首页 > 解决方案 > How can I generate a scatter plot from lmm in R?


The models are:

Model1 = lmer(V1 ~ V2 * V3 + V4 + (1|V5), data=data)

Model2 = lmer(V1 ~ V2 + V3 + V4 + (1|V5), data=data)

V1: numerical V2: numerical V3: factor with two levels V4: factor with two levels V5: Random variable

I want to generate a dispersion graph with V1 on the Y ax and V3 on the X ax, with two curves for the two levels of V4. I tried the function coef(), but I don't know the values I should use:

Model1 (Intercept) V2 V3 V4 V2:V3

Model2 (Intercept) V2 V3 V4


标签: rscatter-plotlme4

