首页 > 解决方案 > How do I actually add Filesystem Access API to javascript?


I've found this https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File_System_Access_API to allow javascript to access the local file system. I feel really dumb, but I can't find anywhere that talks about how to actually add the api. I would really appreciate some help on just getting the first step.

标签: javascriptfilesystemsjavascript-api-for-officefilesystem-accessnative-file-system-api-js


您不需要添加 API;它已经存在,或者它不存在。页面上有一个图表,其中包含有关浏览器和支持版本的信息。

我在 Chrome 中使用它。Firefox 应该支持它,但我的本地机器上没有它……我的版本可能太旧了。
