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I’m creating an excel spreadsheet that contains the following:

Subtraction of allowance: If bob earn more than $300 as subcontractor his allowance will be reduce by 0,60 cents in each dollar over $300 in his subcontractor earnings.

0,60 * (B4-300) = subtraction

Using Excel, what is the formula to calculate the remaining amount in Bob's student allowance?

I have tried the below, but it doesn't work.

IF B4>300-60% from B6

标签: if-statementexcel-formula



计算 B5 的 IF 函数(从学生津贴中减去的金额)


如果 Bob 的收入超过 300 美元,那么每超过 300 欧元的多人游戏 0.6 美分。否则,减法等于 0 美元。

使用 Excel,计算 Bob 学生津贴中剩余金额的公式是什么?


