首页 > 解决方案 > Change the Display name of the Bot in the notification of a call


My company registered a Bot with the name CompanyCallBot and we'd like to change the name when the Bot starts calling.

I have an endpoint which creates an online meeting and start inviting participants and Microsoft Teams displays a box with the following information: "CompanyCallBot wants you to join a meeting".

What I'd like to do is to replace the name of the Bot by the Organizer. For example: "Ayane wants you to join to a meeting". The reason is because having the Bot name, the participants don't know who is calling.

A solution could be to set the Subject of the meeting to: Subject = "on behalf of {Organizer's name}" , this way you receives a call with the next display information: "CompanyCallBot wants you to join on behalf of Ayane".

Such approach doesn't work very well in mobiles because you can either receive calls with the following notifications: "Unknow" "Group call" "Group call on behalf of Ayane"

How can I substitute the name of the Bot during the call by the organizer and how to control what it is displayed in mobiles.

标签: microsoft-graph-sdksmicrosoft-graph-teamsmicrosoft-graph-cloudcommunications

