首页 > 解决方案 > 查找使用 Kusto 函数的最后日期


我想在我们的 Kusto 集群中进行一些清理,该集群充满了我们创建的功能,我知道其中许多功能没有被使用(而且我很确定它们也不能正常工作)。有没有办法查询每个函数最后一次使用的时间?

标签: azure-data-explorer


Your cluster holds a journal of last actions, including queries, dating 14 days back. You can access it using the ".show queries" command (in order to view queries run by other users, the command caller must be the relevant DB admin). Further filters can be applied on the ".show queries" output to zero in on the specific functions you are interested in (note - if you have function calling other functions, this investigation will become a little more tricky).

For example: .show queries | where Database == "" and Text has "" | summarize count(), max(StartedOn) by Principal
