首页 > 解决方案 > open().read() 函数在第二次调用时返回空字符串,即使在重新打开文件后也是如此:Python



def Open_Settings():
    global Configurations
    Settings_Window = Toplevel()
    Settings_Window.config(background = "#000014")
    Settings_Window.title("Space Shooter: Settings")
    Settings_Window.iconphoto(False, Settings_Window_Icon)
    Setting_Frame = Frame(Settings_Window, height = 873, width = 810, background = "#000014")
        Player_1 = Image.open("Images\\Player_Space_Ship(1).png")
        Player_1 = Player_1.resize((60, 60), Image.ANTIALIAS)
        Player_1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Player_1)
        Player_2 = Image.open("Images\\Player_Space_Ship(2).png")
        Player_2 = Player_2.resize((60, 60), Image.ANTIALIAS)
        Player_2 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Player_2)
        Player_3 = Image.open("Images\\Player_Space_Ship(3).png")
        Player_3 = Player_3.resize((60, 60), Image.ANTIALIAS)
        Player_3 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Player_3)
        Enemy_1 = Image.open("Images\\Enemy_Space_Ship(1).png")
        Enemy_1 = Enemy_1.resize((60, 60), Image.ANTIALIAS)
        Enemy_1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Enemy_1)
        Enemy_2 = Image.open("Images\\Enemy_Space_Ship(2).png")
        Enemy_2 = Enemy_2.resize((60, 60), Image.ANTIALIAS)
        Enemy_2 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Enemy_2)
        Enemy_3 = Image.open("Images\\Enemy_Space_Ship(3).png")
        Enemy_3 = Enemy_3.resize((60, 60), Image.ANTIALIAS)
        Enemy_3 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Enemy_3)
        Boss_1 = Image.open("Images\\Boss_Space_Ship(1).png")
        Boss_1 = Boss_1.resize((120, 60), Image.ANTIALIAS)
        Boss_1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Boss_1)
        Boss_2 = Image.open("Images\\Boss_Space_Ship(2).png")
        Boss_2 = Boss_2.resize((120, 60), Image.ANTIALIAS)
        Boss_2 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Boss_2)
    except Exception as Error:
        Alert.showerror("Files not Found", "Error: " + str(Error) + "\nRequired files not found at destination.")
    Settings_Config = Configurations
    Title = Label(Setting_Frame, text = "Settings", background = "#000014", foreground = "#FFFFFF", font = ("Times New Roman", 36))
    Title.place(x = 333, y = 3)
    Appear_Title = Label(Setting_Frame, text = "Appearence", background = "#000014", foreground = "#FFFFFF", font = ("Times New Roman", 30, "bold", "italic", "underline"))
    Appear_Title.place(x = 3, y = 54)
    Start_Appear_Title = Label(Setting_Frame, text = "Start Window", background = "#000014", foreground = "#FFFFFF", font = ("Times New Roman", 24, "bold", "italic"))
    Start_Appear_Title.place(x = 27, y = 108)
    Change_Obj_Col_Label = Label(Setting_Frame, text = "Change Object Colour with every Movement:", foreground = "#FFFFFF", background = "#000014", font = ("Times New Roman", 18))
    Change_Obj_Col_Label.place(x = 54, y = 153)
    Change_Obj_Col_Box = ttk.Combobox(Setting_Frame, values = ("Yes", "No"), font = ("Times New Roman", 12, "italic"), state = "readonly")
    Change_Obj_Col_Box.place(x = 567, y = 150)
    Start_Win_Bg_Label = Label(Setting_Frame, text = "Start Window Background Colour:", foreground = "#FFFFFF", background = "#000014", font = ("Times New Roman", 18))
    Start_Win_Bg_Label.place(x = 54, y = 189)
    Start_Win_Bg_Box = ttk.Combobox(Setting_Frame, values = ("Space_Blue", "Black"), font = ("Times New Roman", 12, "italic"), state = "readonly")
    Start_Win_Bg_Box.place(x = 567, y = 186)
    Game_Appear_Title = Label(Setting_Frame, text = "After Game Starts", background = "#000014", foreground = "#FFFFFF", font = ("Times New Roman", 24, "bold", "italic"))
    Game_Appear_Title.place(x = 27, y = 234)
    Player_Label = Label(Setting_Frame, text = "Player Ship Skin:", background = "#000014", foreground = "#FFFFFF", font = ("Times New Roman", 18)).place(x = 54, y = 288)
    Player_Label = Label(Setting_Frame, text = "Enemy Ship Skin:", background = "#000014", foreground = "#FFFFFF", font = ("Times New Roman", 18)).place(x = 54, y = 378)
    Player_Label = Label(Setting_Frame, text = "Boss Ship Skin:", background = "#000014", foreground = "#FFFFFF", font = ("Times New Roman", 18)).place(x = 54, y = 468)
    Player_1_Button = Button(Setting_Frame, image = Player_1)
