首页 > 解决方案 > 我将如何发出命令并且有人使用它来检测他们是否将受限制的单词放入它运行的受限制单词列表中'print(“Language”)'?


所以我正在尝试创建一个命令并且有人使用它,它会检测他们是否在它运行的受限单词列表中放置了一个受限单词 print("Language") 下面是我尝试过的代码:

async def order(ctx, food):
    "This is to make an order to the kitchen, just say d.cook (food) to order"
    await ctx.message.delete
    kitchen = bot.get_channel(806579906095874088)
    waitEmbed = discord.Embed(title="Getting food to the kitchen", description=f"Your order has been placed of {food}, it will be out shortly :)", color=0xA52A2A)
    waitEmbed.add_field(name="From:", value=f"{ctx.message.author.mention}", inline=True)
    orderSendEmbed = discord.Embed(title="Cook food", description=f"Chefs! Cook {food}.", color=0x00ff00)
    orderSendEmbed.add_field(name="Food for:", value=f"{ctx.message.author.mention}", inline=True)
    await ctx.send(embed=waitEmbed)
    await kitchen.send(embed=orderSendEmbed)
    print(f"{ctx.message.author}, used the order command in {ctx.message.channel} and ordered {food}.")
    for word in ctx.message.content:
        if word in RestrictedWords.RestrictedWordsList:

标签: pythondiscord.py



async def order(ctx, food):
    "This is to make an order to the kitchen, just say d.cook (food) to order"
    await ctx.message.delete()
    kitchen = bot.get_channel(<channel_id>)
    waitEmbed = discord.Embed(title="Getting food to the kitchen", description=f"Your order has been placed of {food}, it will be out shortly :)", color=0xA52A2A)
    waitEmbed.add_field(name="From:", value=f"{ctx.message.author.mention}", inline=True)
    orderSendEmbed = discord.Embed(title="Cook food", description=f"Chefs! Cook {food}.", color=0x00ff00)
    orderSendEmbed.add_field(name="Food for:", value=f"{ctx.message.author.mention}", inline=True)
    await ctx.send(embed=waitEmbed)
    await kitchen.send(embed=orderSendEmbed)
    print(f"{ctx.message.author}, used the order command in {ctx.message.channel} and ordered {food}.")
    for word in ctx.message.content.lower().split():
        if word in ['foo', 'bar']: # Replace with your all lowercase RestrictedWordsList


如果没有 split(),for 循环将遍历消息中的每个字符。
