首页 > 解决方案 > 导出视图时带有 CSS 的 Laravel Excel 样式不起作用


我正在尝试使用 laravel Excel 3.1 导出视图。导出工作时,我无法对其进行样式设置。

我的 laravel 导出看起来像:


namespace App\Exports;

use Illuminate\Contracts\View\View;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\FromView;

use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithEvents;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\RegistersEventListeners;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Events\AfterSheet;

class MatrixExcelExport implements FromView, WithEvents
    use RegistersEventListeners;
    protected $data, $selected_data, $am_lists_only, $categories_list, $amenities_list, $affordable_list, $unit_type_list, $highlights_list, $non_unit;
    public function __construct($data, $selected_data, $am_lists_only, $categories_list, $amenities_list, $affordable_list, $unit_type_list, $highlights_list, $non_unit)
        $this->data = $data;
        $this->selected_data = $selected_data;
        $this->am_lists_only = $am_lists_only;
        $this->categories_list = $categories_list;
        $this->amenities_list = $amenities_list;
        $this->affordable_list = $affordable_list;
        $this->unit_type_list = $unit_type_list;
        $this->highlights_list = $highlights_list;
        $this->non_unit = $non_unit;

    public function view(): View
        return view('admin.matrix._excel', [
            'data' => $this->data,
            'selected_data' => $this->selected_data,
            'am_lists_only' => $this->am_lists_only,
            'categories' => $this->categories_list,
            'amenities' => $this->amenities_list,
            'affordables' => $this->affordable_list,
            'unit_types' => $this->unit_type_list,
            'highlights' => $this->highlights_list,
            'non_unit' => $this->non_unit


$impact = 0;
$negativeChanges = 0;
$positiveChanges = 0;
        text-decoration: line-through !important;
    .table-text-center th,
    .table-text-center td{
        text-align: center !important;
        color: #3ec10d;
        font-weight: bold;
        color: #1843f5 !important;
        font-weight: bold;
<table class="table-text-center">
            <th rowspan="2">Bldg</th>
            <th rowspan="2">Unit</th>
            <th rowspan="2">Floor</th>
            <th rowspan="2">Stack</th>
            @foreach($selected_data as $k => $v)
                <th colspan="{{count($v['amenities'])}}">
            @foreach($am_lists_only as $ak => $av)
                <th title="{{ $av }}">
                        if (strlen($av) > 15){
                            $av = substr($av, 0, 12) . '...';
                    {{ $av }}
    @foreach($data as $k => $v)
        if(count($v) == 0){
        $unit_cell_status  = '';
        $unit_note_class = '';
        $avail_status = '';

        if(trim($v[0]->unit_note) != ''){
            $unit_note_class = 'unit_note';
            $avail_status = str_replace(' ','-',strtolower($v[0]->avail_status));
                $avail_status = '';
        $unit_type_id = NULL;
            $unit_type_id = $v[0]->unit_type_id;
        $unit_type_class = (in_array($unit_type_id, $unit_types))?"td-unit-type":"";

        <tr id="ur_{{$v[0]->unit_id}}">
            <td data-search="{{ $v[0]->building_number }}">{{ $v[0]->building_number }}</td>
            <td data-search="{{ $v[0]->unit_id }}" data-unitid="{{$v[0]->unit_id}}" id="unitCell_{{$v[0]->unit_id}}" class="td-unit {{ $unit_note_class }} {{ $avail_status }} {{ $unit_type_class }}" xonclick="editUnit(1, {{ $v[0]->unit_id }}, {{ $v[0]->building_id }}); return false;">{{ $v[0]->unit_number }}</td>
            <td data-search="{{ $v[0]->floor }}">{{ $v[0]->floor }}</td>
            <td data-search="{{ $v[0]->stack }}">{{ $v[0]->stack }}</td>
            @foreach($am_lists_only as $ak => $av)
                $amenity_val = "";
                $deleted_class = "";
                $negativeClass = "";
                $affordable = false;
                $text_class = '';
                $strikethrough_class = '';
                foreach($v as $vk => $vv){
                    if($ak == $vv->amenity_id){
                        if( (isset($categories[0]) && $categories[0] === "-1") || !empty(in_array($vv->category_id, $categories)) || !empty(in_array($vv->amenity_id, $amenities))) {
                                $impact += $vv->amenity_value;
                                if($vv->av_status == 2){
                                    $text_class = 'text-updated';
                                    if($unit_cell_status == ''){
                                        $unit_cell_status = $text_class;