    Player_1_Button.place(x = 261, y = 279)
    Player_2_Button = Button(Setting_Frame, image = Player_2)
    Player_2_Button.place(x = 360, y = 279)
    Player_3_Button = Button(Setting_Frame, image = Player_3)
    Player_3_Button.place(x = 459, y = 279)    
    Enemy_1_Button = Button(Setting_Frame, image = Enemy_1)
    Enemy_1_Button.place(x = 261, y = 369)
    Enemy_2_Button = Button(Setting_Frame, image = Enemy_2)
    Enemy_2_Button.place(x = 360, y = 369)
    Enemy_3_Button = Button(Setting_Frame, image = Enemy_3)
    Enemy_3_Button.place(x = 459, y = 369)
    Boss_1_Button = Button(Setting_Frame, image = Boss_1)
    Boss_1_Button.place(x = 261, y = 459)
    Boss_2_Button = Button(Setting_Frame, image = Boss_2)
    Boss_2_Button.place(x = 399.6, y = 459)
    Star_Appearence_Label = Label(Setting_Frame, text = "Star Appearence:", foreground = "#FFFFFF", background = "#000014", font = ("Times New Roman", 18))
    Star_Appearence_Label.place(x = 54, y = 540)
    Star_Appearence_Box = ttk.Combobox(Setting_Frame, values = ("No Stars", "Stars but no Movement", "Stars with Movement"), state = "readonly", font = ("Times New Roman", 12, "italic"))
    Star_Appearence_Box.place(x = 567, y = 537)
    Game_Win_Bg_Label = Label(Setting_Frame, text = "Game Window Background Colour:", foreground = "#FFFFFF", background = "#000014", font = ("Times New Roman", 18))
    Game_Win_Bg_Label.place(x = 54, y = 576)
    Game_Win_Bg_Box = ttk.Combobox(Setting_Frame, values = ("Space_Blue", "Black"), font = ("Times New Roman", 12, "italic"), state = "readonly")
    Game_Win_Bg_Box.place(x = 567, y = 576)
    Game_Func_Title = Label(Setting_Frame, text = "Game Functionings", background = "#000014", foreground = "#FFFFFF", font = ("Times New Roman", 30, "bold", "italic", "underline"))
    Game_Func_Title.place(x = 3, y = 630)
    Player_Speed_Label = Label(Setting_Frame, text = "Player Ship Speed:", foreground = "#FFFFFF", background = "#000014", font = ("Times New Roman", 18))
    Player_Speed_Label.place(x = 54, y = 690)
    Player_Speed_Box = ttk.Combobox(Setting_Frame, values = ("Low", "Medium (Recommanded)", "High"), state = "readonly", font = ("Times New Roman", 12, "italic"))
    Player_Speed_Box.place(x = 270, y = 687)
    def Show_Curen_Config(Widget, Character, Image_Path = None):
        if Widget == "Button":
            if Character == "Player":
                if Configurations["Appearence"]["Game"]["Player_Ship_Image"] == Image_Path:
                    return "Red"
                    return "White"
            if Character == "Enemy":
                if Configurations["Appearence"]["Game"]["Enemy_Ship_Image"] == Image_Path:
                    return "Red"
                    return "White"
            if Character == "Boss":
                if Configurations["Appearence"]["Game"]["Boss_Ship_Image"] == Image_Path:
                    return "Red"
                    return "White"
        if Widget == "Combobox":
            if Character == "#000000" or Character == False or Character == "Stars but no Movement" or Character == 4:
                return 1
            elif Character == "#000014" or Character == True or Character == "No Stars" or Character == 8:
                return 0
                return 2
    def Change_Settings(Character, Name, Number = 1):
        if Character == "Player":
            Player_1_Button.configure(background = "White")
            Player_2_Button.configure(background = "White")
            Player_3_Button.configure(background = "White")
            Name.configure(background = "Red")
            Settings_Config["Appearence"]["Game"]["Player_Ship_Image"] = "Images\\Player_Space_Ship(" + str(Number) + ").png"
        if Character == "Enemy":
            Enemy_1_Button.configure(background = "White")
            Enemy_2_Button.configure(background = "White")
            Enemy_3_Button.configure(background = "White")
            Name.configure(background = "Red")
            Settings_Config["Appearence"]["Game"]["Enemy_Ship_Image"] = "Images\\Enemy_Space_Ship(" + str(Number) + ").png"
        if Character == "Boss":
            Boss_1_Button.configure(background = "White")
            Boss_2_Button.configure(background = "White")
            Name.configure(background = "Red")
            Settings_Config["Appearence"]["Game"]["Boss_Ship_Image"] = "Images\\Boss_Space_Ship(" + str(Number) + ").png"
