首页 > 解决方案 > 如何编写 SQL 代码以生成 4 级 JSON 输出?


我正在尝试创建一个 4 级 json。让我感到困惑的是这里的“skus”级别。我正在尝试创建一个组级别,然后是一个 skus 级别,一个 fieldInfo 级别,并在其中创建给定组中所有 sku 的所有字段值等。


库存单位 场组 分组排序 字段名 字段排序 组背景颜色 标签名称 默认值
RB130-9-H-S21D2-PID-OS 遵守 9 item_volume_unit_of_measure 246 CC9999 item_volume_unit_of_measure
RB130-9-H-S21D2-PID-OS 产品丰富 6 leg_style 172 BBA680 腿型
RB130-9-H-S21D2-PID-OS 基本的 4 服装尺寸类 56 F8A45E 服装尺码等级
RB130-9-H-S21D2-PID-OS 基本的 4 shirt_size_class 51 F8A45E 衬衫尺码等级
RB130-9-H-S21D2-PID-OS 方面 7 item_height 198 8DB4E2 物品高度
RB130-9-H-S21D2-PID-OS 变化 3 parent_sku 43 FF8080 父 SKU
RB130-9-H-S21D2-SSKC-OS 变化 3 parent_sku 43 FF8080 父 SKU
RB130-9-H-S21D2-SSKC-OS 方面 7 item_height 198 8DB4E2 物品高度
RB130-9-H-S21D2-SSKC-OS 基本的 4 shirt_size_class 51 F8A45E 衬衫尺码等级
RB130-9-H-S21D2-SSKC-OS 基本的 4 服装尺寸类 56 F8A45E 服装尺码等级
RB130-9-H-S21D2-SSKC-OS 产品丰富 6 leg_style 172 BBA680 腿型
RB130-9-H-S21D2-SSKC-OS 遵守 9 item_volume_unit_of_measure 246 CC9999 item_volume_unit_of_measure


    "groups": [{
        "group": "Group1",
        "skus": [{
            "sku": "xxx",
            "fieldInfo": [{
                "fieldName": "field1",
                "value": "1"
            }, {
                "fieldName": "2",
                "fieldValue": "2"
        }, {
            "sku": "yyy",
            "fieldInfo": [{
                "fieldName": "field1",
                "value": "1"
            }, {
                "fieldName": "2",
                "fieldValue": "2"
    }, {
        "group": "Group2",
        "skus": [{
            "sku": "xxx",
            "fieldInfo": [{
                "fieldName": "field1",
                "value": "1"
            }, {
                "fieldName": "2",
                "fieldValue": "2"
        }, {
            "sku": "yyy",
            "fieldInfo": [{
                "fieldName": "field1",
                "value": "1"
            }, {
                "fieldName": "2",
                "fieldValue": "2"
    }, {
        "group": "Group3",
        "skus": [{
            "sku": "xxx",
            "fieldInfo": [{
                "fieldName": "field1",
                "value": "1"
            }, {
                "fieldName": "2",
                "fieldValue": "2"
        }, {
            "sku": "yyy",
            "fieldInfo": [{
                "fieldName": "field1",
                "value": "1"
            }, {
                "fieldName": "2",
                "fieldValue": "2"


select (

select fieldGroup,  max(groupbackgroundcolor) backgroundcolor,JSON_Query(max(skuinfo.skus)) skuinfo
    from Amazon.AmazonSpreadsheetData sd
    cross apply (
            select (select sd2.sku, JSON_Query(max(fieldinfo.fields)) fieldInfo from Amazon.AmazonSpreadsheetData sd2
                cross apply (
                        select (select fieldid, FieldName,LabelName,DefaultValue 
                        from Amazon.AmazonSpreadsheetData sd3
                        where sd3.sku=sd2.sku
                            and sd3.fieldgroup=sd2.fieldgroup
                            and sd3.collectionid=sd2.collectionid
                            and sd3.deliveryDate=sd2.deliverydate
                            and sd3. TemplateName=sd2.templatename
                            and sd3.productType=sd2.producttype
                        order by sd3.parentchildsort, sd3.fieldSort for JSON path ) fields               
                ) fieldInfo
            where sd2.fieldgroup=sd.fieldgroup 
                and sd2.sku=sd.sku 
                and sd2.collectionid=sd.collectionid
                and sd2.deliveryDate=sd.deliverydate
                and sd2.TemplateName=sd.templatename
                and sd2.productType=sd.producttype
            group by sd2.sku
            order by max(sd2.parentchildsort), sd2.sku 
            for JSON path )skus
            --order by parentchildsort,sd.sku for JSON path
            ) skuInfo

    where collectionid=524
        and sd.deliveryDate='2021-02-15'
        and sd.TemplateName='Boys'
        and sd.productType='pants'
        and sd.sku like '%RB130-9-%'
    group by fieldgroup
    --order by max(groupsort)
    for JSON path, root('Groups') 
) jstring 

但所做的只是获取每个组的最大 sku:

