首页 > 解决方案 > Discord.py hangman game - problem with bot recognizing positions of guessed letters


Im trying to create a hangman game in discord.py. Now i have been trying to figure out how to continue. The bot simply chooses random word from a list and then sends embed message with instructions and image of hangman (the image below is just for example, there will be only ground at the beginning of course) and finally number of underscores depending on lenght of the word. (wanted to do it with for loop but it doesnt work because the message wouldnt be in one line). Now i dont know how to continue. For example the word is beer and someone types e so the outcome should be that the bot sends another message but this time with e letters (__ e e __) but i dont know how to make the bot recognize where are the positions of the guessed letter and then how to send it.

Here is the beginning of the game in discord

words = ["car","beer","patient",......]
@commands.cooldown(1, 60.0, commands.BucketType.guild)
async def hangman(msg):
    if msg.channel.id != channel:
    guessed_letters = []
    word = str(random.choice(words))
    word_len = len(word)
    e = discord.Embed(color=3447003)
    await msg.send("**HANGMAN** (Guess by sending letters)",embed=e)
    if word_len == 3:
        await msg.send("**__** **__** **__**")
    if word_len == 4:
        await msg.send("**__** **__** **__** **__**")
    if word_len == 5:
        await msg.send("**__** **__** **__** **__** **__**")
    if word_len == 6:
        await msg.send("**__** **__** **__** **__** **__** **__**")
    if word_len == 7:
        await msg.send("**__** **__** **__** **__** **__** **__** **__**")
    if word_len == 8:
        await msg.send("**__** **__** **__** **__** **__** **__** **__** **__**")
    if word_len == 9:
        await msg.send("**__** **__** **__** **__** **__** **__** **__** **__** **__**")
    def checkhangman(message):
        return message.content in ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"]
    guess = await bot.wait_for("message", check=checkhangman)
    if str(guess) in word:
        #For example someone types e and the word is beer, so the outcome will be:
        await msg.send("**__** **e** **e** **__**")
        #And then the game continues
        #Here if the guess is not in the word, the bot will send another image of hangman and the game continues
        e = discord.Embed(color=3447003)

标签: pythonpycharmdiscord.py


This isn't related to the question, but those if-statements for the length hurt me a bit. You don't have to hardcode every single possible length in there, you're better off just joining a list of them with a space.

I'm not sure what you mean with

doesn't work because message wouldn't be in one line

because you can just add them to a string without newlines & then it'll be one line.

underscores = "**" + " ".join(["__" for _ in range(word_len)]) + "**" 

In order to get the letters in there, you can just iterate over your word and add an underscore if the current letter has not been guessed yet. If the letter has been guessed, you can show the letter.

word = "beer"  # The current word
guessed_letter = "e"  # Currently guessed letter
guessed = ["a", "c", "d"]  # List of all guessed letters

l = []  # List of characters to join back into a string

guessed.append(guessed_letter)  # Add guessed letter to the list of letters

for letter in word:  # Check every letter in the word to see if it has been guessed
    if letter in guessed:
        l.append(letter)  # Show the letter if it has been guessed
        l.append("\_\_")  # Otherwise show an underscore, EDIT: escape them

# "l" now contains the string that should be sent back
underscores = "**" + " ".join(l) + "**"

await msg.send(underscores)

You can also use string += string instead of string.join(), but then you'll have to remove an extra space that was added at the end. No big deal, but I prefer using join to make my life easier.


__a__ is markdown syntax to underline something on Discord, so you have to escape the underscores using backslashes.
