首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用动态变量创建图


在 Pyhton 上使用 matplotlib 库,我想绘制一些带有动态 y 变量的图形,即会根据我的绘图函数之前声明的另一个变量而改变的变量。

从我导入的数据框中,我提取了不同的气体浓度 (M**_conc) 和通量 (M**_fluxes)。

M33_conc = ec_top["M  33(ppbv)"]
M39_conc = ec_top["M  39(ncps)"]
M45_conc = ec_top["M  45(ppbv)"]
M59_conc = ec_top["M  59(ppbv)"]
M69_conc = ec_top["M  69(ppbv)"]
M71_conc = ec_top["M  71(ppbv)"]
M81_conc = ec_top["M  81(ppbv)"]
M137_conc = ec_top["M 137(ppbv)"]
M87_conc = ec_top["M  87(ppbv)"]
M47_conc = ec_top["M  47(ppbv)"]
M61_conc = ec_top["M  61(ppbv)"]

M33_flux = ec_top["Flux_M  33"]
M45_flux = ec_top["Flux_M  45"]
M59_flux = ec_top["Flux_M  59"]
M69_flux = ec_top["Flux_M  69"]
M71_flux = ec_top["Flux_M  71"]
M81_flux = ec_top["Flux_M  81"]
M137_flux = ec_top["Flux_M 137"]
M87_flux = ec_top["Flux_M  87"]
M47_flux = ec_top["Flux_M  47"]
M61_flux = ec_top["Flux_M  61"]



color_1 = 'black'

fig, ((ax1, ax2, ax3), (ax5, ax7, ax8),(ax9,ax10,ax11)) = plt.subplots(3, 3, sharex=True, sharey=False)
fig.suptitle('Influence of wind direction of BVOCs concentration')
ax1.set(ylabel='Concentration [ppbv]')
ax2.set_title('Water cluster')
ax2.set(ylabel='Concentration [ncps]')
ax3.set(ylabel='Concentration [ppbv]')
# ax4.plot(wind_dir,M47_conc,linestyle='',marker='.',color='color_1')
# ax4.set_title('Unknown')
ax5.set(ylabel='Concentration [ppbv]')
# ax6.plot(wind_dir,M61_conc,linestyle='',marker='.',color='color_1')
# ax6.set_title('Unknown')
ax7.set(ylabel='Concentration [ppbv]')
ax8.set_title('Methyl vinyl, ketone and methacrolein')
ax8.set(ylabel='Concentration [ppbv]')
ax9.set_title('Fragment of monoterpenes')
ax9.set(ylabel='Concentration [ppbv]',xlabel='Wind direction [°]')
ax10.set(ylabel='Concentration [ppbv]',xlabel='Wind direction [°]')
ax11.set(ylabel='Concentration [ppbv]',xlabel='Wind direction [°]')






标签: pythonmatplotlibvariablesdynamic


您提到想要绘制气体随时间的演变,但在您给出的代码示例中,您使用wind_dirx 变量。在这个答案中,我忽略了这一点,而是使用时间作为 x 变量。

查看您的代码,我知道您想要创建两个由小倍数组成的不同数字,一个用于气体浓度,一个用于气体通量。对于这种绘图,我建议使用 pandas 或 seaborn,以便您可以一次绘制 pandas 数据框中包含的所有变量。这里我分享一个使用熊猫的例子。


拥有这样的表格可以更轻松地创建一个绘图函数,该函数可以从数据框中选择要绘制的变量组ec_top。然后,您可以像这样使用 pandas 绘图功能df.plot(subplots=True)



import io                          # from Python v 3.8.5
import numpy as np                 # v 1.19.2
import pandas as pd                # v 1.1.3
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt    # v 3.3.2
import matplotlib.dates as mdates

pd.set_option("display.max_columns", 6)

rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=1) # random number generator

# Copy paste variable names from sample given in question
var_strings = '''
"M  33(ppbv)"
"M  39(ncps)"
"M  45(ppbv)"
"M  59(ppbv)"
"M  69(ppbv)"
"M  71(ppbv)"
"M  81(ppbv)"
"M 137(ppbv)"
"M  87(ppbv)"
"M  47(ppbv)"
"M  61(ppbv)"