                                    if($vv->initial_amenity_value != $vv->amenity_value){
                                        $diff = $vv->amenity_value - $vv->initial_amenity_value  ;
                                        if($diff > 0){
                                            $positiveChanges += $diff;
                                            $negativeChanges += abs($diff);

                                if($vv->uav_status == 1){
                                    $text_class = 'text-added';
                                    $unit_cell_status = $text_class;
                                    if($vv->amenity_value != 0){
                                        if($vv->amenity_value > 0){
                                            $positiveChanges += abs($vv->amenity_value);
                                            $negativeChanges += abs($vv->amenity_value);

                                $deleted_class = "td-deleted";
                                if($vv->amenity_value != 0){
                                    if($vv->amenity_value > 0){
                                        $negativeChanges += abs($vv->amenity_value);
                                        $positiveChanges += abs($vv->amenity_value);
                                $strikethrough_class = 'strikethroughCell';
                            $show_sum = true;
                            if($affordable == false && in_array($vv->amenity_id, $affordables) && empty($vv->uav_deleted_at)){
                                $affordable = true;
                            $amenity_val = $vv->amenity_value;
                            if($amenity_val < 0){
                                $amenity_val = "(".abs($amenity_val).")";
                                $negativeClass = 'text-negative';
                            if($deleted_class != ""){
                                $amenity_val = "<del>".$amenity_val."</del>";
                                if($vv->av_status == 2){
                                    if($vv->initial_amenity_value != $vv->amenity_value){
                                        $diff = $vv->amenity_value - $vv->initial_amenity_value  ;
                                        if($diff > 0){
                                            $positiveChanges += $diff;
                                            $negativeChanges += abs($diff);
                                if($vv->uav_status == 1){
                                    if($vv->amenity_value != 0){
                                        if($vv->amenity_value > 0){
                                            $positiveChanges += abs($vv->amenity_value);
                                            $negativeChanges += abs($vv->amenity_value);
                                if($vv->amenity_value != 0){
                                    if($vv->amenity_value > 0){
                                        $negativeChanges += abs($vv->amenity_value);
                                        $positiveChanges += abs($vv->amenity_value);
//                $str = ['<del>','</del>'];
//                $rplc =['-','-'];
//                $search_val = str_replace($str,$rplc,$amenity_val);

                <td data-am_id="{{$ak}}" class="{{$strikethrough_class}} {{($affordable == true)?'affordable-unit':''}} {{$deleted_class}} {{$negativeClass}} {{ $text_class }}">
                    {!! $amenity_val !!}



看起来我可以使用内联 CSS 更改字体颜色,但我还没有找到解决line-throughCSS 的方法。

更新 2



namespace App\Exports;

use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\FromArray;
use DB;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\RegistersEventListeners;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithHeadings;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithStrictNullComparison;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithEvents;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Events\AfterSheet;

class MatrixExport implements FromArray, WithHeadings, WithStrictNullComparison, WithEvents
    use RegistersEventListeners;
    protected $data, $selected_data, $am_lists_only, $categories_list, $amenities_list, $affordable_list, $unit_type_list, $highlights_list, $non_unit;
    static $negativeClassArr, $deletedClassArr, $addedClassArr, $updatedClassArr, $mergeCellsArr;
    public function __construct($data, $selected_data, $am_lists_only, $categories_list, $amenities_list, $affordable_list, $unit_type_list, $highlights_list, $non_unit, $negativeClassArr = [], $deletedClassArr = [], $addedClassArr = [], $updatedClassArr = [], $mergeCellsArr = [])
        $this->data = $data;
        $this->selected_data = $selected_data;
        $this->am_lists_only = $am_lists_only;
        $this->categories_list = $categories_list;
        $this->amenities_list = $amenities_list;
        $this->affordable_list = $affordable_list;
        $this->unit_type_list = $unit_type_list;
        $this->highlights_list = $highlights_list;
        $this->non_unit = $non_unit;

