首页 > 解决方案 > PHP | 随机顺序包括文件



逻辑是这些文件包含用户必须查看的信息(通信),这 20 个文件的目标是它们应该以随机顺序显示给用户。


// Declare and define two dates
$date1 = strtotime($data_registrazione);
$date2 = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));

// Formulate the Difference between two dates
$diff = abs($date2 - $date1);

// To get the year divide the resultant date into
// total seconds in a year (365*60*60*24)
$years = floor($diff / (365*60*60*24));

// To get the month, subtract it with years and
// divide the resultant date into
// total seconds in a month (30*60*60*24)
$months = floor(($diff - $years * 365*60*60*24)
    / (30*60*60*24));

// To get the day, subtract it with years and
// months and divide the resultant date into
// total seconds in a days (60*60*24)
$days = floor(($diff - $years * 365*60*60*24 -
        $months*30*60*60*24)/ (60*60*24));

<?php if ($days == 0) :?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_zero.php'; ?>
<?php elseif ($days == 1) :?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_uno.php'; ?>
<?php elseif($days == 2) : ?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_due.php'; ?>
<?php elseif($days == 3) : ?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_tre.php'; ?>
<?php elseif($days == 4) : ?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_quattro.php'; ?>
<?php elseif($days == 5) : ?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_cinque.php'; ?>
<?php elseif($days == 6) : ?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_sei.php'; ?>
<?php elseif($days == 7) : ?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_sette.php'; ?>
<?php elseif($days == 8) : ?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_otto.php'; ?>
<?php elseif($days == 9) : ?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_nove.php'; ?>
<?php elseif($days == 10) : ?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_dieci.php'; ?>
<?php elseif($days == 11) : ?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_undici.php'; ?>
<?php elseif($days == 12) : ?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_dodici.php'; ?>
<?php elseif($days == 13) : ?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_tredici.php'; ?>
<?php elseif($days == 14) : ?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_quattoridic.php'; ?>
<?php elseif($days == 15) : ?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_quindici.php'; ?>
<?php elseif($days == 16) : ?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_sedici.php'; ?>
<?php elseif($days == 17) : ?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_diciassette.php'; ?>
<?php elseif($days == 18) : ?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_diciotto.php'; ?>
<?php elseif($days == 19) : ?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_diciannove.php'; ?>
<?php elseif($days == 20) : ?>
    <?php include 'referrer_pro/giorno_venti.php'; ?>
<?php endif; ?>



标签: php


要计算您所说的大致随机数,但这将在注册日期后的任意天数内有效,您需要做的是获取天数差的模 20。

diff calc 也可以简化为

# change the format to match how your date is being presented to this code
$regDate = (new DateTime())->createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2000-11-16');
$diff = $regDate->diff(new DateTime());
$days = $diff->days % 20;
echo "Random_ish number less than or equal to 20 = $days";

