首页 > 解决方案 > 我正在尝试制作一个使用谷歌表上的条​​形码扫描仪自动更新的库存表



变量 textInput 总是被正确填充。那来自输入框。但是,应该从谷歌工作表中填充的变量 itemName 不会从工作表中获取字符串。

我在第 2 列中有一张完整的库存项目,在第 1 列中有它们的数量,我试图让这个代码接受输入框中的某些东西的名称,然后自动扫描项目并更新库存表中的数量。

为什么我不能让变量 itemName 由谷歌表格上的单元格中的文本填充?

//'onOpen' makes this program begin when you open the spreadsheet that is refferenced
function onOpen(){

  //This variable lets you stop the dialogue box from reopening or allow it to keep reopening when you enter another item.
  var onOff="On";

  //begin a loop which will reopen 
    //Open the program which allows you to call information from a spreadsheet 
    var app=SpreadsheetApp;
    //Call the active spreadsheet and then the specific sheet called 'Inventory'
    var activeSheet=app.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Inventory");

    //Access the user interface
    var ui=app.getUi();

    //Initiate a prompt box
    var prompt=ui.prompt("Inverntory", "Please scan the QR code of the item you want to update", ui.ButtonSet.OK);

    //Extract the text logged from the input box
    var textInput=prompt.getResponseText();

    //Extract the button value from the input box ('OK' or 'X')
    var buttonButton=prompt.getSelectedButton();

    //Stop the dialogue box from reopening of 'X' iclicked on the dialogue box
    //Set the variable for scanning rows at row 2
    var cellRow=2;

    //Set the variable for scanning columns at column 2
    var cellColumn=2;

    //This variable will be populated with whatever cell is currently being scanned and compared to the text from the input box
    var itemName="unassigned";

    //This variable will count the cells that have been scanned and compared
    var counter=0;

    //This variable will be used to limit how many time the while loop can cycle
    var counterMax=500;    

    //This variable will be used to call and change the quantity of an inventory item
    var itemCount="unassigned";


      //This should get the text from the current cell being scanned for comparison    
      itemName=activeSheet.getRange(cellRow, cellColumn).getRichTextValue();
      //If the current cell matches the input box text, this if statement will executed
      if (itemName==textInput){
        //This should move the current cell being looked at to the left one, putting us in the quantity row

        //This should pull the value from the current cell
        itemCount=activeSheet.getRange(cellRow, cellColumn);

        //This should add 1 to the inventory value

        //This should update the inventory quantity to it's new value in the sheet
        activeSheet.getRange(cellRow, cellColumn).setValue(itemCount);

        //This should move the current column to the right one, putting us back in the column where the inventory items names are stored

        //This will set the counter to the limmit which should end the while loop

        //This should move the scanner to the next row

        //This should make the while loop one cycle closer to the max number of cycles

对不起,我知道它有点长。但这是 50% 的评论。我只是想拥有干净且易于理解的代码。

标签: inputcomparecallinventory

