首页 > 解决方案 > AgoraKit Agora.io `UICollectionViewCell` 中的`videoView`,重新加载问题


我在我的应用程序中使用 agora kit v3.0.1 进行视频通话。由于我想更改视频通话视图的布局,我决定使用集合视图。

我在使用 collectionView 时遇到的问题是每次使用 collectionView 的 reloadData() 方法时,agora 的 videoView 都会出现黑屏。我设法使它工作的唯一方法是调用collectionViewdeleteItemsinsertRows方法。但由于数据源与集合视图更新后的数据源不匹配,此方法经常崩溃。有什么方法可以使用 reloadData() 方法而不会出现黑屏?


    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
        let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "VideoCallCollectionViewCell", for: indexPath) as! VideoCallCollectionViewCell
        cell.delegate = self.delegate
        cell.videoCallLayout = videoCallLayout
        if let quizChannel = quizChannel, let membersInfo = quizChannel.members_info {
            // set channel to cell
            cell.quizChannel = quizChannel
            let memberInfo = membersInfo[indexPath.item]
            // set memberInfo to cell
            cell.memberInfo = memberInfo
            if let remoteID = memberInfo.uid {
                // set agora video view to cell
                let videoCanvas = AgoraRtcVideoCanvas()
                videoCanvas.uid = UInt(remoteID)
                videoCanvas.view = cell.videoView
                videoCanvas.renderMode = .hidden
                if let user_channel_id = quizChannel.user_channel_id, remoteID == user_channel_id {
                    // if local video view
                } else {
                    // if remote video view
        return cell


func insertOrRemoveParticipantsWithNewQuizChannel(quizChannel: QuizChannel, uid: UInt?, action: String?) {
        if let uid = uid {
            // insert of remove new member
            print("Agora uid != nil : \(uid)")
            if let existingMemberInfo = self.quizChannel.members_info, existingMemberInfo.count != 0 {
                print("Agora existingMemberInfo count != 0 : \(uid)")
                if let action = action {
                    self.quizChannel = quizChannel
                    if action == "remove" {
                        if let index = existingMemberInfo.firstIndex(where: { (memberInfo) -> Bool in
                            return memberInfo.uid ?? 0 == uid
                        }) {
                            // member's video view index found
                            // remove member from the memberInfo
                            let newMemberInfo = quizChannel.members_info?.filter({ (memberInfo) -> Bool in
                                return memberInfo.uid ?? 0 != uid
                            // set new memberInfo
                            self.quizChannel.members_info = newMemberInfo
                            // remove member from the collectionview, FREQUENT CRASH
                            collectionView.deleteItems(at: [IndexPath(item: index, section: 0)])
                    } else if action == "add" {
                        if let memberInfos = quizChannel.members_info {
                            // for all members
                            for (index, memberInfo) in memberInfos.enumerated() {
                                // if cell corresponding to this member is nil
                                if collectionView.visibleCells.first(where: { (cell) -> Bool in
                                    if let cell = cell as? VideoCallCollectionViewCell {
                                        return cell.memberInfo?.uid == memberInfo.uid
                                    return false
                                }) == nil {
                                    // insert a new cell, FREQUENT CRASH
                                    collectionView.insertItems(at: [IndexPath(item: index, section: 0)])
                    // update rest of the cell's UI based in quiz channel
                    updateAllCellsUIForQuizChannel(quizChannel: quizChannel)
            } else {
                print("Agora existingMemberInfo count == 0 : \(uid))")
                // no members yet reload the collectionview
                self.quizChannel = quizChannel
        } else {
            print("Agora uid == nil)")
            // update view of cells for admin flow change, WORKS FINE
            updateAllCellsUIForQuizChannel(quizChannel: quizChannel)



有没有其他方法来实现具有灵活布局的 Agora 套件?我已经在 github 上尝试过 Agora 的主示例,但似乎不能满足我的要求并且太复杂了。欢迎任何帮助/建议。


标签: iosuicollectionviewagora.io


我在这个项目中使用集合视图来显示视频源,没有问题: https ://github.com/AgoraIO-Community/iOS-UIKit/blob/main/Sources/Agora-UIKit/AgoraCollectionViewer.swift

在此示例中,每个发言者仅存在一个画布,并且使用willDisplay cell委托方法将 canvas.view 设置为单元格的子视图。

我认为您正在创建一个新画布并将其设置为与前一个画布相同的用户 ID,而不是保留记录。您不能让两个画布呈现来自同一用户的提要,因此这可能就是您得到一个空白屏幕的原因。
