首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 javascript 打开和查找 .dic 文件中的单词


我有一个文本输入字段,用户要输入一个单词然后单击一个按钮,我希望用户得到一个真或假的输出(真:如果这个词是正确的,假:否则..)我有一个包含超过 100.000 个单词的 .dic 文件,所以我想要一个 Javascript 函数来检查用户输入并将其与 .dic 文件中的所有单词进行比较,最后根据响应返回 true 或 false?

标签: javascript



    <script   src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var dictionary;
            function load() {
                $( '#loading-progress' ).append( 'Loading affix data...' ).append( $( '<br />' ) );
                $.get( 'typo/dictionaries/en_US/en_US.aff', function ( affData ) {
                    $( '#loading-progress' ).append( 'Loading English dictionary (this takes a few seconds)...' ).append( $( '<br />' ) );
                    $.get( 'typo/dictionaries/en_US/en_US.dic', function ( wordsData ) {
                        $( '#loading-progress' ).append( 'Initializing Typo...' );
                        dictionary = new Typo( "en_US", affData, wordsData );
                        checkWord( 'mispelled' );
                    } );
                } );
            function checkWord( word ) {
                var wordForm = $( '#word-form' );
                var resultsContainer = $( '#results' );
                resultsContainer.html( '' );
                resultsContainer.append( $( '<p>' ).text( "Is '" + word + "' spelled correctly?" ) );
                var is_spelled_correctly = dictionary.check( word );
                resultsContainer.append( $( '<p>' ).append( $( '<code>' ).text( is_spelled_correctly ? 'yes' : 'no' ) ) );
                if ( ! is_spelled_correctly ) {
                    resultsContainer.append( $( '<p>' ).text( "Finding spelling suggestions for '" + word + "'..." ) );
                    var array_of_suggestions = dictionary.suggest( word );

                    resultsContainer.append( $( '<p>' ).append( $( '<code>' ).text( array_of_suggestions.join( ', ' ) ) ) );

这是第一步:您正在加载typo.js 和Jquery 以进行dom 操作。

<script type="text/javascript" src="typo/typo.js"></script>
        <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.0/jquery.min.js"></script>


function load() {}

让我们使用 jquery $.get 函数填充构造加载函数

$.get( 'file path over the internet', function ( callback ) {}); 

你告诉 $.get 将什么文件下载到 DOM 中,然后在进程完成时回叫哪个文件将运行。因此,在 $.get 回调中有另一个 $get 有自己的回调。所以我们有如下嵌套操作;

$.get( 'first file', function ( callback on first file ) {
$.get( 'second file', function ( callback on second file ) {});


//create variable while will hold dictionary data

    var dictionary;
    function load() {
    //first file                
    $.get( 'typo/dictionaries/en_US/en_US.aff', function ( affData ) {
    //second file       
    $.get( 'typo/dictionaries/en_US/en_US.dic', function ( wordsData ) {
    //assign data to variable using typo object
    dictionary = new Typo( "en_US", affData, wordsData );
    //then finally do the search trough another custom function                 
    checkWord( 'check me' );
                        } );
                    } );

Check word 是一个简单的 UI 功能,使其与屏幕进行交互

    function checkWord( word ) {
// find wordfrom is from in the web page
var wordForm = $( '#word-form' );

// initially hiding the form when function is called

// prepare div where to show results and clear everything in it
var resultsContainer = $( '#results' );
resultsContainer.html( '' );

// then populate it with some form of indication ohh was it spelled right or what ever

resultsContainer.append( $( '<p>' ).text( "Is '" + word + "' spelled correctly?" ) );
// this is your truthy 
// we are going to call the fucntion from typo js through object we created on dictionary variable. moment of truth. It will return true or false. 

var is_spelled_correctly = dictionary.check( word );
// next we chow it to the world by appending Paragraph with text
// what it is doing is running ternary function a short hand for if else e.g. your condition ? 'show yes if meets': 'show no otherwise';
//based on truthy we ran above if its true it will show yes else no. Just visual gimmic.

resultsContainer.append( $( '<p>' ).append( $( '<code>' ).text( is_spelled_correctly ? 'yes' : 'no' ) ) );
//next if it was not spelled correctly run suggestion, based on truthy we ran above if its false run suggestions. Just visual gimmic.           

if ( ! is_spelled_correctly ) {
resultsContainer.append( $( '<p>' ).text( "Finding spelling suggestions for '" + word + "'..." ) );

var array_of_suggestions = dictionary.suggest( word );
resultsContainer.append( $( '<p>' ).append( $( '<code>' ).text( array_of_suggestions.join( ', ' ) ) ) );
//in the end show form again.                   

在网页中的表单上,您正在调用该函数并最终返​​回 false 停止它运行到互联网。

<form method="GET" action="" onsubmit="checkWord( document.getElementById( 'word' ).value ); return false;


<body onload="load();">


希望这能给你一些理解。要运行拼写错误,您需要文件 .aff 和 .dic 这就是为什么两个在加载一个时才以嵌套方式运行它们,然后才加载另一个。

我们在所有完成后调用检查函数,然后我们只调用该函数,因为一切都在全局范围内。您是否注意到 var 字典在函数之外,所以基本上它在全局范围内可供任何其他函数访问,因此我们不必一遍又一遍地运行加载函数。
简单的调用检查功能来运行 UI,因为其他一切都准备好了

查看源代码:https ://www.chrisfinke.com/files/typo-demo/
