首页 > 解决方案 > Azure Database -> Excel Query


I have a query being executed in a Azure server periodically and I need to add some code to it, so it can save some data from Tables/Views to a Excel file during the execution. I have implemented some code like this on other databases (non-Azures), but executing the same code in Azure gives me messages like "Azure doesn't support" some of the tools I used. What should I use to do this? I just got to save some Tables data to specific sheets in Excel.

Thanks in advance!

标签: excelazure-sql-database


如果要求特定于 Excel 文件创建;您可以使用逻辑应用从 Azure SQL 数据库中查询数据库,并根据以下链接生成 Excel 文件: https://community.dynamics.com/ax/b/d365fortechies/posts/logic-app-for-azure-sql-db-to-azure-file-storage-workflow

注意:您可以为逻辑应用程序选择 Excel 文件生成而不是上面示例中提到的 CSV,或者生成一个 CSV 文件然后转换为 Excel
