首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 React 中重新加载数组数据


我是来自 Angular 的新反应。我想知道如何在 React 中重新加载数组列表。我想像在脚本中一样过滤 getVilles 的包含,在从位置重新加载时它显示我期望的正确值,但在 JSX 中它不会重新加载。请问如何正确操作。

这是我的数组: Concert.js

export const Concert = [
            id: 1,
            imgSource: "...",
            artistName: "Artist Name",
            tourName: "Tour Name",
            date: "Date and hour",
            place: "Aix-en-provence",
            categorie : "Rock",
                to : "de",
                at : "a"
        id: 2,
        imgSource: "...",
        artistName: "Artist Name 2",
        tourName: "Tour Name",
        date: "Date and hour",
        place: "Aix-en-provence",
        categorie : "Elektro",
            to : "de",
            at : "a"
        id: 3,
        imgSource: "...",
        artistName: "Artist Name 2",
        tourName: "Tour Name",
        date: "Date and hour",
        place: "Dunkerque",
        categorie : "Elektro",
            to : "de",
            at : "a"
        id: 4,
        imgSource: "...",
        artistName: "Artist Name 2",
        tourName: "Tour Name",
        date: "Date and hour",
        place: "Cannes",
        categorie : "Elektro",
            to : "de",
            at : "a"
        id: 5,
        imgSource: "...",
        artistName: "Artist Name 2",
        tourName: "Tour Name",
        date: "Date and hour",
        place: "Cannes",
        categorie : "Elektro",
            to : "de",
            at : "a"
        id: 6,
        imgSource: "...",
        artistName: "Artist Name 6",
        tourName: "Tour Name",
        date: "Date and hour",
        place: "Cannes",
        categorie : "Elektro",
            to : "de",
            at : "a"


import { Link} from 'react-router-dom';

function ConcertComponent(props) {
    //console.log("Ville filter = ", props.ville);
    return <div className="card" style={{ width: '18rem' }}>
                    {/* <img src="..." className="card-img-top" alt="..."/> */}
                    <div className="card-body">
                        <h5 className="card-title">{ props.concertData.artistName }</h5>
                        <p className="card-text">{ props.concertData.categorie } </p>
                        <p className="card-text">{ props.concertData.place } </p>
                        <Link to="#" className="btn btn-primary">Reserver</Link>
export default ConcertComponent;


export const getVilles = ["Aix-en-provence","Bourges","Cannes", "Dunkerque", "Echirolles"];
export const getCat = ["Pop", "Rock", "Elektro","Rap / Hip-Hop", "Soul / Funk", "Classique", "Dub / Reggae", "World"];
export const sortBy = ["Dates Croissante", "Dates décroissante", "A-Z", "Z-A"];

let getConcert = Concert;

const reloadFromPlace = (ville) =>
        getConcert = Concert.filter(concert => concert.place === ville);
        console.log("Ville change", getConcert);


const ProgrammationView = () => {

        return (
            <div className="App container">
                <h1> Programmation </h1>
                <div className="filter row">
                    <div className="col-md-12">
                        <div className="place row justify-content-md-left">
                            <div className="col-md-1 title">
                            <div className="col-md-8 btn-group" role="group">
                                <button type="button" className="btn btn-light">Tous</button>
                                    getVilles.map(ville => // !!!! Normally here it should display the filter values of getVilles, but it doesnt. Why ??
                                        <button type="button" key={ville} onClick={()=> {reloadFromPlace(ville)}} className="btn btn-light">{ville}</button>
                <div className="concert">
                    <div className="row listData justify-content-md-center">
                        getConcert.map(item => 
                            <React.Fragment key={item.id}>
                                <ConcertComponent concertData={item} key={item.id}></ConcertComponent>
export default ProgrammationView;

标签: javascripthtmlreactjs


要在更改时重新渲染组件,您需要一个本地状态。如果useEffect音乐会来自props. https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-effect.html

这是本地状态(useState)Hook 的示例:考虑您的 Button onClick 处理程序:

button type="button" key={ville} onClick={()=> {reloadFromPlace(ville)}} className="btn btn-light">{ville}</button>

// And your read Method should do following:
const reloadFromPlace = (ville) =>
        getConcert = Concert.filter(concert => concert.place === ville);
        setConcert(getConcert); // This changes the local state, which will trigger re-render
        console.log("Ville change", concert);



使用useStateMethod 保留本地状态参数:

const [concert, setConcert] = React.useState(Concert.slice(0, Concert.length); //add the Concert Array as a local state parameter

然后,更改您的 JSX 以使用本地状态参数concert

<div className="concert">
  <div className="row listData justify-content-md-center">
    { concert.map(item =>
    <React.Fragment key={item.id}>
      <ConcertComponent concertData={item} key={item.id}></ConcertComponent>
    ) }


export const getVilles = ["Aix-en-provence", "Bourges", "Cannes", "Dunkerque", "Echirolles"];
export const getCat = ["Pop", "Rock", "Elektro", "Rap / Hip-Hop", "Soul / Funk", "Classique", "Dub / Reggae", "World"];
export const sortBy = ["Dates Croissante", "Dates décroissante", "A-Z", "Z-A"];

let getConcert = Concert;

const ProgrammationView = () => {
    const [concert, setConcert] = React.useState(Concert.slice(0, Concert.length); //add the Concert Array as a local state parameter

    const reloadFromPlace = (ville) => {
        getConcert = Concert.filter(concert => concert.place === ville);
        setConcert(getConcert); // This changes the local state, which will trigger re-render
        console.log("Ville change", getConcert);

    return (
        <div className="App container">
            <h1> Programmation </h1>
            <div className="filter row">
                <div className="col-md-12">
                    <div className="place row justify-content-md-left">
                        <div className="col-md-1 title">
                        <div className="col-md-8 btn-group" role="group">
                            <button type="button" className="btn btn-light">Tous</button>
                                getVilles.map(ville => // !!!! Normally here it should display the filter values of getVilles, but it doesnt. Why ??
                                    <button type="button" key={ville} onClick={() => { reloadFromPlace(ville) }} className="btn btn-light">{ville}</button>

            <div className="concert">
                <div className="row listData justify-content-md-center">
                        concert.map(item =>
                            <React.Fragment key={item.id}>
                                <ConcertComponent concertData={item} key={item.id}></ConcertComponent>

export default ProgrammationView;
