首页 > 解决方案 > 如何为全局类型设置静态计数器?



template <typename Type>
class Sequential_ID_Dispenser
    static inline int nextDispensed = 0;
    static int getID() { return nextDispensed++; }

struct DummyTypeForComponentIDs {}; // So that the same type is passed to getID()

template <typename T>
struct Component { 
    static inline int componentTypeID = Sequential_ID_Dispenser<DummyTypeForComponentIDs>::getID();

// The reason I've made it inherit like this is so that any time I add a new Component type/struct it'll automatically get an ID for that type
struct Hat : Component<Hat> {};
struct Tie : Component<Tie> {};

int main()

    int id = Hat::componentTypeID; // = 0
    id = Tie::componentTypeID; // = 1


template <typename T>
    struct Component { 
        static inline int componentTypeID = Sequential_ID_Dispenser<DummyTypeForComponentIDs>::getID();

    struct Hat : Component<Hat> {};
    struct Tie : Component<Tie> {};
    struct BlueHat : Hat {};

int main()
    int id = Hat::componentTypeID; // = 0
    id = Tie::componentTypeID; // = 1
    id = BlueHat::componentTypeID; // = 0, gets the same number as struct Hat : Component<Hat>{}

有没有好的解决方案?理想情况下,我想定义任何新结构而不将参数传递给基本构造函数。我意识到我为此使用了 CRTP,这正是我为使其工作所做的工作,但必须有更简单的方法,对吧?

编辑:实际上我很惊讶解决方案并不容易,我只想为我在全局命名空间中创建的每个类获取一个新 ID,我猜是编译时或运行时。

标签: c++templatesstatic



您甚至可以使用模板变量 (C++14):

std::size_t getId()
    static std::size_t counter = 0;
    return counter++;

template <typename T>
std::size_t Id = getId();

