首页 > 解决方案 > 使用批处理脚本读取文本文件并以不同的顺序将特定文本复制到新的文本文件中



读取 textfile1 的所有行并将值以不同的顺序放入带有标题行的 textfile2 中。

示例:textfile1(输入文件)我想从这个文件中逐行读取并选择某些内容。每行的结构都是一种 label="Value"spacelabel"Value"space 等等(试图在下面演示):

Supplier CountryName="GB" SupplierNumber="1112|DISCOUNT|497" Street="ANDERTON HOUSE" CountryCoded="GB" Name1="ANDERTON BOARD AND PACKAGING" CorporateGroupID="497"
Supplier CountryName="GB" SupplierNumber="113093|AMB HEAD OFFICE|846" Street="Langcliffe Paper Mills" CountryCoded="GB" Name1="JOHN ROBERTS HOLDINGS LTD" CorporateGroupID="846" 

示例:textfile2(输出文件) 第一行应该是每个标签由 TAB 分隔的标题行,在下面我想为每个字段写入在 textfile1 中找到的值。如果某个字段没有值,那么我想在添加新找到的值之前添加一个 TAB。如您所见,我只想选择引号之间的值,而不是别的。textfile1 的结构始终相同(顺序不变),标签也相同。每行总是以 Supplier CountryName= 开头,只是想知道这是否可以使用批处理文件。

SupplierNumber  Location    CorporateGroupID    Name1   Name2   Description POBox   CountryCoded
1112|DISCOUNT|497       497 ANDERTON BOARD AND PACKAGING            GB
113093|AMB HEAD OFFICE|846      846 JOHN ROBERTS HOLDINGS LTD               GB                                      


标签: batch-filebatch-processing


rem The following settings for the source directory, destination directory, target directory,
rem batch directory, filenames, output filename and temporary filename [if shown] are names
rem that I use for testing and deliberately include names which include spaces to make sure
rem that the process works using such names. These will need to be changed to suit your situation.

SET "sourcedir=u:\your files"
SET "destdir=u:\your results"
SET "filename1=%sourcedir%\q65822358.txt"
SET "outfile=%destdir%\outfile.txt"

:: Special characters
:: the variable TAB should be set to a tab character. This may not be copy/pastable from SO code to editors. 
:: Make sure that this is a single TAB as intended, not a space-sequence
SET "tab=   "

SET "columnsrequired=SupplierNumber Location CorporateGroupID Name1 Name2 Description POBox CountryCoded"

SET "header="
FOR %%c IN (%columnsrequired%) DO SET "%%c="&SET "header=!header!%tab%%%c"

ECHO %header:~1%
FOR /f "usebackqdelims=" %%b IN ("%filename1%") DO (
 FOR %%c IN (%columnsrequired%) DO SET "%%c="
 SET "lineread=%%b"
 FOR %%c IN (%columnsrequired%) DO (SET "%%c=!lineread:*%%c=!")
rem FOR %%c IN (%columnsrequired%) DO ECHO %%c is '!%%c!'
 rem each variable now contains either the full original line or '="required value" waffle...`
 FOR %%c IN (%columnsrequired%) DO (
  SET "lineread=!%%c!"
  IF "!lineread:~0,1!"=="=" (
  rem change " to \ as " is a special character in batch
  SET "lineread=!lineread:"=\!"
rem  ECHO lineread "!lineread!"
  FOR /f "tokens=2delims=\" %%x IN ("!lineread!") DO SET "%%c=%%x"
  ) ELSE (SET "%%c=")
 SET "header="
 FOR %%c IN (%columnsrequired%) DO SET "header=!header!%tab%!%%c!"
 ECHO !header:~1!

