首页 > 解决方案 > 绘制来自 Alpha Vantage 的熊猫数据


除了 pandas,我刚刚安装了 alpha_vantage 模块,并获得了 api-key 等。我现在想绘制有关股票的 som 数据。写在模块自述文件中(见这里)这是你如何做到的:

from alpha_vantage.timeseries import TimeSeries

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

ts = TimeSeries(key='YOUR_API_KEY', output_format='pandas')
data, meta_data = ts.get_intraday(symbol='MSFT',interval='1min', outputsize='full')
data['4. close'].plot()
plt.title('Intraday Times Series for the MSFT stock (1 min)')

但是当我在我的项目中使用我自己的 api-key 编写相同的内容时,我收到了这个错误:

  File "C:\Users\augbi\PycharmProjects\DjangoProsjekt\main\views.py", line 159, in <module>
  data['4. close'].plot()
  TypeError: tuple indices must be integers or slices, not str

我打印了数据,所以你可以在这里看到格式(最上面一行是 data.index 的结果:

index: <built-in method index of tuple object at 0x0F7CBC28>
(                     1. open  2. high   3. low  4. close  5. volume
2021-01-04 19:55:00  3179.94  3183.45  3179.94   3183.45     1317.0
2021-01-04 19:50:00  3179.00  3180.00  3178.26   3178.26      851.0
2021-01-04 18:52:00  3178.11  3178.11  3178.11   3178.11      648.0
2021-01-04 18:15:00  3177.00  3177.00  3177.00   3177.00      505.0
2021-01-04 18:09:00  3177.00  3177.00  3177.00   3177.00      224.0
...                      ...      ...      ...       ...        ...
2020-12-22 07:40:00  3212.78  3212.78  3212.78   3212.78      703.0
2020-12-22 07:34:00  3210.00  3210.00  3210.00   3210.00      755.0
2020-12-22 07:27:00  3208.19  3208.19  3208.19   3208.19      510.0
2020-12-22 07:14:00  3204.00  3204.00  3204.00   3204.00      216.0
2020-12-22 07:08:00  3204.00  3204.00  3204.00   3204.00      167.0


ts2 = TimeSeries(key='ALPA_KEY', output_format='pandas')
data = ts2.get_intraday(symbol='AMZN',interval='1min', outputsize='full')
print("index:", data.index)
data['4. close'].plot()
plt.title('Intraday Times Series for the AMZN stock (1 min)')

我的愿望是绘制“4. Closing”列,如果可能的话,绘制相应的时间。该数据代表亚马逊 1 天的股票价格。


标签: pandasmatplotlibalpha-vantage


我有一个 Alpah-Vantage APIKEY,所以我使用以下代码进行检查。它没有按照您的要求返回错误。当我检查输出格式时,它不是普通的 pandas 格式,而是扩展格式。

(                     1. open  2. high   3. low  4. close  5. volume
 2021-01-04 19:55:00  3179.94  3183.45  3179.94   3183.45     1317.0
 2021-01-04 19:50:00  3179.00  3180.00  3178.26   3178.26      851.0
 2021-01-04 18:52:00  3178.11  3178.11  3178.11   3178.11      648.0
 2021-01-04 18:15:00  3177.00  3177.00  3177.00   3177.00      505.0
 2021-01-04 18:09:00  3177.00  3177.00  3177.00   3177.00      224.0
 ...                      ...      ...      ...       ...        ...
 2020-12-22 07:40:00  3212.78  3212.78  3212.78   3212.78      703.0
 2020-12-22 07:34:00  3210.00  3210.00  3210.00   3210.00      755.0
 2020-12-22 07:27:00  3208.19  3208.19  3208.19   3208.19      510.0
 2020-12-22 07:14:00  3204.00  3204.00  3204.00   3204.00      216.0
 2020-12-22 07:08:00  3204.00  3204.00  3204.00   3204.00      167.0
 [3440 rows x 5 columns],
 {'1. Information': 'Intraday (1min) open, high, low, close prices and volume',
  '2. Symbol': 'AMZN',
  '3. Last Refreshed': '2021-01-04 19:55:00',
  '4. Interval': '1min',
  '5. Output Size': 'Full size',
  '6. Time Zone': 'US/Eastern'})


    1. open     2. high     3. low  4. close    5. volume
2021-01-04 19:55:00     3179.94     3183.45     3179.94     3183.45     1317.0
2021-01-04 19:50:00     3179.00     3180.00     3178.26     3178.26     851.0
2021-01-04 18:52:00     3178.11     3178.11     3178.11     3178.11     648.0
2021-01-04 18:15:00     3177.00     3177.00     3177.00     3177.00     505.0
2021-01-04 18:09:00     3177.00     3177.00     3177.00     3177.00     224.0

ts2 = TimeSeries(key=api_key, output_format='pandas')
data = ts2.get_intraday(symbol='AMZN',interval='1min', outputsize='full')
print("index:", data.index)
data[0]['4. close'].plot()
plt.title('Intraday Times Series for the AMZN stock (1 min)')

