首页 > 解决方案 > 添加 getElementById 语句后,警报在 Javascript 中停止工作


我正在尝试调试绑定到 Google 电子表格的 HTML (showModalDialog) 中的 javascript。Logger.log 和 console.log 都不会出现在任何地方,但大多数时候可以看到警报。我已经削减了我的代码,以找出哪些指令会阻止显示警报。为什么?当我取消注释这两个 getElementById 时,不再显示警报。

      document.getElementById('errMsg').innerHTML = 'All fields are STILL required';  // output field
      document.getElementById("errMsg").style.font-weight = "normal"; 


<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Select Color Change</title>
    <!--This is a comment. -->
    <meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8' />

      #text_before {
        display: block;             /* show */
        visibility: visible;
      .whtBkgrd {
        background-color: WHITE;
        border: 1px solid transparent;
        border-color: transparent transparent rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
        background-color: #e6f8fa;
        border: 1px solid transparent;
        border-color: transparent transparent rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);

    <!--This is a comment. -->
    <span id='text_before'>
      You have gone to
      <select class='select' name='Q1' id='q1'
      <option class='coloredBkgrd' value='0' selected='selected'>Select</option>
      <option class='whtBkgrd' value='a'>a</option>
      <option class='whtBkgrd' value='an'>an</option>
      <option class='whtBkgrd' value='the'>the</option>
      <option class='whtBkgrd' value='nothing '>(nothing) </option>
      </select> doctor for an illness.
    <span class='buttons'>
        <button type='submit' id='subBut' value='submit' >SUBMIT</button>
        <button type='button' id='clrBut' value='clear' >RESET</button>
    <hr />
        <!-- <p></p> -->
      <span id='errMsg' aria-live='polite' >
        Please make all selections.
    <script type='text/javascript'>
        // - - - - - - - -  LISTENERS - - - - - - - -
      function(event)      {
        alert('Begin submit addEventListener');
//        debugger;
        // event.preventDefault();    //stop form from submitting

      function(event)    {
        alert('Begin clear addEventListener');
//        debugger;
      //    the listener has to be separate from the actual function!
      function(event)    {
        alert('Begin ansrBut addEventListener');
//        debugger;
      //    the listener has to be separate from the actual function!

    // - - - - - - - -  FUNCTIONS - - - - - - - -
    function cSideValidate() {
      alert('in cSideValidate');
     document.getElementById('errMsg').innerHTML = 
       'Still working - please wait for final message';
    function clearReset() {    
      alert('in clearReset()');
      //  document.getElementById('errMsg').innerHTML = 'All fields are STILL required';  // output field
      //  document.getElementById("errMsg").style.font-weight = "normal"; 

      document.getElementById('q1').selectedIndex = 0;
      document.getElementById('q1').style.backgroundColor = '#e6f8fa';


我的代码要复杂得多,但我已经隔离了这个故障?!?!?我真的需要一种方法来调试附加到 Google 文档的 HTML 中的 Javascript。

运行 HTML 的代码:

function launchMinHtml() {

  var html = HtmlService
//  SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert('about to show html');
  SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html, ' ');

onLoad 函数中的电子表格菜单:

function onOpen(e) {
    SpreadsheetApp.getUi()   // Or DocumentApp or SlidesApp or FormApp.
      .addItem('Open Form 1', 'openForm1')
      .addItem('Minimun HTML', 'launchMinHtml')
      .addItem('Select Color Change', 'launchSelectColorChg')
      .addItem('Dynamic Select', 'launchDynamicSelect')


标签: javascripthtmlgoogle-apps-script


为了扩展上述注释,您的代码中似乎存在语法错误,导致它停止执行。在您的浏览器中检查您的 Web 控制台,它应该引用该行,它在哪里停止。您的第二行应如下所示:

  document.getElementById("errMsg").style.fontWeight = "normal"; 