//        $this->negativeClassArr = $negativeClassArr;
//        $this->deletedClassArr = $deletedClassArr;
//        $this->addedClassArr = $addedClassArr;
//        $this->updatedClassArr = $updatedClassArr;
//        $this->mergeCellsArr = $mergeCellsArr;

        self::$negativeClassArr = $negativeClassArr;
        self::$deletedClassArr = $deletedClassArr;
        self::$addedClassArr = $addedClassArr;
        self::$updatedClassArr = $updatedClassArr;
        self::$mergeCellsArr = $mergeCellsArr;

    public function array(): array
        $ex_data = $item = [];
        $impact = 0;
        $negativeChanges = 0;
        $positiveChanges = 0;
        self::$negativeClassArr = self::$deletedClassArr = [];

        $row = 3;
        foreach($this->data as $k => $v){
            if(count($v) == 0){
            $unit_cell_status  = '';

            $item = [
                'Bldg'  => $v[0]->building_number,
                'Unit'  => $v[0]->unit_number,
                'Floor' => $v[0]->floor,
                'Stack' => $v[0]->stack
            $col = 5;
            foreach ($this->am_lists_only as $ak => $av) {

                $colName  = $this->getNameFromNumber($col);

                $amenity_val = "";
                $deleted_class = "";
                $negativeClass = "";
                $affordable = false;
                $text_class = '';
                $font_color = '#000000';
                $font_weight = 'normal';
                $strikethrough_class = '';
                foreach($v as $vk => $vv){

                    if($ak == $vv->amenity_id){
                        if( (isset($this->categories_list[0]) && $this->categories_list[0] === "-1") || !empty(in_array($vv->category_id, $this->categories_list)) || !empty(in_array($vv->amenity_id, $amenities))) {

                                $impact += $vv->amenity_value;
                                if($vv->av_status == 2 && $vv->uav_status == 0){
                                    $text_class = 'text-updated';
//                                    $font_color = '#1843f5';
//                                    $font_weight = 'bold';
                                    if($vv->initial_amenity_value != $vv->amenity_value){
                                        $diff = $vv->amenity_value - $vv->initial_amenity_value  ;
                                        if($diff > 0){
                                            $positiveChanges += $diff;
                                            $negativeChanges += abs($diff);

                                if($vv->uav_status == 1){
                                    $text_class = 'text-added';
//                                    $font_color = '#3ec10d';
//                                    $font_weight = 'bold';
                                    if($vv->amenity_value != 0){
                                        if($vv->amenity_value > 0){
                                            $positiveChanges += abs($vv->amenity_value);
                                            $negativeChanges += abs($vv->amenity_value);

                                if($text_class === "text-added"){
                                    self::$addedClassArr[] = $colName.$row;

                                if($text_class === "text-updated"){
                                    self::$updatedClassArr[] = $colName.$row;

                                $deleted_class = "td-deleted";
                                if($vv->amenity_value != 0){
                                    if($vv->amenity_value > 0){
                                        $negativeChanges += abs($vv->amenity_value);
                                        $positiveChanges += abs($vv->amenity_value);
//                                $strikethrough_arr[] = 'strikethroughCell';

                            $show_sum = true;
                            if($affordable == false && in_array($vv->amenity_id, $this->affordable_list) && empty($vv->uav_deleted_at)){
                                $affordable = true;
                            $amenity_val = $vv->amenity_value;
                            if($amenity_val < 0){
                                $amenity_val = "(".abs($amenity_val).")";
//                                $negativeClass = 'text-negative';
//                                $font_color = '#dc3545';
                                self::$negativeClassArr[] = $colName.$row;
                            if($deleted_class != ""){
                                self::$deletedClassArr[] = $colName.$row;
//                                $amenity_val = "<del>".$amenity_val."</del>";
                //$col 4
                $item[$av] = $amenity_val;
            $ex_data[] = $item;
        return $ex_data;

