首页 > 解决方案 > Javascript:当用户从树中选择/取消选择节点时如何保留树结构和祖父母关系


我有一个树结构{name, [children]}(JS 对象)。用户可以任意选择任何节点以部分复制结构(复制到 JS 对象数组中,因为可以选择松散叶节点)。例如,用户可以选择一个叶节点,但不能选择它的父/祖父,那么叶节点将只是位于children最高父级的平面数组中。


original (JS Object)      selected
   A✓                       A
   |  \ \                  / \
   B✓ C D✓                B  D
  / \          =>         / \
 E✓  F                   E  G

original                  selected(Array of JS objects)
   A                       B, D      
   |  \ \                 / \
   B✓ C D✓               E  G 
  / \          =>         
 E✓  F                   


  1. 如果此节点位于selected=> 取消选择(相当直接):

    1。如果节点是“顶级”元素 => 将其从数组中删除,并将其子节点推送到数组中。

    a2。如果节点是顶级元素的(大)子节点 => 从其父节点的子节点中删除该节点,并将该节点的子节点重新附加到其父节点。

  2. 如果此节点不在selected=> select 中(发生奇怪的事情):

    一个。tempNode用空初始化 a children,因为我们还不知道它的孩子

    湾。如果这个节点有(大)孩子=>对于每个(大)孩子,如果(大)孩子在selected=>删除(大)孩子selected=>将此(大)孩子添加到tempNode's children(应该是递归的对于多个级别)

    c1。如果该节点的(大)父节点selected已经存在 => 将其附加tempNode到(大)父节点(对于多个级别应该是递归的)

    c2。如果该节点的(祖)父节点不在 中selected,则将其推送到数组中。

我主要停留在步骤 2b 和 2c 上。

//for adding node into selected
const addChildInSelected = (child) => {
    var tempNode = {
        name: child.name,
        children: []
    var clonedState = clone(selected)
    var childInTree = findChildInTree(child.id, props.data)
    //if the child has children, check if they are in selected yet.
    if (childInTree.children.length > 0) {
        //Problem 1: I should run this recursively for all the grandchildren, 
        //but I struggle to find the base case. But recursion might not be the best solution
        for (var i = 0; i < childInTree.children.length; i++) {
            //Problem 2: findChildInSelected/removeChildInSelect are all recursive calls as well,
            //due to the tree structure. very worried about stack overflow during this step...
            var grandChildInSelected = findChildInSelected(childInTree.children[i].id)
            if (grandChildInSelected !== null) {
                clonedState = removeChildInSelected(clonedState)
    //Problem 3. I realized I needed to check for each node in the `selected` again. 
    //another potential performance hurdle



//just a quick example
const findDescendantsInSelected = (node, descendants=[]) => {
    //recursive call within recursive function which could overflow if the tree is big
    if (findNodeInSelected(node) !== null) {
    if (node.children.length > 0) {
        for (var i = 0; i < entry.children.length; i++) {
            result = findDescendantsInSelected(node.children[i], descendants);
        return result
    return descendents

总而言之,维护几乎 3 个独立的树(选择状态、原始数据和每个步骤的克隆,因为我使用了 react)并在每个步骤中跟踪父母/孩子,跨越不同的功能让我很头疼。任何有关如何简化问题的见解将不胜感激!

标签: javascripttree



function selectedForest(node) {
    const trees = node.children.flatMap(selectedForest);
    return isSelected(node) ? [ {...node, children: trees} ] : trees;


const demo = { name: "A", children: [
  { name: "B", children: [
    { name: "E", children: [] },
    { name: "F", children: [
      { name: "G", children: [] },
    ] },
  ] },
  { name: "C", children: [] },
  { name: "D", children: [] },
] };
let selection;
function isSelected({name}) {
  return selection.has(name);
function selectedForest(node) {
  const trees = node.children.flatMap(selectedForest);
  return isSelected(node) ? [ {...node, children: trees} ] : trees;

selection = new Set("ABDEG");
console.log(JSON.stringify(selectedForest(demo), null, 2));
selection = new Set("BDEG");
console.log(JSON.stringify(selectedForest(demo), null, 2));
