首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 Python 查找所有迷宫解决方案


我试图找到(使用 Python)所有可能的迷宫解决方案。我有一个返回一个解决方案的 DFS 脚本。我正在尝试适应它,但我真的很难把头绕在整个递归的事情上。

这是我拥有的代码,可用于使用 DFS 找到一种可能的解决方案:任何提示或帮助将不胜感激!(数组中的“lett”可以忽略/视为常规“路径”)

def DFS(x,y,Map):
    if (Map[x][y]=="exit"):                             #check if we're at the exit
        return [(x,y)]                                  #if so then we solved it so return this spot
    if ((Map[x][y]!="path") and (Map[x][y]!="lett")):   #if it's not a path, we can't try this spot
        return []
    Map[x][y]="explored"                                #make this spot explored so we don't try again
    for i in [[x-1,y],[x+1,y],[x,y-1],[x,y+1]]:         #new spots to try
        result = DFS(i[0],i[1],Map)                     #recursively call itself
        if len(result)>0:                               #if the result had at least one element, it found a correct path, otherwise it failed
            result.append((x,y))                        #if it found a correct path then return the path plus this spot
            return result
    return []                                           #return the empty list since we couldn't find any paths from here

def GetMap():
    return [

def DrawMap(Map,path):
    for x in range(0,len(Map)):
        for y in range(0,len(Map[x])):
            if ((x,y) in path):
                assert Map[x][y] in ("path","lett","exit")
            elif (Map[x][y]=="wall"):
            elif (Map[x][y]=="exit"):
            elif (Map[x][y]=="lett"):
                print(' ',end="")


print("Solved with DFS:")
print("path is ",len(DFS(1,1,GetMap()))," spots long\n")

标签: pythonrecursiondepth-first-searchmaze



像这样的问题一开始可能会让人感到不知所措,但我最喜欢的编程技术让复杂性化为乌有。使用一厢情愿的想法,我们编写我们希望的程序,然后我们实现我们的愿望 -

# simple.py

from maze import maze
from cursor import cursor

def dfs(cursor, maze):
  q = maze.get(cursor.y(), cursor.x())
  if not q or q.is_wall() or q.is_step():
  elif q.is_exit():
    yield maze
    next_maze = maze.step(cursor.y(), cursor.x())
    yield from dfs(cursor.up(), next_maze)
    yield from dfs(cursor.down(), next_maze)
    yield from dfs(cursor.right(), next_maze)
    yield from dfs(cursor.left(), next_maze)

def solve(cursor, maze):
  for x in dfs(cursor, maze):
    return x

我们只需要一个迷宫m,和一个光标,c -

# simple.py (continued)

# read maze from file
m = maze.from_file("./input")

# initialize cursor
c = cursor.from_ints(1, 1)

我们可以使用solve -

# simple.py (continued)

print(solve(c, m))
#---   #
###-#L #
#  -## #
# #----#
# ####-#
# L   e#

或者我们可以使用dfs -

# simple.py (continued)

for x in dfs(c, m):
  print(x, end="\n\n")


########   ########   ########   ########   ########   ########
#---   #   #---   #   #----- #   #----- #   #------#   #------#
###-#L #   ###-#L #   ### #--#   ### #--#   ### #L-#   ### #L-#
#  -## #   #---## #   #   ##-#   #---##-#   #   ##-#   #---##-#
# #----#   #-#L   #   # #L  -#   #-#----#   # #L  -#   #-#----#
# ####-#   #-#### #   # ####-#   #-#### #   # ####-#   #-#### #
# L   e#   #-----e#   # L   e#   #-----e#   # L   e#   #-----e#
########   ########   ########   ########   ########   ########


为了使上述程序运行,我们需要实现我们所有的愿望。我们将从cursor模块开始。光标只是一对整数,它为我们提供了方便的up, down, left, 和right移动 -