    def Save_Configures():
        if Change_Obj_Col_Box.get() == "Yes":
            Settings_Config["Appearence"]["Start"]["Change_Object_Colours"] = True
            Settings_Config["Appearence"]["Start"]["Change_Object_Colours"] = False
        if Start_Win_Bg_Box.get() == "Black":
            Settings_Config["Appearence"]["Start"]["Background_Colour"] = "#000000"
            Settings_Config["Appearence"]["Start"]["Background_Colour"] = "#000014"
        Settings_Config["Appearence"]["Game"]["Star_Appearence"] = Star_Appearence_Box.get()
        if Player_Speed_Box.get() == "High":
            Settings_Config["Game_Functionings"]["Player_Ship_Speed"] = 8
        elif Player_Speed_Box.get() == "Low":
            Settings_Config["Game_Functionings"]["Player_Ship_Speed"] = 2
            Settings_Config["Game_Functionings"]["Player_Ship_Speed"] = 4
        if Game_Win_Bg_Box.get() == "Black":
                Settings_Config["Appearence"]["Game"]["Background_Colour"] = "#000000"
            Settings_Config["Appearence"]["Game"]["Background_Colour"] = "#000014"
        Configurations = Settings_Config
        Configurations = json.dumps(Configurations)
        Configuration_File = open("Space_Shooter_Configurations.json", "w")
    def Set_Defaults():
        Configurations = {
                    "Change_Object_Colours": True,
                    "Background_Colour": "#000014"
                    "Player_Ship_Image": "Images\\Player_Space_Ship(1).png",
                    "Enemy_Ship_Image": "Images\\Enemy_Space_Ship(1).png",
                    "Boss_Ship_Image": "Images\\Boss_Space_Ship(1).png",
                    "Star_Appearence": "Stars with Movement",
                    "Background_Colour": "#000014"
                "Player_Ship_Speed": 4
        Configurations = json.dumps(Configurations)
        Configuration_File = open("Space_Shooter_Configurations.json", "w")
    def Show_Configs():
        Configuration_File = open("Space_Shooter_Configurations.json", "r") # Here
        Configurations = Configuration_File.read()
        if Configurations:
        Configurations = json.loads(Configurations)
        Player_1_Button.configure(command = lambda: Change_Settings("Player", Player_1_Button, 1), background = Show_Curen_Config("Button", "Player", "Images\\Player_Space_Ship(1).png"))
        Player_2_Button.configure(command = lambda: Change_Settings("Player", Player_2_Button, 2), background = Show_Curen_Config("Button", "Player", "Images\\Player_Space_Ship(2).png"))
        Player_3_Button.configure(command = lambda: Change_Settings("Player", Player_3_Button, 3), background = Show_Curen_Config("Button", "Player", "Images\\Player_Space_Ship(3).png"))
        Enemy_1_Button.configure(command = lambda: Change_Settings("Enemy", Enemy_1_Button, 1), background = Show_Curen_Config("Button", "Enemy", "Images\\Enemy_Space_Ship(1).png"))
        Enemy_2_Button.configure(command = lambda: Change_Settings("Enemy", Enemy_2_Button, 2), background = Show_Curen_Config("Button", "Enemy", "Images\\Enemy_Space_Ship(2).png"))
        Enemy_3_Button.configure(command = lambda: Change_Settings("Enemy", Enemy_3_Button, 3), background = Show_Curen_Config("Button", "Enemy", "Images\\Enemy_Space_Ship(3).png"))
        Boss_1_Button.configure(command = lambda: Change_Settings("Boss", Boss_1_Button, 1), background = Show_Curen_Config("Button", "Boss", "Images\\Boss_Space_Ship(1).png"))
        Boss_2_Button.configure(command = lambda: Change_Settings("Boss", Boss_2_Button, 2), background = Show_Curen_Config("Button", "Boss", "Images\\Boss_Space_Ship(2).png"))
        Start_Win_Bg_Box.current(Show_Curen_Config("Combobox", Configurations["Appearence"]["Start"]["Background_Colour"]))
        Star_Appearence_Box.current(Show_Curen_Config("Combobox", Configurations["Appearence"]["Game"]["Star_Appearence"]))
        Game_Win_Bg_Box.current(Show_Curen_Config("Combobox", Configurations["Appearence"]["Game"]["Background_Colour"]))
        Player_Speed_Box.current(Show_Curen_Config("Combobox", Configurations["Game_Functionings"]["Player_Ship_Speed"]))
        Change_Obj_Col_Box.current(Show_Curen_Config("Combobox", Configurations["Appearence"]["Start"]["Change_Object_Colours"]))
    Settings_Window.bind("<Control-s>", lambda event: Save_Configures())
    Settings_Window.bind("<Control-d>", lambda event: Set_Defaults())