"Flux_M  33"
"Flux_M  45"
"Flux_M  59"
"Flux_M  69"
"Flux_M  71"
"Flux_M  81"
"Flux_M 137"
"Flux_M  87"
"Flux_M  47"
"Flux_M  61"
variables = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(var_strings), header=None, names=['var'])['var']

# Create datetime variable
nperiods = 60
time = pd.date_range('2021-01-15 12:00', periods=nperiods, freq='min')

# Create range of numbers to compute sine waves for fake data
x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, nperiods)

# Create dataframe containing gas concentrations
var_conc = np.array([var for var in variables if '(' in var])
conc_sine_wave = np.reshape(np.sin(x), (len(x), 1))
loc = rng.exponential(scale=10, size=var_conc.size)
scale = loc/10
var_conc_noise = rng.normal(loc, scale, size=(x.size, var_conc.size))
data_conc = conc_sine_wave + var_conc_noise + 2
df_conc = pd.DataFrame(data_conc, index=time, columns=var_conc)

# Create dataframe containing gas fluxes
var_flux = np.array([var for var in variables if 'Flux' in var])
flux_sine_wave = np.reshape(np.sin(x)**2, (len(x), 1))
loc = rng.exponential(scale=10, size=var_flux.size)
scale = loc/10
var_flux_noise = rng.normal(loc, scale, size=(x.size, var_flux.size))
data_flux = flux_sine_wave + var_flux_noise + 1
df_flux = pd.DataFrame(data_flux, index=time, columns=var_flux)

# Merge concentrations and fluxes into single dataframe
ec_top = pd.merge(left=df_conc, right=df_flux, how='outer',
                  left_index=True, right_index=True)

#                       M 33(ppbv)  M 39(ncps)  M 45(ppbv)  ... Flux_M 87   Flux_M 47   Flux_M 61
# 2021-01-15 12:00:00   11.940054   5.034281    53.162767   ... 8.079255    2.402073    31.383911
# 2021-01-15 12:01:00   13.916828   4.354558    45.706391   ... 10.229084   2.494649    26.816754
# 2021-01-15 12:02:00   13.635604   5.500438    53.202743   ... 12.772899   2.441369    33.219213
# 2021-01-15 12:03:00   13.146823   5.409585    53.346907   ... 11.373669   2.817323    33.409331
# 2021-01-15 12:04:00   14.124752   5.491555    49.455010   ... 11.827497   2.939942    28.639749



# Copy paste substance codes and names from sample given in question
subs_strings = """
M33    "Methanol"
M39    "Water cluster"
M45    "Acetaldehyde"
M47    "Unknown"
M59    "Acetone"
M61    "Unknown"
M69    "Isoprene"
M71    "Methyl vinyl, ketone and methacrolein"
M81    "Fragment of monoterpenes"
M87    "Methylbutenols"
M137   "Monoterpenes"

# Create dataframe containing substance codes and names
df_subs = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(subs_strings), header=None,
                      names=['subs', 'subs_name'], index_col=False,

# Add units and variable names matching the substance codes
# Do this for gas concentrations
for var in var_conc:
    var_subs, var_unit_raw = var.split('(')
    var_subs_num = var_subs.lstrip('M ')
    var_unit = var_unit_raw.rstrip(')')
    for i, subs in enumerate(df_subs['subs']):
        if var_subs_num == subs.lstrip('M'):
            df_subs.loc[i, 'conc_unit'] = var_unit
            df_subs.loc[i, 'conc_var'] = var
# Do this for gas fluxes
for var in var_flux:
    var_subs_num = var.split('M')[1].lstrip()
    var_unit = rng.choice(['unit_a', 'unit_b', 'unit_c'])
    for i, subs in enumerate(df_subs['subs']):
        if var_subs_num == subs.lstrip('M'):
            df_subs.loc[i, 'flux_unit'] = var_unit
            df_subs.loc[i, 'flux_var'] = var

