首页 > 解决方案 > Flutter hot reload doesn't work on autosave in VSCode


Flutter hot reloads every time VS Code auto-saves my project before. A few hours ago, I started experiencing this issue where auto-saving doesn't hot-reload my app. Pressing Ctrl+S manually triggers hot reload but auto-saving does not. I've tried re-installing VS Code and Flutter SDK but the problem still exists.

My newly installed VS Code only has the following extensions and settings:

Dart: v3.19.1
Flutter: v3.19.0
Auto-save is set to afterDelay of 1000ms

How do I hot reload when autosaving in vscode? Another person had the same issue two hours ago: https://github.com/Dart-Code/Dart-Code/issues/3110

标签: flutterdartvisual-studio-code


The latest version of Dart & Flutter's VS Code extension is causing the issue.

v3.20 and above: You can enable hot reload on autosave in the latest version by setting Flutter Hot Reload On Save to always in your VSCode settings.

v3.19: They disabled hot reload on autosave completely.

v3.18 and below: The extension hot reloads automatically when auto saving.