# cursor.py

def from_ints(y, x):
  return (y, x)

def up(t):
  (y, x) = t
  return from_ints(y - 1, x)

def down(t):
  (y, x) = t
  return from_ints(y + 1, x)

def left(t):
  (y, x) = t
  return from_ints(y, x - 1)

def right(t):
  (y, x) = t
  return from_ints(y, x + 1)

def to_str(t):
  (y, x) = t
  return f"({y}, {x})"

如您所见,我们正在使用普通函数。Python 也有很好的面向对象的特性,我们希望将这些便利扩展到我们模块的用户。我们通过包装普通函数轻松添加 OOP 接口 -

# cursor.py (continued)

class cursor:
  def from_ints(y, x): return cursor(from_ints(y, x))
  def __init__(self, t): self.t = t
  def __iter__(self): yield from self.t
  def __str__(self): return to_str(self.t)
  def up(self): return cursor(up(self.t))
  def down(self): return cursor(down(self.t))
  def right(self): return cursor(right(self.t))
  def left(self): return cursor(left(self.t))


现在我们进入我们的maze模块。我们将从编写普通函数开始转换from_file为迷宫,然后从迷宫开始to_str -

# maze.py

from cell import cell

def from_file(filename):
  with open(filename) as f:
    return from_str(f.read())

def from_str(s):
  return [ list(map(cell.from_str, row)) for row in s.split("\n") ]

def to_str(t):
  return "\n".join("".join(map(str, row)) for row in t)


# maze.py (continued)

from arr_ext import update

def get(t, y, x):
    if x < 0 or y < 0:
      return None
      return t[y][x]
  except IndexError:
    return None

def set(t, y, x, v):
  return update \
    ( t
    , y
    , lambda row: update(row, x, lambda _: v)

def step(t, y, x):
  return set(t, y, x, cell.step())

不要害怕尽可能多地许愿。我们会update在需要时实施。就像我们在上一个模块中所做的那样,我们添加了面向对象的接口 -

# maze.py (continued)

class maze:
  def from_file(filename): return maze(from_file(filename))
  def from_str(s): return maze(from_str(s))
  def __init__(self, t): self.t = t
  def __iter__(self): yield from self.t
  def __str__(self): return to_str(self.t)
  def get(self, y, x): return get(self.t, y, x)
  def set(self, y, x, v): return maze(set(self.t, y, x, v))
  def step(self, y, x): return maze(step(self.t, y, x))


当我们编写 Maze 模块时,我们希望有一个cell模块。一厢情愿的技巧现在应该成为焦点:许愿,实现它。我们的 Cell 模块代表迷宫中的一个单元。我们从一种转换from_str为单元格的方法开始,然后从一个单元格开始to_str ——

# cell.py

wall = 0
path = 1
exit = 2
lett = 3
step = 4

str_to_cell = \
  { "#": wall, " ": path, "e": exit, "L": lett, "-": step }

cell_to_str = \
  { v: k for (k, v) in str_to_cell.items() }

def from_str(s):
  if s in str_to_cell:
    return str_to_cell[s]
    raise RuntimeError(f"invalid cell character: {s}")

def to_str(t):
  if t in cell_to_str:
    return cell_to_str[t]
    raise RuntimeError(f"invalid cell component: {t}")

此外,我们编写is_*谓词来确定单元格是否是 a wall、 apath等。这突出了抽象的优势:我们可以更改数据在一个模块中的表示方式,而无需修改程序中的其他模块 -

# cell.py (continued)

def is_wall(t): return t == wall
def is_path(t): return t == path
def is_exit(t): return t == exit
def is_lett(t): return t == lett
def is_step(t): return t == step

添加面向对象的接口。同样,它是对我们普通函数的简单包装 -

# cell.py (continued)

class cell:
  def from_str(s): return cell(from_str(s))
  def wall(): return cell(wall)
  def path(): return cell(path)
  def exit(): return cell(exit)
  def lett(): return cell(lett)
  def step(): return cell(step)
  def __init__(self, t): self.t = t
  def __str__(self): return to_str(self.t)
  def is_wall(self): return is_wall(self.t)
  def is_path(self): return is_path(self.t)
  def is_exit(self): return is_exit(self.t)
  def is_lett(self): return is_lett(self.t)
  def is_step(self): return is_step(self.t)


