t
    main.js:1 ResolveEnd(id: 1, url: '/a/123', urlAfterRedirects: '/a/123', state: Route(url:'', path:'') { Route(url:'a/123', path:'a/:id') } )
main.js:1 Router Event: e
    main.js:1 ActivationEnd(path: 'a/:id')
main.js:1 Router Event: e
    main.js:1 ChildActivationEnd(path: '')
main.js:1 Router Event: t
    main.js:1 NavigationEnd(id: 1, url: '/a/123', urlAfterRedirects: '/a/123')
main.js:1 Router Event: e
    main.js:1 Scroll(anchor: 'null', position: 'null')
main.js:1 Router Event: e
    main.js:1 Scroll(anchor: 'null', position: 'null')
main.js:1 Router Event: t
    main.js:1 NavigationStart(id: 2, url: '/home')
    main.js:1 t {id: 2, url: "/home", navigationTrigger: "imperative", restoredState: null}
main.js:1 Router Event: t
main.js:1 RoutesRec 
    main.js:1 t {id: 2, url: "/home", urlAfterRedirects: "/", state: t}
main.js:1 Router Event: t
    main.js:1 GuardsCheckStart(id: 2, url: '/home', urlAfterRedirects: '/', state: Route(url:'', path:'') { Route(url:'', path:'') } )
    main.js:1 t {id: 2, url: "/home", urlAfterRedirects: "/", state: t}
main.js:1 Router Event: e
    main.js:1 ChildActivationStart(path: '')
main.js:1 Router Event: e
    main.js:1 ActivationStart(path: '')
main.js:1 Router Event: t
    main.js:1 GuardsCheckEnd(id: 2, url: '/home', urlAfterRedirects: '/', state: Route(url:'', path:'') { Route(url:'', path:'') } , shouldActivate: true)
    main.js:1 t {id: 2, url: "/home", urlAfterRedirects: "/", state: t, shouldActivate: true}
main.js:1 Router Event: t
    main.js:1 ResolveStart(id: 2, url: '/home', urlAfterRedirects: '/', state: Route(url:'', path:'') { Route(url:'', path:'') } )
    main.js:1 t {id: 2, url: "/home", urlAfterRedirects: "/", state: t}
main.js:1 Router Event: t
    main.js:1 ResolveEnd(id: 2, url: '/home', urlAfterRedirects: '/', state: Route(url:'', path:'') { Route(url:'', path:'') } )
    main.js:1 t {id: 2, url: "/home", urlAfterRedirects: "/", state: t}
main.js:1 Router Event: e
    main.js:1 ActivationEnd(path: '')
main.js:1 Router Event: e
    main.js:1 ChildActivationEnd(path: '')
    main.js:1 e {snapshot: e}
main.js:1 Router Event: t
    main.js:1 NavigationEnd(id: 2, url: '/home', urlAfterRedirects: '/')
    main.js:1 t {id: 2, url: "/home", urlAfterRedirects: "/"}
main.js:1 Router Event: e
    main.js:1 Scroll(anchor: 'null', position: 'null')
    main.js:1 e {routerEvent: t, position: null, anchor: null}
main.js:1 Router Event: e
    main.js:1 Scroll(anchor: 'null', position: 'null')

标签: angularangular-router



修改大型项目时,请始终检查 3rd-party 模块是否不干扰!

正确答案是"Silly me, check your imported modules"
