首页 > 解决方案 > Postfix - relaying specific email addresses within a mydestination domain


Having some issues trying to get something working on postfix.

That is, I have a domain abc.com which is a destination domain on my postfix server, it hosts mailboxes for addresses in this domain locally by default - straight-forward.

However, I would like to be able to "relay" specific email addresses from within this same domain (say: userx@abc.com) to another postfix server []:2525 - yet still retaining the original ability of being able to deliver mail to all other addresses *@abc.com locally on my original postfix server

Is anyone able to advise how I can go about doing this?

Thanks in advance!

Update 1:

...still have one issue.

So I have transport file:

userx@abc.com  relay:[]:2525
*@abc.com  local

And main.cf:

relay_domains = abc.com

This config sends to the relay perfect as I want, but any other addresses (in the wildcard scope) do not get delivered as they try to go straight back out the default relay server (another server altogether), where-as instead I'd like them to hit /etc/aliases or a local mailbox.

标签: emailpostfix-mtarelay