好的,这是我的一段代码(因为我认为它不会影响我的问题),所以我的问题是当Show_Config()第一次调用该函数时,它可以正常工作,但第二次调用时(按 Ctrl-s/Ctrl-d 后),open("Space_Shooter_Configurations.json", "r").read()返回空字符串,导致Configurations = json.loads(Configurations)行错误。

我在执行 if-else-print 调试后才知道它,这最终让我明白第二次,Configurations 变量被分配为一个空字符串。


版本:Python 3.8.6

IDE:Visual Studio 代码

操作系统:Windows 7(32 位)

标签: pythonpython-3.xtkinter






    Main_Frame.bind("<Button-1>", self.Start_Game_Event)
    Main_Frame.bind("<F1>", Start_Game.Show_Info)
    Main_Frame.bind("<F2>", Start_Game.Info_About)
    Main_Frame.bind("<F3>", Start_Game.Info_Game_Play)


    Main_Frame.bind("<Button-1>", self.Start_Game_Event)
    Main_Frame.bind("<F1>", self.Show_Info)
    Main_Frame.bind("<F2>", self.Info_About)
    Main_Frame.bind("<F3>", self.Info_Game_Play)

这一切都表明您应该研究 PEP8 Python 标准。这将有助于清理您的代码。接下来我会这样做,import tkinter as tk而不是from tkinter import *这样做将帮助您防止错误地覆盖现有函数/变量。
