首页 > 解决方案 > Xamarin.iOS 获取附加在电子邮件中的图像文件路径


我有一种方法可以获取之前下载到手机图库中的图像并将其附加到电子邮件中。这在 Android 中完美运行。但是在 iOS 中,我无法弄清楚如何获取我刚刚保存到图库中的图像的文件路径。

这是到目前为止的 Xamarin.IOS 代码:

public string SaveToGallery(byte[] imgBytes, string fileName)       
            var imageData = new UIImage(NSData.FromArray(imgBytes));
            string filePath = string.Empty;
            NSError errorMsg = null;

            imageData.SaveToPhotosAlbum((image, error) =>
                if (error != null)
                    errorMsg = error;           

            if (errorMsg is null)
                return string.Empty;
            return filePath;

我正在使用 Xamarin.Essentials.Email 创建电子邮件,EmailAttachment 类将字符串 fullPath 作为参数。SaveImg() 方法使用 DependencyService 调用上面保存图像的 Xamarin.iOS 代码,并应返回保存图像的文件路径:

private static async Task EmailImg(List<string> recipients, string subject, string body, byte[] imgBytes)
                var message = new EmailMessage
                    To = recipients,
                    Subject = subject,
                    Body = body,
                    //Cc = ccRecipients,
                    //Bcc = bccRecipients

                string filePath = string.Empty;
                if (imgBytes != null)
                    filePath = await SaveImg(imgBytes);                 

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
                        message.Attachments.Add(new EmailAttachment(filePath));

                await Email.ComposeAsync(message);
            catch (FeatureNotSupportedException fbsEx)
                await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Oops", "Email function not supported on this device", "Okay");
            catch (Exception ex)
                await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Oops", "Failed to pass details to email client", "Okay");

标签: c#xamarinxamarin.ios


无需将图像保存到图库。您可以将它们保存到本地文件夹并使用该本地文件夹filePath添加附件。(您可以在 iOS 和 Android 上使用此方法)


private async void EmailImg(List<string> recipients, string subject, string body, byte[] imgBytes)
        var message = new EmailMessage
            To = recipients,
            Subject = subject,
            Body = body,
            //Cc = ccRecipients,
            //Bcc = bccRecipients

        var fileName = "myImage.jpg";
        var filePath = Path.Combine(FileSystem.AppDataDirectory, fileName);

        File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, imgBytes);

        if (imgBytes != null)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
                message.Attachments.Add(new EmailAttachment(filePath));

        await Email.ComposeAsync(message);
    catch (FeatureNotSupportedException fbsEx)
        await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Oops", "Email function not supported on this device", "Okay");
    catch (Exception ex)
        await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Oops", "Failed to pass details to email client", "Okay");

如果将图像保存到 iOS 画廊,则无法获取当时的路径。你只有在选择它时才能得到路径,看这个。
