首页 > 解决方案 > 如何过滤掉 tcsh 历史记录中的相同命令


我正在使用 tcsh。但是对存储在历史文件中的相同命令感到恼火。我必须使用多次向上箭头来绕过相同的命令,非常不方便。任何人都可以提供一些帮助来解决这个不便。

标签: linuxshellhistorytcsh



   histdup (+)
           Controls handling of duplicate entries in the history list.  If
           set to `all' only unique history events are entered in the
           history list.  If set to `prev' and the last history event is
           the same as the current command, then the current command is
           not entered in the history.  If set to `erase' and the same
           event is found in the history list, that old event gets erased
           and the current one gets inserted.  Note that the `prev' and
           `all' options renumber history events so there are no gaps.
