首页 > 解决方案 > Do you need a BIM360 license to acces BIM360 files


For a school project I need to display a BIM360 model in the forge viewer. I can't find clear information on whether or not I need to have a BIM360 license to do that. Can I use the API to get the model without my own BIM360 account? (My mentor has the BIM-model in his account)

Also I read that the forge viewer uses the data-derivative API to convert to a it's own format, this uses 0.2 credits every time. Can's I just convert the model once and then store it somewhere?

Thanks, DrawMen

标签: autodesk-forgeautodesk-viewerautodesk-model-derivativeautodesk-bim360


为了让您能够在 BIM 360 中查看和访问模型,所有者必须与您共享它。此论坛帖子似乎表明您确实需要 BIM360 许可证。 https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/bim-360-support/do-people-need-a-bim-360-design-license-to-use-docs-online/td-p/9573036#:~ :text=任何人%20who%20needs%20to%20review,license%20is%20not%20a%20BYOS



话虽如此,这取决于您尝试查看的文件类型。许多 Autodesk 产品现在都有一个称为“共享视图”的功能,它允许您为 Forge 查看器创建一个 3ds 视图,可以与任何具有 URL 的人共享。询问您的导师是否愿意创建一个共享视图供您使用可能是值得的。
