首页 > 解决方案 > 没有 cc 或 bcc 收件人时的 Microsoft Graph API 问题


使用 REST 和 C# 构建电子邮件消息 - 无效的收件人 我对 C# 相当陌生,但不是 .NET 开发。我对 Graph 开发也很陌生。

我正在尝试构建可用于在我的组织内构建消息的代码。最终代码将成为 RPA 代码对象。

我有一个消息类,它具有为 toRecipient、ccRecipient 和 bccRecipient 定义的类。当我有 To、CC 和 Bcc 选项的数据时,创建和发送电子邮件工作正常。但是,如果我只有收件人而不是抄送或密件抄送收件人,我会收到一条错误消息。同样,我不能只发送到密件抄送,因为代码正在寻找 toRecipients 和 CC 收件人的值。


        "message":"At least one recipient isn't valid., Recipient '' is not resolved. All recipients must be resolved before a message can be submitted."

如何使 cc 和 BCC 的子类可选?– 或者有没有我可以用来告诉 API cc 和 bcc 字段为空的语法?

我基于使用 Postman 创建的消息构建类,然后在我的消息类中使用选择性粘贴。


public class gMessage {
    public grfMessage message { get; set; }
    public string saveToSentItems { get; set; }

public class grfMessage {
    public string subject { get; set; }
    public Body body { get; set; }
    public List <ToRecipient> toRecipients { get; set; }
    public List<ToRecipient> ccRecipients { get; set; }
    public List<ToRecipient> bccRecipients { get; set; }

public class Body {
    public string contentType { get; set; }
    public string content { get; set; }

public class ToRecipient {
    public EmailAddress EmailAddress { get; set; }
    public static implicit operator List<object>(ToRecipient v) {
        throw new NotImplementedException();

public class EmailAddress {
    public string address { get; set; }


public static string EmailRecipients = "email1@company.com";email2@company.com;
public static string EmailCCList = "email3@organisation.org";
public static string EmailBCCList = "";


// Define our recipient list 
List<ToRecipient> listRecip = new List<ToRecipient>(); // define new list. We will ultimately split the inbount array into this list
ToRecipient RecipEmail;
EmailAddress ema1;

// now split our list of recipients to an array
string[] ToAdds = EmailRecipients.Split(';');
foreach (var email in ToAdds) {
    // Build the recipients list first
    RecipEmail = new ToRecipient();
    ema1 = new EmailAddress {
        address = email
    }; // Email Address class contains Address
    RecipEmail.EmailAddress = ema1;
    listRecip.Add(RecipEmail); // We have now added to the list in memory

//Define our CC List
List<ToRecipient> ccRecip = new List<ToRecipient>(); // define new list. We will ultimately split the inbount array into this list
ToRecipient ccEmail;

string[] ccAdds = EmailCCList.Split(';');
foreach (var email in ccAdds) {
    // Build the recipients list first
    ccEmail = new ToRecipient();
    ema1 = new EmailAddress {
        address = email
    }; // Email Address class contains Address
    ccEmail.EmailAddress = ema1;
    ccRecip.Add(ccEmail); // We have now added to the list in memory

//Define our BCC List
List<ToRecipient> bccRecip = new List<ToRecipient>(); // define new list. We will ultimately split the inbount array into this list
ToRecipient bccEmail;

string[] bccAdds = EmailBCCList.Split(';');
foreach (var email in bccAdds) {
    // Build the recipients list first
    bccEmail = new ToRecipient();
    ema1 = new EmailAddress {
        address = email
    }; // Email Address class contains Address
    bccEmail.EmailAddress = ema1;
    bccRecip.Add(bccEmail); // We have now added to the list in memory

var msgData = new gMessage() {
    message = new grfMessage() {
        subject = mSubject,
        body = new Body() {
            contentType = mContentType,
            content = mBody
        toRecipients = listRecip,
        ccRecipients = ccRecip,
        bccRecipients = bccRecip
    saveToSentItems = "True"

标签: c#.netrestemail

