首页 > 解决方案 > 面向上下文的运行时 CDI 限定符(HK2,Guice)


我有兴趣使用 HK2 或 Guice 作为依赖注入框架。我知道@Named,@Qualifier和自定义注释等。但这些都是编译时的。


HK2 或 Guice 中是否有类似的东西或实现此目标的推荐方式?


// I would want to turn this...
public final class Handler
  private final Session session;
  public Handler(@Named("Database") final Session session)
    this.session = session;

// into something like this...
public final class Handler
  private final Session session;
  public Handler(final Session session)
    this.session = session;

// where "session" is injected based on some previous context value ("Database")
// or something to that effect.

标签: javadependency-injectioncdiguicehk2


我最终在HK2中使用了一个名为Operations的功能(链接到文档)。它允许 HK2 的用户定义自定义范围并将它们作为“操作”进行管理。您可以在 HK2 的 github 项目中找到有关如何使用该功能的更详细示例:操作示例



// Create the custom scope annotation.
@Proxiable(proxyForSameScope = false)
@Target({ ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD })
public @interface BatchScope
  public static final BatchScope INSTANCE = new BatchScopeEnvoy();

final class BatchScopeEnvoy extends AnnotationLiteral<BatchScope> implements BatchScope
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 938233179310254573L;

// Create a context used by the HK2 operation feature.
public final class BatchScopeContext extends OperationContext<BatchScope>
  public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope()
    return BatchScope.class;

// Create a class that holds your custom scope data/context.
public final class BatchScopeRuntime
   // ... Arbitrary runtime data here ...
     public SomeData getData()
       return this.data;

// Create a factory that serves up something you want to inject from a custom scope.
public final class DataFactory implements Factory<SomeData>
  private final OperationManager operations;

  public BatchInfoFactory(final OperationManager operations)

    this.operations = operations;

  // The @BatchScope on the provide() method indicates that objects returned 
  // from this factory are in the "BatchScope".
  public IBatchInfo provide()
    final OperationHandle handle = this.operations.getCurrentOperation(BatchScope.INSTANCE);
    final BatchScopeRuntime runtime = (BatchScopeRuntime)handle.getOperationData();

    return runtime.getData();

  public void dispose(final IBatchInfo instance)
    // Do nothing.

// Setup the injector.
public static ServiceLocator createInjector(final String name)
    final ServiceLocator injector = ServiceLocatorFactory.getInstance().create(name);

      new AbstractBinder()
        protected void configure()
           // This creates a "Singleton" factory that provides
           // "SomeData" instances at "BatchScope".
           bindFactory(DataFactory.class, Singleton.class)
    return injector;

// Create a class that needs something in the custom scope.
public final class Foo
  public Foo(final SomeData data)
    System.out.printf("I got: %s%n", data);

// Usage: how to manage the scopes using the operations feature.
final SomeData data = ... // get some data
final BatchScopeRuntime runtime = new BatchScopeRuntime(data); // Setup the runtime information.

// Create an operation handle for the custom scope and associate the custom data with it.
final ServiceLocator injector = createInjector("test");
ServiceLocatorUtilities.addClasses(injector, BatchScopeContext.class, Foo.class);
final OperationManager operations = injector.getService(OperationManager.class);
final OperationHandle<BatchScope> batchScope = operations.createAndStartOperation(BatchScope.INSTANCE);

// Operation/scope is now associated with the current thread.           

// Foo will now be injected with: "data" from above.
final Foo foo = injector.getService(Foo.class);

// Do some work...

// Close the operation (make it go out of scope) on the current thread.
