首页 > 解决方案 > 滚动到底部时,ListView 会自动添加更多内容


我已经ListView在我的 xaml 页面中创建了,我正在从它的 cs 页面添加网格和按钮。当我在手机上运行它时,当我滚动listview到底部时,后面的代码再次自动运行并再次添加相同的代码listview。我希望这段DataTemplate代码只为那些运行,当我向下滚动到底部时,listview它不应该再次执行。不知道为什么它再次执行。


    public List<AmanoraSlotsClass> AmanoraSlotsClassesList { get; set; }
    public List<HadapsarSlots> HadapsarSlotClassesList { get; set; }

    string SelectedLocation = null;
    string SelectedDate = null;
    Dictionary<string, string> keyValuePairs = new Dictionary<string, string>();

    int OuterI = 0;
    int innerJ = 0;
    public ShowSlotsPage(string _Location, string _Date)
        this.SelectedLocation = _Location;
        this.SelectedDate = _Date;
        SelectedDate = SelectedDate.Replace('/', '-');

        if (SelectedLocation == "Amanora Town Park")
            AmanoraSlotsClassesList = new List<AmanoraSlotsClass>();
        else if (SelectedLocation == "Hadapsar Malwadi")
            HadapsarSlotClassesList = new List<HadapsarSlots>();

        FetchData(SelectedLocation, SelectedDate);

        BindingContext = this;

       //When i reach bottom of my listview this the control jumps to this and again adds same   elements.
        DataTemplate _dataTemplate = new DataTemplate(() =>
            Grid _grid = new Grid();
            _grid.RowSpacing = 50;
            _grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition());
            _grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
            _grid.ColumnSpacing = 25;

            if (SelectedLocation == "Amanora Town Park")
                OuterI = AmanoraSlotsClassesList[0].GetType().GetProperties().Count();

            for (int i = 0; i < OuterI - 1; i++)
                if (SelectedLocation == "Amanora Town Park")
                    innerJ = AmanoraSlotsClassesList.Count();
                for (int j = 0; j < innerJ; j++)
                    Button _but = new Button();
                    _but.FontSize = 10;
                    _but.Scale = 1;
                    _but.HeightRequest = 70;
                    if (SelectedLocation == "Amanora Town Park")
                        _but.Text = AmanoraSlotsClassesList[j].S1;
                    keyValuePairs.Add(_but.Id.ToString(), $"S{i + 1}");

        //          ColorDtermination(_but);    //Changes color of button

                    Grid.SetRow(_but, j);
                    Grid.SetColumn(_but, i);

           var viewCell_ = new ViewCell
                View = _grid
            return viewCell_;

        });   ///*Till here code runs again when i scroll bottom of listview.*

         _listView.ItemTemplate = _dataTemplate;
        if(SelectedLocation == "Amanora Town Park")
            _listView.ItemsSource = AmanoraSlotsClassesList;
  1. 列表视图的xaml 声明 - 列表视图的xaml 声明

  2. cs页面代码截图**

标签: c#.netxamlxamarinxamarin.forms


AmanoraSlotsClassesListXamarin.Forms ListView 为集合中的每个项目呈现项目模板。如果应用程序呈现了一个额外的项目,这意味着你的收藏有这么多项目。如果您希望列表只呈现一次模板,请确保您的列表只有一个元素。


  1. 切换到 CollectionView(更新更好)而不是 ListView
  2. 将项目模板移动到 Xaml 并使用基于集合元素类型的模板选择器
