首页 > 解决方案 > 如何加快python中非线性优化的多次迭代?


我正在尝试使用PyGMO 包解决非线性优化 优化类是单独定义的,然后通过单独的函数调用dyn_optimGMO。必须为变量(节点)定义的 1000 个随机初始向量进行此优化并保存inits ( or init_val)

使用timeit模块我发现每次迭代大约17 seconds 需要完成。这意味着大约5 hours 需要1000 iterations. 这是一个非常大的时间。

如果我必须对节点重复此操作,20 perturb那么总迭代次数200000将按照上面计算的线性时间进行。

我尝试通过使用 pythonmultiprocessing模块为 20 个扰动节点中的每一个并行化每组 1000 次迭代来解决这个问题。但这无济于事。

我也尝试使用 Numba jit 函数,但它们无法识别 pyGMO 模块,因此失败。



import numpy as np
import pygmo as pg

matL = np.random.rand(300,300) ; node_len = 300

inits = []; results = []

perturb = {25:0} #setting a random node, say, node 25 to 0

class my_constrained_udp:
    def __init__(self):
    def fitness(self, x):
        matA = np.matrix(x)
        obj1 = matA.dot(matL).dot(matA.T)[0,0] #this is int value
        ce1 = sum(init_val) - sum(x)                   
        return [obj1, ce1]
    def n_objs(self): # no of objectives
        return 1

    def get_nec(self): #no of equality constraints
        return 1   

    def get_nic(self): #no of in-equality constraints
        return 0                    

    def get_bounds(self): #lower and upper bounds: use this to perturb the node
        lowerB = np.array([0]*node_len); upperB = np.array([1]*node_len)
        if perturb:
            for k,v in perturb.items():
                lowerB[k] = v; upperB[k] = v
        return (lowerB,upperB)

    def gradient(self, x):
        return pg.estimate_gradient_h(lambda x: self.fitness(x), x)

def dyn_optimGMO(matL, node_len ,init):
    if perturb:
        for k,v in perturb.items(): init_val[k] = v  #setting perturbations in initial values
    inner_algo = pg.nlopt("slsqp"); inner_algo.maxeval = 5
    algo = pg.algorithm(uda = pg.mbh(inner_algo, stop = 2, perturb = .2))
    #algo.set_verbosity(10) # in this case this correspond to logs each 1 call to slsqp
    pop = pg.population(prob = my_constrained_udp(), size = 1000 , seed=123)
    pop.problem.c_tol = [1E-6] * 1 # get_nec + get_nic = 1, so multiplied by 1
    pop = algo.evolve(pop) 
    res = pop.champion_x   
    return res

# running above optimization code for 1000 random initializations

for i in range(1000):
    init_val = np.array([random.uniform(0, 1) for k in range(node_len)])
    if perturb:
        for k,v in perturb.items(): init_val[k] = v  #setting perturbations in initial values
    res = dyn_optimGMO(matL ,node_len ,init_val) # this function is defined here only
    inits.append(init_val); results.append(res)


正如@Ananda 下面所建议的,我对目标函数进行了更改,将运行时间减少了近 7 倍。我已经重写了代码以1000 iterations使用 pythonmultiprocessing模块运行此代码。下面是我尝试生成进程以并行处理迭代的新代码。由于我的系统只有 8 个线程,所以我将池大小限制为 5,因为 PyGMO 也使用内部并行化并且它也需要一些线程

import numpy as np
import pygmo as pg

matL = np.random.rand(300,300) ; node_len = 300

perturb = {12:1} # assign your perturb ID here

def optimizationFN(var):

    results = []
    inits = var[0]; perturb = var[1]

    class my_constrained_udp:
        def fitness(self, x):
            obj1 = x[None,:] @ matL @ x[:,None] # @ is mat multiplication operator
            ce1 = np.sum(inits) - np.sum(x)                   
            return [obj1, ce1]
        def n_objs(self): # no of objectives
            return 1
        def get_nec(self): #no of equality constraints
            return 1    
        def get_nic(self): #no of in-equality constraints
            return 0                    
        def get_bounds(self): #lower and upper bounds: use this to perturb the node
            lowerB = np.array([0]*node_len); upperB = np.array([1]*node_len)
            if perturb:
                for k,v in perturb.items():
                    lowerB[k] = v; upperB[k] = v
            return (lowerB,upperB)
        def gradient(self, x):
            return pg.estimate_gradient_h(lambda x: self.fitness(x), x)
    def dyn_optimGMO(matL, node_len ,inits):
        perturb should be a dict of node index and value as 0 or 1. Type(node_index) = int
        if perturb:
            for k,v in perturb.items(): inits[k] = v  #setting perturbations in initial values
        inner_algo = pg.nlopt("slsqp"); inner_algo.maxeval = 5
        algo = pg.algorithm(uda = pg.mbh(inner_algo, stop = 2, perturb = .2))
        #algo.set_verbosity(10) # in this case this correspond to logs each 1 call to slsqp
        pop = pg.population(prob = my_constrained_udp(), size = 100 , seed=123)
        pop.problem.c_tol = [1E-6] * 1 # get_nec + get_nic = 1, so multiplied by 1
        pop = algo.evolve(pop) 
        res = pop.champion_x   
        return res
    if perturb:
        for k,v in perturb.items(): inits[k] = v  #setting perturbations in initial values
    res = dyn_optimGMO(matL ,node_len ,inits) # this function is defined here only
    return results

import time

st = time.time()
#1000 random initialisations
initial_vals = []
for i in range(1000): initial_vals.append(np.array([random.uniform(0, 1) for k in range(node_len)]))
initial_vals = np.array(initial_vals)

inp_val = []
for i in range(len(initial_vals)): inp_val.append([initial_vals[i],perturb])

#running evaluations
#eqVal = optimizationFN(initial_vals,perturb=perturb)
from multiprocessing import Pool

myPool = Pool(8)

data = myPool.map(optimizationFN,inp_val)

myPool.close(); myPool.join()

print('Total Time: ',round(time.time()-st,4))

这将在1.13 hours.


标签: pythonnumpyoptimizationparallel-processingpython-multiprocessing



如果您使用line profiler分析您的健身功能,

Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
    28                                               @profile
    29                                               def fitness(self, x):
    30     96105    3577978.0     37.2      9.5          matA = np.matrix(x)
    31     96105    8548353.0     88.9     22.7          obj1 = matA.dot(matL).dot(matA.T)[0,0] #this is int value
    32     96105   25328835.0    263.6     67.4          ce1 = sum(init_val) - sum(x)
    33     96105     121800.0      1.3      0.3          return [obj1, ce1]


我会像这样重写函数 -

def fitness(self, x):

    obj1 = x[None, :] @ matL @ x[:, None]
    ce1 = np.sum(init_val) - np.sum(x)

    return [obj1, ce1]


Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
    20                                               @profile
    21                                               def fitness(self, x):
    23     77084    3151649.0     40.9     48.9          obj1 = x[None, :] @ matL @ x[:, None]
    24     77084    3214012.0     41.7     49.9          ce1 = np.sum(init_val) - np.sum(x)
    26     77084      79439.0      1.0      1.2          return [obj1, ce1]

完整功能的每次点击总时间从大约 380 下降到 80。

np.matrix建议不要再使用该方法,并将被弃用。而使用原生 pythonsum代替np.sum会大大降低性能。

在我的机器上,它将性能从 33 秒/it 提高到 6 秒/迭代。性能提升约 5 倍。
