首页 > 解决方案 > 如何修复 fetch() 方法引发的无法获取错误?


我在 localhost 上有一个单独的基本 nodejs 服务器和一个单独的前端。

当我在服务器离线时尝试获取时,fetch()抛出failed to fetch * 错误。因此,为此,我尝试通过检查响应来处理或捕获该错误。好的,喜欢

if (!response.ok) throw Error(response.statusText)


if (!response.ok) return console.log(response.statusText)


export interface 
CommunicatorParameter {
  endUrl: string;

interface ErrorResponse {
  message: string;

interface V01List {
  tittle: string;
  url: string;

type V01ListData = Array<V01List>;
type ReleasedVersionsResponse = Array<string>;
type CurrentVersionResponse = string;

interface SuccessResponse{
  data: V01ListData | ReleasedVersionsResponse | CurrentVersionResponse ;

export type ServerResponse = SuccessResponse | ErrorResponse;
export type CommunicatorResponse = SuccessResponse['data'];


interface SuccessResponse{
  data: V01ListData | ReleasedVersionsResponse | CurrentVersionResponse ;
// fetchDataFromServer.ts

// these are type and interfaces.
import { CommunicatorParameter, ServerResponse, CommunicatorResponse } from "./declarations/index.js";

// These are helper functions
import { buildValidURL, checkForBadResponse } from "./helpers/index.js";

export async function fetchDataFromServer({ endUrl }: CommunicatorParameter): Promise<CommunicatorResponse> {
  const fullURL = buildValidURL(endUrl);
  const response = await fetch(fullURL, {
    method: 'GET'
  const jsonParsedData = <ServerResponse>await response.json();
//This function simply checks response and throws an error if the response is not ok.
  checkForBadResponse(response, jsonParsedData);
// Here I am doing this because if I return from try/catch or if statement the return type of function does not match and typescript complain about that. I don't think it is a good way to do it. But don't know how to do it.

  return ('data' in jsonParsedData) ? jsonParsedData.data : [];


// fetchCurrentVersion.ts

import { fetchDataFromServer } from "../services/fetchDataFromServer.js";

export async function fetchCurrentListVersion() {
  const END_URL = "/current_version";
  try {
    const response = await fetchDataFromServer({ endUrl: END_URL });

// Here I am checking the type of response/data which is returned by communicator as my need, see the interface SuccessResponse data key.

    if (typeof response === 'string') {
      return response;
  } catch (error) {
  // fallback return value;
  return "v0.0";


标签: javascriptnode.jstypescript

