首页 > 解决方案 > Python/Selenium - 不知道如何解决循环问题


嗨,我正在学习 python/selenium 并使用页面对象模型练习自动化测试用例。


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这是我的 CategoriesPage.py 文件,我在其中调用了我想在这些选择器上实现的所有选择器和方法。


class Categories:
tblrows_css = "tbody>tr"
numOfPages_css = "#categories-grid_paginate > ul > li"

def __init__(self, driver):
    self.driver = driver

def getRows(self):
    num_of_rows = self.driver.find_elements_by_css_selector(self.tblrows_css)
    return num_of_rows

def getPages(self):
    num_of_pages = self.driver.find_elements_by_css_selector(self.numOfPages_css)
    return num_of_pages

def pageClick(self, page_num):
    #self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#categories-grid_paginate > ul > li:nth-child(" + str(page_num) + ")").click()

   def checkList(self, exp_name): #where exp_name is a variable set to 'test123' in the test file 
    flag = False
    num_of_pages = self.getPages()
    print("num of pages is " + str(len(num_of_pages)))
    for page in range(1, len(num_of_pages) - 1):  # don't include arrow buttons, loops through each page until Name is found in table
        print("we are on page " + str(page))
        num_of_rows = self.getRows()
        print("num of rows is "+ str(len(num_of_rows)))
        for item in range(1, len(num_of_rows) + 1):
            act_name = self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#categories-grid > tbody > tr:nth-child(" + str(item) + ") > td:nth-child(2)").text
            print(item, act_name)
            if exp_name == act_name:
                flag = True
                print("it works")

    return flag

所以我有 1 个小问题和 1 个大问题。


def pageClick(self, page_num):
#self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#categories-grid_paginate > ul > li:nth-child(" + str(page_num) + ")").click()


我使用 css_selector 得到的错误是

E       selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotInteractableException: Message: element not interactable: element has zero size
E         (Session info: chrome=87.0.4280.88)

venv\lib\site-packages\selenium\webdriver\remote\errorhandler.py:242: ElementNotInteractableException

更大的问题是 checkList() 方法。我已经放了一些打印语句来帮助我弄清楚发生了什么。

我正在尝试遍历第二列中的所有行并获取类别的名称(act_name)并查看它是否与 exp_name 匹配。一旦完成,它将打破循环,flag = True,当我在测试中断言 flag 时,它将返回 True 并通过。如果没有,那么它将转到第 2 页并再次遍历表格以查找第 2 页上的所有项目等。

问题是当我运行这个方法时,它会打印出第 1 页上的所有内容两次。

num of pages is 4
we are on page 1
num of rows is 15
1 Computers
2 Computers >> Desktops
3 Computers >> Notebooks
4 Computers >> Software
5 Electronics
6 Electronics >> Camera & photo
7 Electronics >> Cell phones
8 Electronics >> Others
9 Apparel
10 Apparel >> Shoes
11 Apparel >> Clothing
12 Apparel >> Accessories
13 Digital downloads
14 Books
15 Jewelry
we are on page 2
num of rows is 15
1 Computers
2 Computers >> Desktops
3 Computers >> Notebooks
4 Computers >> Software
5 Electronics
6 Electronics >> Camera & photo
7 Electronics >> Cell phones
8 Electronics >> Others
9 Apparel
10 Apparel >> Shoes
11 Apparel >> Clothing
12 Apparel >> Accessories
13 Digital downloads
14 Books
15 Jewelry

出于某种原因,当我们点击打印语句“我们在第 2 页”时,我们显然仍然在第 1 页上。然后它再次打印出第 1 页上的所有内容。但是当测试失败时,我可以看到我们点击了第 2 页。

我可以看到测试失败的时候,我肯定已经打到第 2 页了


标签: pythonseleniumloopstestingautomation