#     subs  subs_name                              conc_unit conc_var     flux_unit flux_var   
# 0   M33   Methanol                               ppbv      M 33(ppbv)   unit_c    Flux_M 33  
# 1   M39   Water cluster                          ncps      M 39(ncps)   NaN       NaN        
# 2   M45   Acetaldehyde                           ppbv      M 45(ppbv)   unit_a    Flux_M 45  
# 3   M47   Unknown                                ppbv      M 47(ppbv)   unit_b    Flux_M 47  
# 4   M59   Acetone                                ppbv      M 59(ppbv)   unit_a    Flux_M 59  
# 5   M61   Unknown                                ppbv      M 61(ppbv)   unit_c    Flux_M 61  
# 6   M69   Isoprene                               ppbv      M 69(ppbv)   unit_a    Flux_M 69  
# 7   M71   Methyl vinyl, ketone and methacrolein  ppbv      M 71(ppbv)   unit_a    Flux_M 71  
# 8   M81   Fragment of monoterpenes               ppbv      M 81(ppbv)   unit_c    Flux_M 81  
# 9   M87   Methylbutenols                         ppbv      M 87(ppbv)   unit_c    Flux_M 87  
# 10  M137  Monoterpenes                           ppbv      M 137(ppbv)  unit_b    Flux_M 137

基于 pandas 创建绘图函数

这是创建绘图函数的一种方法,可让您使用参数选择绘图的graph_type变量。它通过使用if/elif语句从物质表中选择相关变量来工作。这和ec_top[variables].plot(...)函数是创建绘图所必需的,其余的都是用于格式化图形。variables变量按列表的顺序绘制。由于此处的宽度限制,我只绘制了两列子图(最大 10 英寸宽度以在 Stack Overflow 上获得清晰的图像)。

# Create plotting function that creates a single figure showing all
# variables of the chosen type

def plot_grid(graph_type):
    # Set the type of variables and units to fetch in df_subs: using if
    # statements for the strings lets you use a variety of strings
    if 'conc' in graph_type:
        var_type = 'conc_var'
        unit_type = 'conc_unit'
    elif 'flux' in graph_type:
        var_type = 'flux_var'
        unit_type = 'flux_unit'
        return f'Error: "{graph_type}" is not a valid string, \
it must contain "conc" or "flux".'

    # Create list of variables to plot depending on type
    variables = df_subs[var_type].dropna()
    # Set parameters for figure dimensions
    nvar = variables.size
    cols = 2
    rows = int(np.ceil(nvar/cols))
    width = 10/cols
    height = 3

    # Draw grid of line plots: note that x_compat is used to override the
    # default x-axis time labels, remove it if you do not want to use custom
    # tick locators and formatters like the ones created in the loop below
    grid = ec_top[variables].plot(subplots=True, figsize=(cols*width, rows*height),
                                  layout=(rows, cols), marker='.', linestyle='',
                                  xlabel='Time', x_compat=True)

    # The code in the following loop is optional formatting based on my
    # preferences, if you remove it the plot should still look ok but with
    # fewer informative labels and the legends may not all be in the same place

    # Loop through the subplots to edit format, including creating labels and
    # titles based on the information in the substances table (df_subs):
    for ax in grid.flatten()[:nvar]:
        # Edit tick locations and format
        plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(which='both'), fontsize=8, rotation=0, ha='center')
        loc = mdates.AutoDateLocator()
        ax.set_xticks([], minor=True)
        fmt = mdates.ConciseDateFormatter(loc, show_offset=False)
        # Edit legend
        handle, (var_name,) = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
        subs = df_subs[df_subs[var_type] == var_name]['subs']
        ax.legend(handle, subs, loc='upper right')
        # Add y label
        var_unit, = df_subs[df_subs[var_type] == var_name][unit_type]
        ylabel_type = f'{"Concentration" if "conc" in graph_type else "Flux"}'
        ax.set_ylabel(f'{ylabel_type} [{var_unit}]')
        # Add title
        subs_name, = df_subs[df_subs[var_type] == var_name]['subs_name']

    # Edit figure format
    fig = plt.gcf()
    date = df_conc.index[0].strftime('%b %d %Y')
    title_type = f'{"concentrations" if "conc" in graph_type else "fluxes"}'
    fig.suptitle(f'BVOCs {title_type} on {date} from 12:00 to 13:00',
                 y=0.93, fontsize=15);
    fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.4)

plot_grid('conc') # any kind of string works if it contains 'conc' or 'flux'


plot_grid('graph fluxes')


文档:matplotlib 日期刻度