只剩下一个愿望实现了!update我们在 Array Extensions 模块中编写通用函数, arr_ext -

# arr_ext.py

def update(t, pos, f):
    return [ *t[:pos], f(t[pos]), *t[pos + 1:]]
  except IndexError:
    return t


我们的simple程序以一种简化的方式解决了这个问题。如果我们想解决迷宫知道每个解决方案的路径怎么办?让我们在下面编写一个advanced程序 -

# advanced.py

from maze import maze
from cursor import cursor

def dfs(cursor, maze, path=[]):
  q = maze.get(*cursor)
  if not q or q.is_wall() or q.is_step():
  elif q.is_exit():
    yield (maze, path)
    next_maze = maze.step(*cursor)
    next_path = [*path, cursor]
    yield from dfs(cursor.up(), next_maze, next_path)
    yield from dfs(cursor.down(), next_maze, next_path)
    yield from dfs(cursor.right(), next_maze, next_path)
    yield from dfs(cursor.left(), next_maze, next_path)

def solve(cursor, maze):
  for x in dfs(cursor, maze):
    return x


# advanced.py (continued)

print(solution(solve(c, m)))
#---   #
###-#L #
#  -## #
# #----#
# ####-#
# L   e#
(1, 1)->(1, 2)->(1, 3)->(2, 3)->(3, 3)->(4, 3)->(4, 4)->(4, 5)->(4, 6)->(5, 6)

现在让我们看看所有已解决的迷宫和路径 -

# advanced.py (continued)

for x in dfs(c, m):
  print(solution(x), end="\n\n")
#---   #
###-#L #
#  -## #
# #----#
# ####-#
# L   e#
(1, 1)->(1, 2)->(1, 3)->(2, 3)->(3, 3)->(4, 3)->(4, 4)->(4, 5)->(4, 6)->(5, 6)

#---   #
###-#L #
#---## #
#-#L   #
#-#### #
(1, 1)->(1, 2)->(1, 3)->(2, 3)->(3, 3)->(3, 2)->(3, 1)->(4, 1)->(5, 1)->(6, 1)->(6, 2)->(6, 3)->(6, 4)->(6, 5)

#----- #
### #--#
#   ##-#
# #L  -#
# ####-#
# L   e#
(1, 1)->(1, 2)->(1, 3)->(1, 4)->(1, 5)->(2, 5)->(2, 6)->(3, 6)->(4, 6)->(5, 6)

#----- #
### #--#
#-#### #
(1, 1)->(1, 2)->(1, 3)->(1, 4)->(1, 5)->(2, 5)->(2, 6)->(3, 6)->(4, 6)->(4, 5)->(4, 4)->(4, 3)->(3, 3)->(3, 2)->(3, 1)->(4, 1)->(5, 1)->(6, 1)->(6, 2)->(6, 3)->(6, 4)->(6, 5)

### #L-#
#   ##-#
# #L  -#
# ####-#
# L   e#
(1, 1)->(1, 2)->(1, 3)->(1, 4)->(1, 5)->(1, 6)->(2, 6)->(3, 6)->(4, 6)->(5, 6)

### #L-#
#-#### #
(1, 1)->(1, 2)->(1, 3)->(1, 4)->(1, 5)->(1, 6)->(2, 6)->(3, 6)->(4, 6)->(4, 5)->(4, 4)->(4, 3)->(3, 3)->(3, 2)->(3, 1)->(4, 1)->(5, 1)->(6, 1)->(6, 2)->(6, 3)->(6, 4)->(6, 5)

别忘了实现你的愿望!我们可以看到一个新模块的出现solution,,,发生了,但这次我们只是将它留在同一个文件中 -

# advanced.py (continued)

def to_str(t):
  (maze, path) = t
  return str(maze) + "\n" + "->".join(map(str, path))

class solution:
  def __init__(self, t): self.t = t
  def __str__(self): return to_str(self.t)
