首页 > 解决方案 > 多个工作簿使用时保持打开相同的表单





用户表单为当前工作簿和用户选择的工作簿分配变量和目录。VBA 打开所需位置的工作簿,然后打开两个工作簿。而现在的问题。

  1. 我激活用户选择的工作簿并尝试从该工作簿打开相同的表单,然后关闭当前工作簿,使新选择的工作簿保持打开状态,并在工作表中显示正确的客户数据,以便用户可以继续。我收到有关运行时 1004 无法运行未找到或不存在的宏的错误。由于当我关闭工作簿时表单在当前工作簿中打开,所以整个事情都关闭了。我的新工作簿在那里,但表单没有运行。


Sub SwitchClient(clientname As String)

Dim directory As String
Dim fileName As String
Dim wrk As Workbook
Dim switchwrk As Workbook
Dim sheet As Worksheet

Dim routine As String
Dim passclient As String

Dim wbname As String
Dim filenamep0 As String
Dim filenamep1 As String
Dim filenamep2 As String

Dim sh As String
Dim shname

wbname = ThisWorkbook.Name
filenamep0 = "BA - Briefcase"
filenamep1 = clientname
filenamep2 = "BA - Tools"

Set wrk = ThisWorkbook

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

directory = CreateObject("wscript.shell").specialfolders("Desktop") & "\" & 
(filenamep0) & "\" & (filenamep1) & "\" & (filenamep2) & "\"

fileName = Dir(directory & "EB_Analyst_Tool - " & filenamep1 & ".xlsm") 

Workbooks.Open (directory & fileName)

Set switchwrk = Workbooks("EB_Analyst_Tool - " & filenamep1 & ".xlsm")

'Sub I'm trying to run from the new workbook before closing the current workbook - Meeting Minutes sub is userform.show
routine = "MeetingMinutes"


'Can't get the right syntax to run the macro from the newly opened workbox
Run "'" & switchwrk.Name & "'!" & routine(passclient)
Application.Run fileName & "!MeetingMinutes"

'Save existing workbook with updated clientlist


'Close current workbook - Everything closes except new opened workbook so i 
need to start the form again.




更新:2/1/21 尝试添加更多代码和图像,以确保我不会错过任何帮助的重要信息。

'Immediately after changeing the Combobox to a different client.

Private Sub cbmmclient_Change()

Dim mmclientname As String

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

mmclientname = cbmmclient


Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub

' SwitchClient is is a subroutine in the Module - FormActions
'With Example1 and 2  i get : Run- Time Error '1004' Cannot run the 
macro'EB_Analyst_Tool - Client.xlsm!MeetingMinutes'. The macro may not be 
available in this workbook or all macros maybe disabled

Sub SwitchClient()

Dim directory As String
Dim fileName As String
Dim wrk As Workbook
Dim switchwrk As Workbook
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Dim total As Integer
Dim routine As String
Dim passclient As String

Dim wbname As String
Dim filenamep0 As String
Dim filenamep1 As String
Dim filenamep2 As String
Dim filenamep3 As String
Dim filenamep4 As String
Dim sh As String
Dim shname
Dim openrng As Range

wbname = ThisWorkbook.Name
filenamep0 = "BA - Briefcase"
filenamep1 = MeetingMinutesForm1.cbmmclient
filenamep2 = "BA - Tools"

Dim prffilename

Set wrk = ThisWorkbook

directory = CreateObject("wscript.shell").specialfolders("Desktop") & "\" & 
(filenamep0) & "\" & (filenamep1) & "\" & (filenamep2) & "\"

'Add the Process List document name here and be able to generate an error if 
the list isn't here and prevent accidental xlm files being loaded
fileName = Dir(directory & "EB_Analyst_Tool - " & filenamep1 & ".xlsm") 
'Requires a Static name to be found and Excel sheets must be name accordingly

' 需要打开文件以获取进程的名称并工作表导入进程数据将成为 Workbooks.Open (directory & fileName) 的一部分' - 这可以为切换的客户端打开正确的工作簿

Set switchwrk = Workbooks("EB_Analyst_Tool - " & filenamep1 & ".xlsm")

'routine = "MeetingMinutes" '- Tried this because I got an error that it 
expected a varible
'switchwrk.Activate ' Tried to make sure the correct workbook was active when 
the code ran.
'wrk.Activate  ' Tried to make sure the correct workbook was active when teh 
code ran.

'Application.Run ("EB_Analyst_Tool - Hawaii - DOT.xlsm! MeetingMinutes") 
'Example 1 I tried to use.

Run switchwrk.Name & "!" & routine, (filenamep1) 'Example 2 I tried to use

'Determine if you want to save the current workbook before closing


'Close current workbook


End Sub

'所附图像显示了打开的工作簿和两个工作簿中的相同 MeetingMinutesForm1。但由于某种原因,它不会从第一个工作簿和表单中打开工作簿和表单。

标签: excelvbauserform



Run switchwrk.Name & "!" & routine, passclient




Application.Run("'" & YourStringVariable & "'!GetUserform")
