首页 > 解决方案 > Add zero if the number of digits is less than three


I have baremetal servers where I want to set a specific port for the serial console via proxying, and I decided to make the port from the last octet of the ip, but sometimes the servers have two digits in the last octet, and in such a situation I want zero added for them.


- name: Test
  hosts: test
  gather_facts: no
    - name: IPV4 address lookup for node
        ip: "{{ lookup('community.general.dig', '{{ inventory_hostname }}-ipmi.mydomain.com') }}"
      delegate_to: localhost
    - name: Set port for serial console
        msg: "Console port will set 48{{ ip.split('.')[3] }}"


TASK [IPV4 address lookup for node] ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [hostA] => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "ip": ""
    "changed": false
ok: [hostB] => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "ip": ""
    "changed": false

TASK [Set port for serial console] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [hostA] => {
    "msg": "Console port will set 4825"
ok: [hostB] => {
    "msg": "Console port will set 48203"

The problem is that I also need to set the port after 48K for hostA. Can this be done with Ansible?

标签: ansible


You can use a jinja if/else loop to set the value according to your desired logic. You will notice in one case we prefix the IP part with "48", while in the other with "480":

using a set_fact task to calculate the port value:

  - name: set the port with set_fact
       console_port: "{% if ip.split('.')[3] | length == 3 %}48{{ ip.split('.')[3] }}{% elif ip.split('.')[3] | length == 2 %}480{{ ip.split('.')[3] }}{% endif %}"

Please note the current logic works only for 2 or 3 digits length, as you described it.