    public function headings(): array
        $commonn_header_arr = ['Bldg', 'Unit', 'Floor', 'Stack'];
        $cat_header = [];
        $col = 5;
        $row = 1;
        foreach($this->selected_data as $v){
//            pe($this->selected_data);
//            $cat_header = $v['category_name'];
            $cnt = count($v['amenities']);
            for($i=0; $i<$cnt; $i++){
                $cat_header[] = $v['category_name'];
            if($cnt > 1){
                $colNameStart = self::getNameFromNumber($col).$row;
                $col = $col + $cnt - 1;
                $colNameEnd = self::getNameFromNumber($col).$row;
                self::$mergeCellsArr[] = $colNameStart.':'.$colNameEnd;
            $col += 1;
        $first_row_header = array_merge($commonn_header_arr, $cat_header);
        $second_row_header = array_merge($commonn_header_arr, $this->am_lists_only);
//        return $second_row_header;
//        pe(self::$mergeCellsArr);
        return [

    public function getNameFromNumber($num) {
        $numeric = ($num - 1) % 26;
        $letter = chr(65 + $numeric);
        $num2 = intval(($num - 1) / 26);
        if ($num2 > 0) {
            return self::getNameFromNumber($num2) . $letter;
        } else {
        return $letter;

//    public function styles(Worksheet $sheet)
//    {
//        return [
//            // Style the first row as bold text.
//            1    => ['font' => ['bold' => true]],
//            // Styling a specific cell by coordinate.
//            'B2' => ['font' => ['italic' => true]],
//            // Styling an entire column.
//            'C'  => ['font' => ['size' => 16]],
//        ];
//    }

    public static function afterSheet(AfterSheet $event)

        $negativeStyle = [
            'fill' => array(
                'color' => array('rgb' => 'dc3545')
        // Create Style Arrays
        $addedStyle = [
            'font' => [
                'bold'  => true,
                'color' => array('rgb' => '3ec10d')
        $updatedStyle = [
            'font' => [
                'bold'  => true,
                'color' => array('rgb' => '1843f5')
        $negativeStyle = [
            'font' => [
                'bold'  => true,
                'color' => array('rgb' => 'dc3545')

        $strikethrough = [
            'font' => ['strikethrough' => true],

        // Get Worksheet
        $active_sheet = $event->sheet->getDelegate();

        // Apply Style Arrays
//        $active_sheet->getParent()->getDefaultStyle()->applyFromArray($default_font_style);
        $q = $event->sheet;
        foreach(self::$mergeCellsArr as $v){

        foreach(self::$negativeClassArr as $v){
        foreach(self::$addedClassArr as $v){
        foreach(self::$updatedClassArr as $v){
        foreach(self::$deletedClassArr as $d){



标签: laravellaravel-excel


正如我所评论的,对于更复杂的样式,您需要使用 PhpSpreadsheet 的样式方法。有关phpspreadsheet 文档的更多信息。

我这样做的方式是使用事件来获取底层的 phpspreadsheet 类。

use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\FromView;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\RegistersEventListeners;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithEvents;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Events\AfterSheet;

class MatrixExcelExport implements FromView, WithEvents
    use RegistersEventListeners;

    public function __construct(...) { ... }

    public function view(): View
        return view('admin.matrix._excel', [...]);

    public static function afterSheet(AfterSheet $event)
        // Create Style Arrays
        $default_font_style = [
            'font' => ['name' => 'Arial', 'size' => 10]

        $strikethrough = [
            'font' => ['strikethrough' => true],

        // Get Worksheet
        $active_sheet = $event->sheet->getDelegate();

        // Apply Style Arrays

        // strikethrough group of cells (A10 to B12) 
        // or

        // single cell

或者你也可以按照laravel excel 的样式指南

WithStyles 关注点允许对列、单元格和行进行样式设置。当您想让标题行加粗时,这可能很有用。

namespace App\Exports;

use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithStyles;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Worksheet;

class InvoicesExport implements WithStyles
    public function styles(Worksheet $sheet)
        return [
            // Style the first row as bold text.
            1    => ['font' => ['bold' => true]],

            // Styling a specific cell by coordinate.
            'B2' => ['font' => ['italic' => true]],

            // Styling an entire column.
            'C'  => ['font' => ['size' => 16]],

关于样式数组的内容,请参考 PhpSpreadsheet 文档(opens new window)


namespace App\Exports;

use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithStyles;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Worksheet;

class InvoicesExport implements WithStyles
    public function styles(Worksheet $sheet)
