首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么我不能在 pPython 的类中腌制嵌套的字典或列表?



# Saving
def save():
    print("As", player.Name, "opens the book, series of names and stats are written throughout the pages...")

    ask = input("Write your name and stats in the book?\n[" + Fore.GREEN + "Y" + Fore.RESET + "]Yes "
                                                                                              "\n[" + Fore.GREEN + "N" + Fore.RESET + "]No\n> ").upper()
    if ask == "Y" or ask == "YES":
        print("(Which Save File will you save into?)")
        print("[" + Fore.GREEN + "1" + Fore.RESET + "]Save_File1")
        print("[" + Fore.GREEN + "2" + Fore.RESET + "]Save_File2")
        print("[" + Fore.GREEN + "3" + Fore.RESET + "]Save_File3")
        print("[" + Fore.GREEN + "4" + Fore.RESET + "]Save_File4")
        save_choice = input('> ')
        if save_choice == '1':
            with open("Save_File1.pkl", "wb") as save_file:
                pickle.dump(player, save_file)  # Creates the file and puts the data into the file
        elif save_choice == '2':
            pickle.dump(player, open('Save_File2.pkl', 'wb'))  # Creates the file and puts the data into the file
        elif save_choice == '3':
            pickle.dump(player, open('Save_File3.pkl', 'wb'))  # Creates the file and puts the data into the file
        elif save_choice == '4':
            pickle.dump(player, open('Save_File4.pkl', 'wb'))
            print('Invalid Command')
            input('> ')
        print("Your progress has been saved!")
        input("> ")


# Loading
def load():
    while True:
     print("( Load a save file )")
     print("[" + Fore.GREEN + "1" + Fore.RESET + "]Save_File1")
     print("[" + Fore.GREEN + "2" + Fore.RESET + "]Save_File2")
     print("[" + Fore.GREEN + "3" + Fore.RESET + "]Save_File3")
     print("[" + Fore.GREEN + "4" + Fore.RESET + "]Save_File4")
     load_choice = input('> ')
     global player
     if load_choice == '1':

         with open("Save_File1.pkl", "rb") as save_file:
            player = pickle.load(save_file)

     elif load_choice == '2':

         player = pickle.load(open('Save_File2.pkl', 'rb'))  # Loads the file

     elif load_choice == '3':

         player = pickle.load(open('Save_File3.pkl', 'rb'))  # Loads the file

     elif load_choice == '4':

         player = pickle.load(open('Save_File4.pkl', 'rb'))  # Loads the File


# Player Stats
class Player(object):
    Name = ""
    Class = ""
    Race = ""
    HP = 0
    MaxHP = 0
    SP = 0
    MaxSP = 0
    BP = 0
    MaxBP = 100
    Power = 0
    Vitality = 0
    Dexterity = 0
    Intelligence = 0
    Perception = 0
    Persona = 0
    XP = 0
    MXP = 50
    Gold = 50
    Lv = 1
    Offence = 0
    Defence = 0
    Base_Offence = 0
    Base_Defence = 0
    Offence_Mod = 0
    Defence_Mod = 0
    Bounty = 0
    Reputation = {"Commoner": 0, "Noble": 0, "Peasant": 0, "Adventurer": 0}
    events = []
    Lang = ["Common"] # This one doesn't Save
    Skills = {}  # This one doesn't Save
    Status_Effects = []
    Key_Items = []
    Health_Potion = 0
    MaxHealth_Potion = 5
    Ether_Potion = 0
    MaxEther_Potion = 5
    Antidote_Potion = 0
    MaxAntidote_Potion = 5
    location = ""
    weapon = ""
    armr = ""

player = Player()



# Player Stats
class Player():
    def __init__(self):
        self.Name = ""
        self.Class = ""
        self.Race = ""
        self.HP = 0
        self.MaxHP = 0
        self.SP = 0
        self.MaxSP = 0
        self.BP = 0
        self.MaxBP = 100
        self.Power = 0
        self.Vitality = 0
        self.Dexterity = 0
        self.Intelligence = 0
        self.Perception = 0
        self.Persona = 0
        self.XP = 0
        self.MXP = 50
        self.Gold = 50
        self.Lv = 1
        self.Offence = 0
        self.Defence = 0
        self.Base_Offence = 0
        self.Base_Defence = 0
        self.Offence_Mod = 0
        self.Defence_Mod = 0
        self.Bounty = 0
        self.Reputation = {"Commoner": 0, "Noble": 0, "Peasant": 0, "Adventurer": 0}
        self.events = []
        self.Lang = ["Common"]
        self.Skills = {}
        self.Status_Effects = []
        self.Key_Items = []
        self.Health_Potion = 0
        self.MaxHealth_Potion = 5
        self.Ether_Potion = 0
        self.MaxEther_Potion = 5
        self.Antidote_Potion = 0
        self.MaxAntidote_Potion = 5
        self.location = ""
        self.weapon = ""
        self.armr = ""

player = Player()


标签: python



