首页 > 解决方案 > 有没有办法让 IMG 标签上的边距可点击以关闭模式?


我正在使用 W3 学校教程来帮助我处理这个项目中的一些 ui 组件。

现在,图像模式上的边距阻止用户单击图像的侧面以退出模式。除了单击 X 关闭模态框外,我还希望通过单击图像周围模态框的“空白”空间来为用户提供关闭模态框的选项。我图像上的边距阻止该区域可单击以关闭模式。

我可以在我的 css 或 html 中进行哪些更改以允许单击边距以关闭模式?

代码:https ://codepen.io/jkramer25/project/editor/AooxzJ

现场演示:https ://000582278.codepen.website/

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                  <a href="#hammacher-history">
                    <div class="jumplinks-timeline-button">Hammacher History</div>
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                    <h2 class="cd-h-timeline__event-title">1839</h2>
                    <em class="cd-h-timeline__event-date">Hammacher History</em>
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                    <p class="timeline-modal-tip">Click images to enlarge</p>
                    <img class="myImg" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/img.triggermail.io/hammacher/1839_HS_History-100x100_1.jpg" data-large-src="https://storage.googleapis.com/img.triggermail.io/hammacher/1839_HS_History.jpg" alt="Albert Hammacher">
                  <p class="cd-h-timeline__event-description color-contrast-medium"> 
                    Albert Hammacher, the man who would eventually provide half of our company's name, is born on February 16, 1839 in Leichlingen, a town in the North Rhine-Westphalia region of Germany. Hammacher would come to be viewed as one of the leading figures in the hardware industry in the U.S. and Germany during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
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                <p class="cd-h-timeline__event-description color-contrast-medium">
                  United States Army officer George Armstrong Custer is born in Ohio. Custer developed a strong reputation leading Union
                  troops during the Civil War-despite graduating last in his class at West Point-and attained the rank of brigadier
                  general at age 23. After the Civil War, he was dispatched to the west to fight in the Indian Wars. Custer and all the
                  men with him (two of his brothers among them) were killed at the Battle of the Little Bighorn in 1876, in a battle that
                  has come to be known as "Custer's Last Stand."
    <!-- ------------------------SLIDE 2-1841----------------------- -->
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                <div class=timeline-image-flex>
                    <h2 class="cd-h-timeline__event-title">1841</h2>
                    <em class="cd-h-timeline__event-date">Hammacher History</em>
                  <div class="timeline-modal-instruct">
                    <p class="timeline-modal-tip">Click on images to enlarge</p>
                  <img class="myImg"
                    src="https://storage.googleapis.com/img.triggermail.io/hammacher/1841_HS_History-100x100.jpg" data-large-src="https://storage.googleapis.com/img.triggermail.io/hammacher/1841_HS_History.jpg" alt="William Schlemmer">
                <p class="cd-h-timeline__event-description color-contrast-medium">
                  William Schlemmer, whose name will come to be associated with a landmark New York City store and America's
                  longest-running catalog, is born on April 20, 1841 in the Westphalia region of Germany.
    <hr class="timeline-divider">
                <div id="us-history"></div>
                <div class=timeline-image-flex>
                  <em class="cd-h-timeline__event-date">US History</em>
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                <p class="cd-h-timeline__event-description color-contrast-medium">
                  William Henry Harrison served the shortest tenure of any U.S. president, just 32 days, and became the first to die in
                  office. Vice President John Tyler is sworn in as the nation's 10th president on April 4, 1841.
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标签: javascripthtmljquerycssmargin

