首页 > 解决方案 > Javascript无法将参数添加到带有循环的函数


我有一个代码在应用于 html 表时应该做热图:


<table class='table' id='js-datatable' cellspacing="0.9" cellpadding="8" border="1">
        <th align=center style="white-space: nowrap;" bgcolor=grey>product</th>
        <th align=center style="white-space: nowrap;" bgcolor=grey>Jan</th>
        <th align=center style="white-space: nowrap;" bgcolor=grey>Feb</th>
        <th align=center style="white-space: nowrap;" bgcolor=grey>Mar</th>
        <th align=center style="white-space: nowrap;" bgcolor=grey>Apr</th>
        <th align=center style="white-space: nowrap;" bgcolor=grey>May</th>
    <tr class='heatmap-stable'>
        <td align=center>K22</td>
        <td align=center>655$</td>
        <td align=center>365$</td>
        <td align=center>265$</td>
        <td align=center>125$</td>
        <td align=center>36$</td>
    <tr class='heatmap-stable'>
        <td align=center>K52</td>
        <td align=center>90</td>
        <td align=center>50</td>
        <td align=center>120</td>
        <td align=center>80</td>
        <td align=center>190</td>
    <tr class='heatmap-stable'>
        <td align=center>J42</td>
        <td align=center>1267</td>
        <td align=center>1567</td>
        <td align=center>347</td>
        <td align=center>697</td>
        <td align=center>70</td>
    <script src='https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.js'></script>
    <script type='text/javascript' src='script.js'></script>


function clean_formatted_data(str) {
    return parseFloat (str.replace (/([%,$,\,])+/g, ''));

function col_to_array(tbl_col, target) {
    // Returns column `n` (zero indexed) in table id `target` as an array

    var colArray = $ ('#' + target + ' td:nth-child(' + tbl_col + ')').map (function () {
        return clean_formatted_data ($ (this).text ());
    }).get ();

    return colArray;

//------ new schtuff ------------------------//

function get_pos_of_max(col_data) {
    return $.inArray (Math.max.apply (Math, col_data), col_data)

function generate_opacities(col_data, max) {
    var opacity_array = [];
    var increment = max / (col_data.length);

    for (i = col_data.length; i >= 1; i--) {
        opacity_array.push (i * increment / 100);

    return opacity_array;

function process_col_best_performing(tbl_col, target) {
    var col_data = col_to_array (tbl_col, target);
    var opacity_array = generate_opacities (col_data, 50);
    var row_count = col_data.length;

    for (var i = 1; i <= row_count; i++) {
        $ ('#' + target + ' tr:nth-child(' + (get_pos_of_max (col_data) + 1) + ') td:nth-child(' + tbl_col + ')').css ('background', 'rgba(0,0,255,' + opacity_array[0] + ')');
        col_data[get_pos_of_max (col_data)] = null;
        for (const spliceElement of opacity_array.splice (0, 1)) {



假设我有 5 列,所以我的 javascript 函数可以这样应用:

process_col_best_performing (tbl_col:1, target:'js-datatable');
process_col_best_performing (tbl_col:2, target:'js-datatable');
process_col_best_performing (tbl_col:3, target:'js-datatable');

但是因为这只是一个例子,真正的 html 表可以有任意数量的列,我想用 for 循环来做这个,我尝试了下面的代码,但它不起作用

var cols_qty = document.getElementById ('js-datatable').rows[0].cells.length
var i;
for(i = 1; i < 4; i++) {


标签: javascriptjqueryhtml-table


不确定这是否有帮助,但试试下面的代码,第一件事不要声明为 global var i; 在 for 循环之前,我不确定您是否在代码中执行相同的操作,但相同的 i 在函数内部发生更改并影响您调用 process_col_best_performing 的循环。检查下面的代码,看看这是否有意义。

var cols_qty = document.getElementById ('js-datatable').rows[0].cells.length
for(var i = 1; i < 4; i++) {

function clean_formatted_data(str) {
    return parseFloat (str.replace (/([%,$,\,])+/g, ''));

function col_to_array(tbl_col, target) {
    // Returns column `n` (zero indexed) in table id `target` as an array

    var colArray = $ ('#' + target + ' td:nth-child(' + tbl_col + ')').map (function () {
        return clean_formatted_data ($ (this).text ());
    }).get ();

    return colArray;

//------ new schtuff ------------------------//

function get_pos_of_max(col_data) {
    return $.inArray (Math.max.apply (Math, col_data), col_data)

function generate_opacities(col_data, max) {
    var opacity_array = [];
    var increment = max / (col_data.length);

    for (var i = col_data.length; i >= 1; i--) {
        opacity_array.push (i * increment / 100);

    return opacity_array;

function process_col_best_performing(tbl_col, target) {
    var col_data = col_to_array (tbl_col, target);
    var opacity_array = generate_opacities (col_data, 50);
    var row_count = col_data.length;

    for (var i = 1; i <= row_count; i++) {
        $ ('#' + target + ' tr:nth-child(' + (get_pos_of_max (col_data) + 1) + ') td:nth-child(' + tbl_col + ')').css ('background', 'rgba(0,0,255,' + opacity_array[0] + ')');
        col_data[get_pos_of_max (col_data)] = null;
        for (const spliceElement of opacity_array.splice (0, 1)) {


 <script src='https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.js'></script>
<table class='table' id='js-datatable' cellspacing="0.9" cellpadding="8" border="1">
        <th align=center style="white-space: nowrap;" bgcolor=grey>product</th>
        <th align=center style="white-space: nowrap;" bgcolor=grey>Jan</th>
        <th align=center style="white-space: nowrap;" bgcolor=grey>Feb</th>
        <th align=center style="white-space: nowrap;" bgcolor=grey>Mar</th>
        <th align=center style="white-space: nowrap;" bgcolor=grey>Apr</th>
        <th align=center style="white-space: nowrap;" bgcolor=grey>May</th>
    <tr class='heatmap-stable'>
        <td align=center>K22</td>
        <td align=center>655$</td>
        <td align=center>365$</td>
        <td align=center>265$</td>
        <td align=center>125$</td>
        <td align=center>36$</td>
    <tr class='heatmap-stable'>
        <td align=center>K52</td>
        <td align=center>90</td>
        <td align=center>50</td>
        <td align=center>120</td>
        <td align=center>80</td>
        <td align=center>190</td>
    <tr class='heatmap-stable'>
        <td align=center>J42</td>
        <td align=center>1267</td>
        <td align=center>1567</td>
        <td align=center>347</td>
        <td align=center>697</td>
        <td align=center>70</td>

