首页 > 解决方案 > How to import a JSON file into postgresql databse?


I just tried to read a .JSON file in my PostgreSQL database but it is not able to read it. I did it with a .csv file, but with a .JSON file, I am not able to do it.

This is how the .JSON file looks like:


This is the code that I tried, I created the table first and then copy the data from the file into the database.

create table notifies(
    s varchar(999),
    p varchar(999),
    j varchar(999),
    qty varchar(999)

copy public.notifies(s,p,j,qty)
from 'C:\temp\spj.json';

标签: sqljsonpostgresql


您可以将您的这个 json 文件导入到一个临时表中,然后从那里填充该表notifies。例如:

创建一个 tmp 表..

CREATE TABLE tmp (c text);

tmp..使用COPY ..将您的 json 文件导入表中

mydb=# \copy tmp from 'C:\temp\spj.json'


INSERT INTO notifies 
SELECT q.* FROM tmp, json_to_record(c::json) AS q
 (s text, p text, j text, qty int);

SELECT * FROM notifies;

 s  | p  | j  | qty 
 S1 | P1 | J1 | 200
 S1 | P1 | J4 | 700
 S2 | P3 | J1 | 400
 S2 | P3 | J2 | 200
(4 Zeilen)



编辑json_populate_record:正如@Jeremy 所建议的,一个非常优雅的替代方案是使用。谢谢!请参阅下面的评论。

INSERT INTO notifies 
SELECT q.* FROM tmp, json_populate_record(null::notifies, c::json) AS q;

SELECT * FROM notifies ;
 s  | p  | j  | qty 
 S1 | P1 | J1 | 200
 S1 | P1 | J4 | 700
 S2 | P3 | J1 | 400
 S2 | P3 | J2 | 200
(4 Zeilen)