"Groups": [{
    "fieldGroup": "Basic",
    "backgroundcolor": "F8A45E",
    "skuinfo": [{
        "sku": "RB130-9-H-S21D2-SSKC-OS",
        "fieldInfo": [{
            "fieldid": 220702,
            "FieldName": "update_delete",
            "LabelName": "Update Delete",
            "DefaultValue": "Update"
        }, {
            "fieldid": 221206,
            "FieldName": "product_description",
            "LabelName": "Product Description",
            "DefaultValue": "descrip"
}, {
    "fieldGroup": "Compliance",
    "backgroundcolor": "CC9999",
    "skuinfo": [{
        "sku": "RB130-9-H-S21D2-SSKC-OS",
        "fieldInfo": [{
            "fieldid": 221390,
            "FieldName": "fabric_type",
            "LabelName": "Fabric Type",
            "DefaultValue": ""
        }, {
            "fieldid": 220742,
            "FieldName": "import_designation",
            "LabelName": "Import Designation",
            "DefaultValue": ""
}, {
    "fieldGroup": "Dimensions",
    "backgroundcolor": "8DB4E2",
    "skuinfo": [{
        "sku": "RB130-9-H-S21D2-SSKC-OS",
        "fieldInfo": [{
            "fieldid": 221478,
            "FieldName": "chest_size",
            "LabelName": "Chest Size",
            "DefaultValue": ""
        }, {
            "fieldid": 220930,
            "FieldName": "chest_size_unit_of_measure",
            "LabelName": "Chest Size Unit Of Measure",
            "DefaultValue": ""
}, {
    "fieldGroup": "Discovery",
    "backgroundcolor": "92D050",
    "skuinfo": [{
        "sku": "RB130-9-H-S21D2-SSKC-OS",
        "fieldInfo": [{
            "fieldid": 220842,
            "FieldName": "bullet_point1",
            "LabelName": "Key Product Features",
            "DefaultValue": ""
        }, {
            "fieldid": 221502,
            "FieldName": "bullet_point2",
            "LabelName": "Key Product Features",
            "DefaultValue": ""
}, {
    "fieldGroup": "Fulfillment",
    "backgroundcolor": "B7DEE8",
    "skuinfo": [{
        "sku": "RB130-9-H-S21D2-SSKC-OS",
        "fieldInfo": [{
            "fieldid": 221190,
            "FieldName": "fulfillment_center_id",
            "LabelName": "Fulfillment Center ID",
            "DefaultValue": "DEFAULT"
        }, {
            "fieldid": 221422,
            "FieldName": "package_height",
            "LabelName": "Package Height",
            "DefaultValue": ""
}, {
    "fieldGroup": "Images",
    "backgroundcolor": "FFFF00",
    "skuinfo": [{
        "sku": "RB130-9-H-S21D2-SSKC-OS",
        "fieldInfo": [{
            "fieldid": 221358,
            "FieldName": "other_image_url1",
            "LabelName": "Other Image URL1",
            "DefaultValue": ""
        }, {
            "fieldid": 220858,
            "FieldName": "other_image_url2",
            "LabelName": "Other Image URL2",
            "DefaultValue": ""
}, {
    "fieldGroup": "Offer",
    "backgroundcolor": "FF0000",
    "skuinfo": [{
        "sku": "RB130-9-H-S21D2-SSKC-OS",
        "fieldInfo": [{
            "fieldid": 221014,
            "FieldName": "list_price",
            "LabelName": "Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price",
            "DefaultValue": ""
        }, {
            "fieldid": 221414,
            "FieldName": "map_price",
            "LabelName": "Minimum Advertised Price",
            "DefaultValue": ""
}, {
    "fieldGroup": "Product Enrichment",
    "backgroundcolor": "BBA680",
    "skuinfo": [{
        "sku": "RB130-9-H-S21D2-SSKC-OS",
        "fieldInfo": [{
            "fieldid": 221398,
            "FieldName": "bottom_style",
            "LabelName": "Bottom Style",
            "DefaultValue": ""
        }, {
            "fieldid": 220798,
            "FieldName": "subject_character",
            "LabelName": "character",
            "DefaultValue": ""
}, {
    "fieldGroup": "Required",
    "backgroundcolor": "FCD5B4",
    "skuinfo": [{
        "sku": "RB130-9-H-S21D2-SSKC-OS",
        "fieldInfo": [{
            "fieldid": 221418,
            "FieldName": "feed_product_type",
            "LabelName": "Product Type",
            "DefaultValue": "pants"
        }, {
            "fieldid": 220758,
            "FieldName": "item_sku",
            "LabelName": "Seller SKU",
            "DefaultValue": "KP-RB130-9-S21D2"
}, {
    "fieldGroup": "Variation",
    "backgroundcolor": "FF8080",
    "skuinfo": [{
        "sku": "RB130-9-H-S21D2-SSKC-OS",
        "fieldInfo": [{
            "fieldid": 220934,
            "FieldName": "parent_child",
            "LabelName": "Parentage",
            "DefaultValue": "Parent"
        }, {
            "fieldid": 221538,
            "FieldName": "parent_sku",
            "LabelName": "Parent SKU",
            "DefaultValue": ""
        }, {
            "fieldid": 221234,
            "FieldName": "relationship_type",
            "LabelName": "Relationship Type",
            "DefaultValue": "Variation"
        }, {
            "fieldid": 221030,
            "FieldName": "variation_theme",
            "LabelName": "Variation Theme",
            "DefaultValue": "SizeColor"



标签: sqljsongroup-bymulti-level

